Magna Germania Und Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation - - - History Thread - The Many Manly Men of History, War and Civilizations

Yep. :grinning:

Also, :fr: + :de: = :eu:

I’m so sleepy…

Have a Good Night - and I wish a Good Night (or Day) to Everyone Reading. :pray:

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Why you use the word “Jihad”, blaming Muslims ?

Whats your intention?

If anything that was a compliment

Talking about my beard, at least I think, but you can tell me what you think was my intention


Jihad word irritates Muslim Community…
As I believe we shouldn’t write such words

Nothing more

Yogi’s beard

I will stop writing, no more discussion please

Jihad is mentioned in four places in the Qur’an


No more discussion on this topic please

I guess it’s fair enough

I have never seen nor met a yogi in my life, maybe Sadhguru´s videos :thinking:

When’s the last time I saw a priest with a beard… hmm… never.

Muslims man, I’d say many if not most of the ones I know are clean shaven. Including many I haven’t l’ai has the Kings.

But people will easily think Talibans and ISIS, that was a thing and many people joined.

The « funny » (not to everybody) part was that so few people had beard at the time, that not shaving and growing a beard was seen as a sign of radicalization and people would look at you funny, wondering.

If anything there is a lot I like about Islam and middle easterners but I’ll keep in mind not to offend your feelings :ok_hand:

No more Taliban jokes.

I won’t if you won’t but if you say something in public, in general you have to accept the replies.


I haven’t disrespected you, I told you I would change the way I speak based on your words.

Are you threatening me ?


Apparently yes

It’s up to you

No, you threatened me, clear as day. Own it

I treated you with respect, I answered many of your questions before, I accepted not to use words that offend you.

Now you threaten me.


I want peace and happiness in our lifes… :pray:

Then why you threaten me ?


Don’t take my words negatively

That’s what you did and that’s why you replied to me on two separate threads.

Then you threatened me.

You can admit and we’ll stop here

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I’m sorry doctor


monopolizing words… insanity…, i admire your patience Dr_Manhattan , and for others that get offended really fast i advise the estrogen reducing field


:skull_and_crossbones: :rofl:


Greeks starting from Zeno to the emperor Marcus Aurelius.

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First time reading, I didn’t understood the sentence, since I thought about Zeno, the Emperor (I assumed he was Greek, found out just moments ago that he was Saurian and he spoke that extinct language as his first language), then, I found out (again, I assume) that it’s about Zeno, the one after whom are called/named the Zeno’s paradoxes (all Wikipedia - usually it’s my first choice, quite fast, accessible, mostly accurate) (?), while for Marcus Aurelius, I knew he was quite the philosopher, and that he was educated in the Greek language (besides Latin), but I didn’t realized the extent of Greek influence in his life (or the fact that he had more Greek tutors than latin ones, actually he had one latin tutor), until moments ago (blitzkrieg research or rather blitz research, to exclude the krieg part).

Any particular reason why you chose to mention these two (just curious)?
Also, Thanks for the reply and for Making me study (a little bit). :grinning: