Mandala question

Hello I printed the Michael Mandala and kept it in my pocket, the image got bended in my pocket and it looks like this

Is it ok ? Or its damaged?

It looks okay to me. Better, if you can laminate it.



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Always search around the forum before starting a new thread. I found this by just typing in the search bar “mandala damage” :


I feel the field just fine so you’re good :slight_smile: Also, maybe you know this already, but fields grow with time. I’ve printed new fields that weren’t nearly as strong as mandalas that were damaged but had been printed for a while. But yes, as was said, laminating is the way to go as was very clear to me after leaving a few in pockets that went in the wash :joy:

I’m on the fence about this one, as new threads around old posts or messages can yield new answers, as we’ve been experimenting for longer and have new data. But I do agree with you that it’s best to search first so the results of that search may be included in the post, making for a more complete new one to go on. Until the next one hahahah

About the field in every pixel theory, as far as I know, it hasn’t been confirmed. I’ve definitely had mandalas that didn’t feel as strong after heavier damage, so I’m not entirely sure if it’s the case. Could be that I don’t feel the field as much because of a limiting belief I had at the time though :thinking:


Thank you for your reply , I will follow your advice and do a search on the forum first from now on.


Is this a good way of carrying the mandala when I’m out ? Or I have to phisically keep it in me it can’t be in the wallet ?

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That’s fine. Having it in the wallet in your pocket you have it on you, so it’s all good.


Until I get it printed in color, can I use a mandala (NFT) in black and white and still get effects? Thank you.

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