Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

According to results/experience of the field (not the description), how this is different from the old chakra series from Gumroad?

I’m considering to save some money and buy it, but does it have long term results or something after long term use of it?

I’ve seen old chakra field results fading after a few hours. Even after listening for weeks/months. I dunno if it is a personal issue or something to do with the field.

I’d like to have my chakras more open and balanced like I’ve seen some people that seem to naturally navigate the world and other people with their sacral/root/plexus/heart/throat more open and balanced without the use of any field.

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Does it clear past unconscious trauma stored in organs/muscles surrounding organs for chakra areas?

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This feels much more powerful to me, I feel the changes stacking after every listen, each time going deeper, and this one really pushes growth like it says in the description
you can buy one at a time too


Yes i notice it.

However As i said earlier in this thread, i believe this chakra series embark you on a personal journey, like there are not specific effects that can be generalized other than the ones stated in the description.

How i see/feel the difference between these audios and the old ones is that the old ones assist the body and mind in getting a healthy you more balanced overall affecting of course whatever is in each area they are located (physical effect)

I agree with you that by the daily weathering the effects fade away, which i think its normal, just like when you take your car for full maintenance oil change and put gas. It is not for ever, altho imo they leave a pathway to connect to other SM fields better. Like if there was a base energy that hooks and absorbs the energy of other fields to help integrating better. That doesnt go away if you have played the audios at least 3 months.

The third eye chakra as well, i mean once you are “awake” cant change that.

These new ones tho i def feel them per my experience as way beyond the body. Like anchored to the soul like if the whole you however you exist now, plus your soul, plus whatever other forms you might have or had in whatever other dimension and time was to have "chakras’ … these audios feel like they work on all of them. I also feel they connect you upwards in a line from inside the earth to the root to crown all the way up not ending.
But also like if you were laying down and all the chakras where connected below and above at the same time as well. I guess thats the torus effect mentioned in the description.

So in that sense, thats why i think the journey and the effects are very personal, these audios only mentioned 8 points but i feel they line from the crown to up crosses all the other chakras too, the akashic records etc and also between the root one and the core of the earth, so its your whole story from ever, now and for ever being transformed, and connected in harmony for your evolution.

That expansion far and beyond is the Mandelbrot effect after all

My absolutely personal experience, therefore i can only encourage you to try and see what unfolds for you.

Also for what you shared, i invite you to read through the Crucible Series and see if you would want to try them before or at least the Crucible of Stored Traumas and see if it resonates to your story and decide to try that one first.


It is great to know that!

Thanks for the detailed explanation.


Loved all the ones ive got so far!


Some updates with usage:

I started with just the root cause (see earlier post).
Since then I gone through all except the blessed crown.
Primal urges really helped with sexual trauma, as well as any notions of lust. Members of the “opposite” sex also just felt more comfortable in closer proximity. I felt more balanced; my distribution of weight was more evenly distributed between my left and right sides of my body after playing. I also feel less overpowered by people when socially interacting…like taking in less of their being - may essence of where they’re at.

Eyes by three, feels clearer in my forehead and head area after use. More balanced and symmetrical in the spin. Feels more wholesome and less busy now.

Heart throbbing is fun. Just warmth and love. I had done some heart work and practices through qi gong before, so kind of accentuates that. Just calmer and more at peace there.

Solar plexus. Just solid. I’m sure this could help a lot of people with areas such as self worth, identify, or even digestion.

Song of the core. The last one I’ve gotten around to. This feels like directly in the center of my abs. Midpoint below the solar plexus and above the waist. Just feeling more centered here.

With all of them so far, I feel like a lot of energy has seamlessly & elegantly been unblocked. And then even tuned up. Physically as well I’ve probably lost some weight and just feel lighter & easier all around. Especially with song of the core. Easy to say but the difference and noticing is quite remarkable. Kind of like an ultimate energetic health. A solid base and foundation to work with. I feel this set is really special.


These audios are the real deal. Right now I have the root cause and primal urges, and in a short time they have drastically changed me for the better.

