Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Well I’ve been using fields since I was around 10. For around a decade. So… that should answer your question
Yes, it’s safe.

People also worry about using them on babies but honestly nothing bad would happen to them (as long as the field is neutral like unconditional love etc.), I mean it’s not like encouraged either but no harm would occur, especially if its not long term usage.

(obviously use common sense)

Is this collection one that you would need to put in a stack? Or would listening to them all in one go be enough?

People talk about looping fiekds like these as they sleep, but that doesnt invoke a stack so ir confuses me a bit.

Thankyou :)

If i understand your question/comment correctly,

You can make stacks to loop with different fields like this:

Audio 1 x 3 or 4 times
Audio 2 x 3 or 4
Audio 3 x 3 or 4
Audio 4 x 3 or 4

Etc like you repeat the same field x times you want it to be played followed by the next field x times you want it played etc. Until you make your stack that can last 3 to 4 hours.

Or you can do it like this:

Audio 1 x 1 time
Audio 2 x 1
Audio 3 x 1
Audio 4 x 1

Then put it on repeat so it goes from audio 1 to 4 then start again 1 to 4 for the whole night until you stop it

I personally would throw in some that would like prime my energy systems and one that would integrate the repeated ones for example:

Aura repair or PONR or Energy Blockage Removal or Ego Dissolution or SLR or QKA x 1 or 2 times.
Then the list like the 1st option i showed you then at the end, maybe grounding or accu-acumaton or KQ.

So it ends up a little longer like a stack.

I hope i made myself clear lol

Like for instance, 1st example i have like this full how i want it to be played 1 time from beginning to end:

But i also have some that look like option 2:
That i play on repeat for say 1 hour or 2 or the whole night


I wonder if the Third Eye one decalcifies the pineal? I thought the old ajna/crown did but i looked at the description and it does’nt say. What whould a fully decalcified pineal be like?



Where did you get bone shaker? It is not on patreon

I bought it on Sound Wave

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Perfect my friend!

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I’m working with these one at a time. So no stacks.

I just play one field, notice and integrate the change.

Small update with playing the Root Cause:

After playing it several times this past week, it feels like the previous state of a ‘damaged’ root chakra was like a dream. It felt very ephemeral, and now fleeting. Like I ‘woke up’ from that state and having a more healed root has always been the ‘normal’ state of being. Freeing, liberating, I suppose.


Ahh i think you understood him better.

In that case, i agree with @benign_polaris @Kindfulness1

I tried these one or 2 at at time for a few days once i had them all i played them together and then sometimes i loop only 1 or 2 of them not always the whole set together and also sometimes with the 3 treasures ones in between them

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The descriptions along with the example for how you loop and stack things is very helpful.
Personally I’d get lost with what’s going on and feel more scattered without “getting to know” a field first.

But ultimately I think I would play them all 1x as a stack/set.

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It’s a neat question to ask yourself and find answers too.
I can write a bit about my experience through anecdote and analogy.

An ‘event’ or like an informal rite of passage was drinking this bluish-purple Egyptian herb in a tea. I don’t remember if it was a lotus, flower or root. It was at a “spiritual” cafe that I coincided with while traveling. My forehead felt like having an eye being opened, and somewhat released. I had been doing informal third eye work for years before though. Felt very mystical/magical. Like what those words (actually) mean rather than people’s general use of them.

In analogy. I like contrasting sense and intuition. Seeing sense wise: sharper details, more depth perception, higher contrast of colors, noticing where an object begins and ends. Looking at the present form.
Intuition: looking at what was and could be, essence in motion.

It’s feels a little weird sharing this since it is an event and experiences that seamlessly happened. Like there wasn’t effort or something that I was seeking out, or even a narrative for how to be in the world. Just aligning with one’s natural rhythm.


Up date : eyes by 3 … im feeling energy in head as slowly moving I think :thinking: :speech_balloon: this should help with Brain tumor …

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I grew up as Catholic but then kinda found my own path into lets say a concoction of religions and then just felt like if i had a free card to participate in any one if feel at each time… or none.

Ive always had a theory from very young that i share every time i see it suitable (nothing real or confirmed just my perception about God I made up when i was a child)

When i hear people saying:

“I keep praying to God but i guess he doesnt listen to me” and things of that nature.

