Making a dream workout playlist

Hey there fellow travellers,

So, we have fantastic audios available on gumroad related to work out and getting jacked/shredded.

Can you please advise, if I were to buy majority of them for example:

20E Pepper
Arms Jacked/Shredded
Chest & Back
Legs Shredded
Muscle Beyond Limits
The acquisition of abdominal definition
Blessings of saint biceps

Could you please help me the order I shall listen to them and how many times?

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Always wondered whether there is a life hack stack for muscles for the couch potatoes :rofl: :rofl:

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I have to say the quick and easy muscle cheat


Def there are.

All the automated ones on youtube are *insert french kiss.

There are:

automated cardio, automated workout, automated uppder body, automated leg, and now adding the thigh fat and belly burner… total couch potato cheat code brother!