The root cause gave me real stability, like I could physically stand more stable without any wobbles to the side or anything like that. It gave me a feeling of comfort and security. It made me feel safe and like I belong in my body, I don’t have to run from anything. It also grounded my energy where it felt like I got glued to the ground, and it created a good base for me. I don’t feel as jumpy anymore, just a sense of belonging.

The primal urges immediately made me smile, upon playing it, I just had a sigh of relief and it was like “this is what I’ve needed”. after 2 loops I felt such a warm joy in my navel area, I hadn’t felt this way in almost my whole life. I felt so open to the world, it feels like it brought back a joy to be alive. The same day I got this, i felt so Social, I was talking to people about anything, I no longer feel alienated from the people around me.


Why do I get better vision when doing the solar plexus one ?

Colours are more clear.


Because each chakra is linked with some/a sensory organ(s)/senses, in case of Manipura it is the eyes/eyesight, thus your eyesight is improving as well (I read this in a healer’s book some time ago); first chakra is smell, second is taste, the third is vision, etc.

Of course, chakras are linked with their corresponding body areas, organs, etc. as well, thus the third chakra is aiding digestion as well.


:astonished: :eyes:

This forum is such a learning experience 24/7! My sense of smell has always been weak and just recently I noticed it has gotten a lot better. I thought it was all the healing fields in general… this option never, ever crossed my mind. Thanks for the aha! of the day, @SoulStar33


You’re Welcome, My Friend. :pray:


Finally 8/8 downloaded.


What is your pattern of listening? do you listen to one for a certain period and then move on to the next one or do you listen to all of them at once?

Previously posted

The last few times I did 2 to 3 of them as a small set.

Haven’t gotten to the blessed crown yet. Don’t think I’ll do it for a while though. I’m still working with the base chakras.

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What is your opinion / experience on the time we should give to one audio? I mean should I listen to one audio for one month and then move to next one?

We use measurements (of time) because a numerical value is commonly identifiable, and makes it easier to communicate and be precise. A person’s experience though, is highly “subjective.” There are so many nuances to it, and plenty of variation in how a person is working with a field. Also the ways they are not working with a field. As in closed off or not in their awareness.

With that, there are different intentions, experiences that a person is creating. I’ve seen many people approach this as having some sort of issue in their life and using fields to address that. Or commonly some goal they would like to achieve. Or a dream realized.

Some its more about a lifestyle, like being physically fit, e.g. body, brain, attraction, etc. Or living a more “spiritual path” of growth, stages of positive change, or cycles of transformation.

Opinion is based on intention, or type of experience one is aligning with in creating with a field. What comes to mind/heart/body here with the Mandelbrot Symphony?

Experience, I think at least 99.9% of people wouldn’t be able to do what I do with fields. I say that based on astrology, upbringing, life encounters, and lifelong practices before discovering this world about a few years ago.

It’s possible to work with a field for 2 seconds and get all the results (and more) of what you’re looking for. Some fields are played every day for years, and continued to be played.

Part of it is identifying the outcome, or a way of living. Another part of it is learning how to tune in with your guides, or guidance.

So, questions to ask yourself to better answer, what’s your intention/goal/outcome with the Mandelbrot Symphony? Or. What kind of lifestyle/way of living/experience are you choosing for yourself in relation to the Mandelbrot Symphony?

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As to identifying how one is working with a field, I’m considering offering a service that includes astrology, psychology, metaphysics, and energy sensitivity for that. The idea is learning how one personally works with energy. Would include working more effectively and efficiently with fields too.


i’m seriously considering to buy the whole mandelbrot series.

last night i smoked pot on a party and noticed that i wasn’t able to stand on the ground, like i was floating and i couldn’t move properly because of this feeling of lack of stability, and it was because the pot intensified some feelings of insecurity and not being able to stand my ground properly.

i played the old base & sacral audio for 20 minutes and suddendly i was feeling more secure and able to walk again very stable.

i hope this series is even more powerful than the old.


It’s much more powerful and really builds over time.