Magnetic Mindsets and Aura Programs

I am cultivating energy for this intention to fulfill NOW. As it affects at large. Iโ€™ll throw my intention in 2 or 3 days. Then let know how things went :blush:


Lucky in loving relationships x3 per day is helping me attract a lot more romance into my life that Iโ€™ve noticed. It seems to add a whole new aspect of magnetism and resonance that wasnโ€™t there before. It works very well with Lucky Loved Up Life.

Quantum love 1 x 2-3
AUD x 3
LLUP x 3


That is true, the lucky in loving relationship and lucky loved up life attracts love.

Not sure if I have results yet from Magnetic Man tho



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Attract Your Desire? lol


Here rainy season already started before I do anything :grinning:

Light rain, heavy storms and the fragrance of sand ,all are here.


any reviews/testimonials on this?

Do not forget Soul Tribe

Any updates on this series?

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Just finished the interview, I will try this and hope to get admission


All the best, @Hauru also Hand of Glory :blush: :mechanical_arm:




This is a very underrated albumโ€ฆ need some luck with a project now. Forgot Aura of Opportunity, thatโ€™s what we need sometimes, a door to just break open to give us a push :cowboy_hat_face: beautiful concept, beautiful album :heart:


the law of dominant desire.

It says that a stronger emotion will always dominate a weaker one. Every idea you perceive is the beginning of a manifestation. Although all ideas are not expressed in reality, it doesnโ€™t matter which idea you consciously favor or even know to be desirable. The stronger emotion will nullify the weaker ones and the strongest emotion will begin to permeate all aspects of your activities as an example. If you are emotionally focused upon the sexual desirability of a particular person, you may begin to create circumstances in many life areas which will increase the likelihood of an eventual sexual union

The law of commitment

when you become clear or on your intent, making a decision and obligating yourself to a task or a belief. Everything begins to fall into place if your direction is in harmony with the universe, as it relates to your purpose, now, once you have pledged this direction, things begin to happen almost magically as if you were a magnet drawing into your experience that which is needed for manifestation. The key to this ultimate power is to have no indecisiveness at all and the greater your emotional desire, the more power you will give to those on the other side. Who can assist you and the more rapidly the manifestation

the law of belief

it says you can have anything you want. If you can give up the belief that you canโ€™t have it as long as what you want doesnโ€™t conflict with someone elseโ€™s belief. As an example, if you desire or fulfilling growth-oriented one-to-one relationship but demand it to be with a particular person, you are not operating in harmony with the universe as another example in the area of accomplishment, you must leave the education necessary to create what you want. So this is the area on what you to focus your desirous energy

the law of ritual

It says that any act performed repeatedly. What specific intent becomes a right each time the ritual is repeated. His power is enhanced in three ways. First, by focusing on the intent, the performer intensifies, the power of his mind to control reality. Second, the performer gives permission to his guides and those on the other side to assist him in the desired manifestation and third, each performance of the right draws upon the energy of all who have used the right throughout all as an example and using the pentacle right of protection. The performer draws upon the energy of people over the centuries who have used this right to ward off negativity. Thus the power is increased many fold all right.

maybe this can help you become aware apply them.


If I am a man, can I listen to โ€œTHE MAGNETIC MANโ€ and โ€œTHE MAGNETIC LADYโ€ together?

Is this a good idea?

Thank you.

You can if you want to.

Are you purely masculine are you a mixed of masculine and feminine features/attributes/makeup? Why neglect a part of you simply because you are majority made up of the other.

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@Zen I understand the balance of masculine and feminine energy and I like it.

But if I am a man and I want to attract women, is it better to ONLY use MAGNETIC MAN? Or listen to both?

How will women see me with both energies?

How can they perceive me?

Confusion among women for having both?

Thanks for your help.

so you have both Masculine and Feminie in you, correct?
you donโ€™t want both those quality to be magnetic to the women you seek to attract attention from?

the same why most woman can sense an insecure boy.