Mahakala - Private Project

Hello everyone i’m still looking for at least one person who wants a copy of this revived project

Mahakala – The Force of Dissolution

To become a kaleshwara, a master of time and death

Mahākāla in Sanskrit means mahā “great” and kāla “time/death”, which means “beyond time” or death.

Mahakala is a dimension of Shiva, or that which is not.

Shiva was known as Mahakal, the ultimate destoyer of enemies and bad elements. There is absolutely nothing beyond him, no element or time or any other dimension.

For those who are seeking absolute liberation, the dimension that we refer to as Mahakala is of paramount importance.

Physicality exists only because of cyclical movements. The entire spiritual aspiration is to attain mukti or ultimate liberation. That means you want to transcend the physical, or in other words, you want to transcend the cyclical nature of existence and the repetitive process of life. That, in turn, means transcending compulsiveness. This is a journey from compulsiveness to consciousness.

Once you move from compulsiveness to consciousness, you shift from the limited experience of Time as cyclical movement of physical existence to the experience of Time beyond the limitations of physicality. In other words, you experience Time as Mahakala. Mahakala is the lap in which creation happens. Even huge galaxies are only small specks in the vastness of the empty Space. This emptiness is Mahakala.

In this vast cosmos, over ninety-nine percent is emptiness. As long as you are involved with limited specks of creation, you experience Time as cyclical movement, which we refer to as samsara. If you transcend samsara, you are vairagya, which means you have become transparent, free from the compulsive nature and the cyclical movement of life. This freedom from the cyclical movement of life is mukti or absolute liberation. You become free from the physical. It propels you to your ultimate liberation.

Mandala + Audio






Perfect timing! :blush:

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Maybe one or even two more who knows…


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Yes I’m interested

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Can you please close this thread :pray:

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