I say:

“Just imagine God is the CEO of a huge company, with thousands of employees, he/she could certainly do everything, but he/she chose to have a lot of different depts and within each dept there is a hierarchy with sub depts and each one is in charge of something”

“Do you try to reach the busy CEO where you work to ask for something? Is he/she the 1st option you try?
No right? You go to your immediate boss and ask, and if the boss does not help then you start escalating, or perhaps it definitely is the CEO the one you want to reach, but for him/her even tho he/she appreciates all the employees, you are relatively unknown… unless of course you have done so much good for the company you have gained merits to stand out from the crowd. Otherwise an email from you or a call more than likely would not be answered”. You then go through all the bosses by levels until they get through for you.

There is something i have experienced myself and that i do think is real (in my reality) there is a moment, perhaps what feels like a blink of an eye, seconds of magic where I feel God’s eyes or whatever I believe him/her to be are on me, and i know that i gotta take advantage of that small moment to connect and talk to him because at that moment he listens to me fully. I ask and i get the answer on what to do, to get or solve x y z. And then his eyes move to the next one…

If i do what i have to then ill get what i want, if i dont or i mess up… i have to wait a whole cycle of him/her watching around until the eyes find me again.

Sadly i had felt that divine infinite connection that i know is with the all only like 3 or 4 times in my life. It always happened around 5am. Ive tried so many times in so many ways to be in that space with It/Him/Her alone again, ive tried to follow all i did on those occasions the focus was on me to not avail… nothing has ever felt compared to what ive felt in those moments, closest time was when i first played The Light of Savitur, but still it wasnt the same.

I feel like a teen in love typing this: Crown of the Blessed is starting to feel like that!! Like if a path was developing a shimmering light building and strengthening from my crown to “IT” everything is different in that space. like if i had been given the personal phone number of that CEO, a hallway straight up to “IT”

I have not dialed yet, i feel shy, child like nervous that my exciment would make me clumsy and i would not know what to say the moment i hear he/she/it has answered.

But its there. Its very much there getting stronger as the days pass,while im just here pondering how those convos will manifest and when it will happen.

If you have reached this far… i hope you find that hallway and i hope you get this audio.



How’s everyone’s experience with heart throbbing been?

Only my first experience that i shared here:

After that just being an open vault without fear, specially as an empath we always tend to shield and cocoon our heart at every moment, which is sad since the most beautiful quality of an empath is the powerful far reaching light we exude from it to reach everybody and everywhere without having to actively do anything… and we have to close it off to protect ourselves.

And in general, empath or not, we all start closing off the heart after heart breaks, disappointments etc but a lot of times or a lot of people dont even realize it, and the thing is love, of all types specially the unconditional one is the most powerful and stand out alone force in the universe to heal and accomplish everything pushing us to become one with each other and one with all.

I dont feel the need to to that anymore as if my house did not have a door, imagine that! Nobody does that. Thats how i am feeling, the vault is just there open letting in and letting out.

It is growing and expanding in my case, i think with every chakra the journey is personal but most specially with the heart one.

@45stars i dont know why sometimes our replies show that we reply to someone and some others it doesnt its weird


Friends, if this works on the chalras, or something higher than that… is it therefore not capable of taking the place of PONR? Or an alternative to that?

Beautiful explanation

Bless your heart.


Some deep, personal shares.

Would be curious how your life progresses in the short term with the heart “vault” being open, for better or for worse. Seems courageous from my end.

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I think in the short term day to day is simply that i feel my heart open without fear without trying to guard it to protect it.

Being an empath is a tough chore, and the every day life weathering is harsh so we keep this constant battle of automatically opening the heart to feel compassion and kindness connecting to everybody’s sorrow or story but then forcing it to close it to protect it when its too much we absorb when the heart is open.

But i dont feel that anymore. And i work with all the Pts from clinics, hospitals and drs offices on the East of Usa and all related to Red Cross dissasters, Oil Companies Service Technicians, Police Depts etc.

You can imagine the amount of stress and panick my heart gets punched by all day long. So i was constantly looking for ways to shield it and protect it or close it :man_shrugging: and when i failed to do that or it was way more than i could shield myself from then i ended up exhausted and nervous.

Not anymore :) and i feel its getting better and better, the beauty of this is that i can exude that love and light to touch others (specially the ones that need it) and be a some sort of solace to help them get through without being taxed for it.

I am loving it.

In the romantic part, ive been single for a while and did not want to partake in no on dat business at all lol like literally pushing away and rejecting any potential partner or flirting etc

Im not actively looking or engaging but im not running away from a mindful smile towards me or compliments or deeper conversations

And for me to be interested in (soon) not there yet fully :sweat_smile: buying the Attract Love NFT… that is a huge step.