Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Wow! Thanks a lot :pray: :white_heart:


Listening to these before bed, every time the Primal Urge starts it immediately makes me feel as if i was inside my Mom’s womb, cozy, protected, loved, watched for, nurtured while i sleep peaceful.

So beautiful.

Like this. But in her womb.


Good night :sleeping:


Its been 3 weeks playing this more or less.

Ive never felt the so wrongly used “opening or expanding or whatever” lol i would just feel each point getting warm.

I would pint point if they were “working” if each area in my body where they are located on was healthy and good. Thats it.

Have used the Chakra stimulation card a lot of times
Used the old chakra audios a lot too

And i would just notice the benefits and effects.
ON THE OUTSIDE WORD (meaning how i interact and live) AND HEALTH WISE


What i feel with these here is a whole different story. My inside world is transforming . I dont notice anything changing in me outside except for the Voice of Reason (Throat Chakra)

Its all happening inside. And its beautiful

Its like if a beautiful magic world was growing inside.

Every Audio def brings memories i like that i associate each one with but the transformation is inside.

The more days the more i understand the names, why “Mandelbrot” why the art.

And for the first time i feel each chakra growing and deepening.

When i play these audios nothing inside exists but that garden growing. Like a seed sprouting and traveling upwards with each tone, like if with its traveling when crossing each station (chakra) new cells were multiplying and simply just changing everything.

There is joy
There is vibration
There is warmth
There is purity
There is nurturing

The sounds stay playing everywhere

I am becoming music. A Symphony

I am turning into that place i felt the first time… it is growing inside of me…

And i know with each play they (cells) would keep multiplying as the Mandelbrot until my outside world (aura) then everything else is transformed too and everywhere i go, and everything i touch will transform.

Ill buy the last 2 this week. And oh i can only imagine id feel reaching up there high. Im sure.

I bow :bowing_woman: down for this creation. Thank you.


Hi there , it’s good to hear that it’s been awesome effect on you :blush::+1:t5:. Would love to know what beneficial changes of the Voice of Reason that you’ve noticed on the outside world for you .

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Oh i posted it in its thread

That was the 1st review.

Since that review ive notice more confidence when talking, expressing what i think or feel but then not feeling bad or awkward or weird.

I am very honest and mostly always talking i used to be like:

  • uhg why did i say so much
  • why did i say so little
  • i shouldn’t have said that
  • now this person is gonna be offended or take it personal, etc
  • ok that was weird af
  • im gonna be in trouble

I am still honest but i dont talk by impulse, its all well thought and before words leave my mouth or typing i am sure i want to say them, and once said…

I feel exactly as before no matter the reactions. “Thats on them” i feel good and by letting my words flow the confidence flows too.

Ive learned that i wasnt so much “confident” as i used to think, more like i was being brave and a risker

But id be shaking inside and eating my head analyzing every detail and of course feeling the brick in my throat.

Not anymore. Or very very little lets say.

Ive realized that what i express draws and paints what i want my world to become

In a few words that audio reminds me of how the Knight Mindset used to make me feel (the old one)


Guess who just got the last 2 to complete the set??



Eyes by 3
Crown of the Blessed


Tonight is the night is the night…


Ive noticed that ive lost weight (havent weighted myself by im thinking like 3 pounds) and i haven’t done anything that could have triggered that, but i know every time i gain some pounds is due to a spike of stress anxiety or OCD lol or a combination.
(So its understandable why)
Gotta be these audios.

Also, i feel taller.

Disclaimer : pls dont buy them because of that, i think it is because i feel growing/stretching upwards (energetically) like lets say… a tree.
Because i feel more confidente, more grounded more supported but a thick force that is raising, i walk fully straight positioned on this Earth. Shoulders out, chest out, neck stronger etc


I just deleted what was looking a long review lol

No need for it. Its my story.

But i do want to give a last review of these series, on the last 2 chakras i got the other day. Very very beautiful.

Eyes of 3 for what ive seen, it finally showed me The Authentic Truth of My Journey

Yesterday the Collective reality that surrounds me and my participation in it.

(I also understood now, why when in an injustice event where i couldnt not prove my truth, i always said or thought “whoever is up there has seen it all and thats all it matters to me” :eye:

And it reminded me that in every story there is one’s version, the other person’s version AND the real version. :eye: :eye: :eye: )

today, I saw my truth. And it made me cry. Because i understood the raw core of the when where and whys.

All the while i was mentally connected to i guess the Source. Whatever that means for you guys, im just trying to put it on my on words. And i think that was the Crown of the Blessed one.

I felt like a child going to its parents crying telling them i understand now!! And the parents be like: yup, can you see it now? - yes i can! I see EVERYTHING NOW

I see all there is right now
I see all there was then
And all that it should be from now on.
What i want
What i have to do

And The Parents saying. Yes, we can tell you understand now. The path is open keep going.

The end.

a side note.

For a few years even tho i kept feeling my heart exuding light, Love, expanding etc. It was still closed af. Deep at some level. And i just could not break through no matter what. Ive given up and just let it be.

After that special moment of incredible realization, incredible vulnerability, and incredible closeness to the source my heart opened. Its finally open and a light lining shot all the way up straight to connect to “It”.

I guess its what my heart was missing, and there i was thinking all this time i was connected. Lol

These audios are infinitely revolutionary. I am immensely grateful for them for ever. 🩵


Is there a difference in quality between mp3 and m4a when using these ?

I see m4a is 15megabytes and mp3 only 8 megabyte with the root cause.

Some say m4a has better quality (of audio) and mp3 is more compatible with wider range of devices.

Either one of them have the same good quality of the energy itself.


I wonder if its safe for a 13 year old to use these…

Absolutely i wouldnt see why not.

They all feel super loving, embracing and nurturing, i just had some funny weird dreams at first (only when playing root cause and primal urge) but nothing scary either.


So this just happened:

I sampled the 30 sec bit for the root cause. I thought “that was something.” Had the experience start to fade away. About 30 secs later I confirmed a purchase and download of the root cause. Then all the effects from listening to that sample returned! And then, even started “pouring in.” As if the effect from owning was stronger, more potent than listening to the sample. To be clear, I actually haven’t even listened to it from downloading.


Pre listen(?) review - the most potent chakra work I’ve experienced. For someone who’s been told they have a a scarred root chakra, and has noticed reflected patterns of that in their life over the last few years, this would be a potential “life starter.” As in, feeling more rooted and belonging to this earth.



If ive bought the throat audio and play it around my daughter, will this help her?

She is 2 years old, so im also cautious… but i wonder if these audio are specific to the one who purchased them.




These audios are not NFT so you can share them with direct family (spouse-children-parents)


Awww, honestly this forum, what a blessing…

How wonderful is this really!!



what about his 2 year old daughter? is it safe for her?

I mean, im not the creator so i can 100% assure you of anything :)

But in my opinion? I still dont see a problem, however without being nosy, i dont see why a baby would need these audios.

If it was my child i wouldnt play audios before they were like 5 unless they are sick of something.

Baby’s ears are delicate their whole body and being is just developing, these energies are strong / the vibration of the music alone i meant, regardless if its at low volume.

Weve read people in the forum getting overwhelmed from the energies and they are big grown ups and eat much more food than a baby.

I said yes to the 13 years old one but 2 years old is too little.

If i was to play anything for them, would be like angelic audios here and there.


Thank-you friend!

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in the early years, the child is energetically dependent on his parents and especially on his mother. It is enough to listen to these fields for parents. To improve the energy of parents and the energy of the child to improve. it is enough for parents to align the energy and emotional system and the child will get better