Magnetic Mindsets and Aura Programs

Tak :smiley:

Hey, wssup? How’s experience with it?

Hey dude, it was great, it’s exactly as what the description mentions man

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It was hot outside while I was listening to this then I thought how wonderful it would be if wind starts blowing lol and after hour or so, the weather changed to windy :laughing:


Wow. Head turning. Like intensely and unhidden. Only the wanted.

Edit: Ok, but also my attitude/mood/vibe/behaviour was a lot different. One could call it β€˜Attractive’, natural, relaxed, fun – not β€˜artificial’ (pretending), but as a matter of fact, not-pretending, walls down, unafraid, something that was already inside of me that I have experienced previously – unconstricted. I β€˜went for it’, balance of subtlety and in-your-face, flirty, light – and I got the same kind of response back from β€˜whom’ had also previously behaved constricted. I love letting my feminine flag fly.
Thank you, Captain.

Note: I’ve had these in my playlist for a couple of days.


Review of magnetic man.
First of all it is a powerful field not to be misused and 3-4 loop is good.if you excessively loop it you will not handled its will start shaking.
This audio also changes mindset for a particular time and if I compare this mindset with modern definition this is of Sigma male.focused on your work not giving shit to anybody.alone this mindset is attractive.but this also infuse your aura with masculine energy.
I had a incidence recently.
I went to restaurant and when the waiter came to me to serve food literally he was shaking.literally he was very uncomfortable.and most men that are insecure may find you overwhelming.and girls will eye on you.they will love you.the best attraction field till date
My last take.
If you use this field please dress nicely,take bath,grooming well and try to speak eloquentely.
You will shine.
Field will do it’s effect.but you have to put some self efforts.


This is the first report of the attraction aspects of this field very interesting indeed. It makes me wonder what the female energy effects would have because sapiens said you could use both, maybe its like a balance of Ying and yang. Maybe you can try out the female to see its effects, I will def put this on my playlist and see what happens. This field kind of gives golden glow with androstanol vibes from the reaction of others.


For how long should i listen to attract your desire in order to get visible progress?

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Results vary by person. Try meditating with it and stay open to input = thoughts and feelings that arise. Make it a voyage of discovery rather than a looking for results. Dream’s fields work, we know that. Our part is to become more receptive by really opening up to the process and staying aware.


@Rosechalice Patreon Premium or Basic Subscription?

Thank you.


looks like the $4.50 tier



As Rose specified, by meditating you can give a precise indication to the desire; in other words, in my opinion, thinking or visualizing your desire as it is that makes your heart rejoice just by thinking about it, is the right propellant to attract it. When you feel that excitement rising that brings you joy and happiness, you have already done an important part of the work, and if it concerns an object, even the simple search on the web while listening to this can be an alternative to meditation.
Just some ideas.


Last Thursday, I was at the barbershop, and my barber did something he had never done before: he asked if I had just left the gym. I mean, I always go in and out of there quietly, and we never talk, but that day he seemed to want to talk to me. Only… I was silent and curt.


Would the masculine aura work similarly to androstenol in that it only has an outwards effect on others or would consistent use result in the development of masculine traits?


Just to leave a small testimony from the Attract your Desire field. I listened to the audio while repeating my intention in my mind, and last night I dreamed exactly what I had decreed in the afternoon.
It was a very vivid and fulfilling dream.


I’ll summon rain with attract your desire field


You can pair that with :cloud_with_rain: :umbrella:


Certainly do :hugs:
I like the natural feeling of rain Drops :cloud_with_rain:;)


Do you mind sharing your experience with it?