Malignes Melanom/Cancer Advice

Hey people, I think I might need some help with something

So it seems I have malignes melanom, type of skin cancer and man, if you can recommend me which fields I should listen to and overall what to avoid, this would help a lot.

This Cancer comes probably from the time I smoked, I started with 14 and smoked till 20. I’m 22 now.
The Malignes Melanom is on my penis skin, at the beginning of the penis.

Its there like since 4-5 years already and at first I didnt really bother, I just thought hey its something that will go away anyways and I didnt really knew it was a type of cancer back then, found out like 3 months ago and started to use Anti Cancer Treatment, not seeing any results tbh, every day 1hour of Anti Cancer so yeah, today I had the realization and accepted that I might actually be really fucked if I dont do something. So here I am. I would appreaciate any tip you can give me.

The cancer overall doesnt seem to be harmful, the skin is just darker, I saw some progress in skin getting ligter but I dont know which fields caused it, I had a night playlist with 8 hours of playtime so I dont really know which field it was that helped the cancer to die/heal.
It doesnt hurt or anything but its there.

Thank you


I’m really sorry to hear that man. I hope the others here have alternative ideas about what other fields could help. Have you gone to the doctor about it yet? If so, what did they say?

@ryantraveling you may be able to help?


No Doctor yet, I wait 2 more months, if no results by then Ill go see a doctor.

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Go see a doctor before it gets too late. Skin cancer can usually be dealt with properly when it is low stage.

What you’re saying is kind of like, “I’m not using a knife to chop vegetables as long as I can use a field to chop vegetables.” Can it be done? Maybe it takes a lot longer than just holding up a knife and cutting it into pieces in a few seconds.

Is it because you are worried about the cost, or that you are afraid of receiving a diagnosis? You shouldn’t be afraid at your age, go get it checked out. At least you’ll get a peace of mind if it’s a benign thing.


You should go to a doctor so they can check it out with a microscope. I seriously doubt that you’ve got it because of 4 years of smoking.
It probably is just a benign skin change.
How are your lymphnodes?
And I agree with @ryantraveling go to doctor as soon as you can.


How do you know you have cancer? Have you been diagnosed?


I dont seem to have lymphnodes, at least not any that are visible
I am feeling fine, no pain or anything else

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Good! But please go see a doctor!:smile:


Yes, go see a doctor as soon as possible.
And cut out everything in your playlists that doesn´t aid in treating this condition.


I’m sorry to hear that, my buddy.

Please, visit a doctor. The fields are great aid, but no need to use psychic power to walk on a river if you can use a boat, as @ryantraveling said.

When the things are properly diagnosed, you can use the fields for faster recovery.

May you heal quickly and and be blessed with great health.


In addition to the advice in this thread, please try the new Plasma field.

Please see the posts below and the Plasma field thread for best listening guidelines and use the field gently at first until you’ve calibrated what you can personally handle.

From the Plasma Protocol thread (a different set of fields):


As others have pointed out…U DO NOT have a diagnosis of Melanoma. U are diagnosing yourself, (probably using “doctor google”) which is always a terrible idea! See a doctor right now, they will evaluate it and excise it, send it to pathology and then U will get a diagnosis and further treatment if needed. Supplement with fields are a great idea but DO NOT wait 2 months before seeing a qualified health care provider.
(Retired Oncology Nurse @ major Cancer Center in N.Y.C.)




could you please clarify as to what you meant by regular plasma field and plasma protocol

The plasma protocol is a complex set of treatment composed of 3 tracks
Plasma combo 1 which target the muscles, nervous system and joints - cartillage.
Plasma combo 2 target all the internal organs
Plasma combo 3 target skin, hair follicules and blood circulation.

Plasma protocol is a paid audio is available on Gumroad

The regular plasma light and bioactive beach is free and available on youtube and pateron

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okiiiiii. thank uuuuuuuuuuu