Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Ouh damn looking forward to that big time!!!


Awesome bro :metal:t3:


So what’s the difference between song of the core and solar plexus? Is the core one not affecting the chakra and instead working in a different energy center below the solar plexus?

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what am i missing
then what is the different between the heart and solar plexus
or the core centre and sexual area

i am not getting it


Nothing is missing, I just didn’t know those energy centers were a thing lol
I thought they all worked on chakras

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All of this is :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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The buttons to buy the audios invidivudally dont WORK AHHHH

Here’s what worked for me:

click on the respective buttons (the yellow ones) of the tracks you wanna buy
go to the cart:


It is still not working for me, nothing happens when i click on each button, i wonder if its because im doing it on my phone?

I tried on my phone and it did not work.

Works fine on my laptop though (click on yellow button that lists the price, you will see a checkmark appear - and then you can check out)


Ah thank you ill try!

With so many good releases i gotta spread out the finances in parts haha :sweat_smile:

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It worked! Thank you


I got the Song of the Core and Solar Plexus ones, and i made a playlist with the old Sacral and Base, just those, didnt want to add the others.

I dont know if it was because i was anticipating how good the new ones would feel that the Sacral and Base felt different this time, like really setting the grass for what was about to blossom.

That was so beautiful, the music and how it gently took me away to other place and time.

I felt like if i was inside the Pure Lands or Shambhala, not that ive been there lol but it felt how i imagine them, like if an old monk were playing the flute while the trees, the wind, the birds, were chanting a chorus i could not understand but kept me enchanted as if the music was getting me anchored to focus only on it, while the Earthy reality outside that bubble (other lands) i was in, could not pull me back even if i tried.

They felt so good i will be playing this on repeat as long as i can

Can only imagine how the whole set most feel, specially while meditating.

Im still in cloud # 9 for sure.


Should I get this one or the chakra series on Gumroad. Is Mandelbrot Symphony the improved version?

Yes it is the improved version!
Get this imo over the ones on gumroad.


Thanks Baya!

I think it’s time I sorted out my chakra system lol

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Is reward system at Sapien shop working now?
It’s been disabled for a while, right?

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I got the Root Cause, the Primal Urge and the Heart Throbbing ones the other day.

The dreams i had the night i looped (root and primal urge ones) fully explained why those names where given…

The Root chakra always tell us how we feel financially and supported in our lives. Secure or not, lost in this world or fully settled with a good grip.

Lets say without getting into details the dream showed me fully 100% clear what the CAUSE of not feeling completely rooted here and there has been.
And i was in shocked to say the least. It also graphically explained what it has …caused, when not working properly. I had never seen that before in such specific detailed manner. I was blown away.

Same with the Primal Urge, it was super funny that part of the dream, the way it presented in the dream was, what shocked me about those 2 audios because they were explained like if i was a child super super detailed, easy to understand why and also the big picture.

I also looped the heart one right before bed.
I didnt feel anything.
Next morning i did. Oh yes i did.

Once i finished listening and not feeling a thing, i said to myself, well i am either incredibly closed off that i dont even realize it, or i dont have issues with my heart anymore, which is good i guess? I thought.

My heart started THROBBING the next morning, and with each harder pulsating beat, feelings of love and heart break came about, it hurt all the way to the back… something had cracked open, everything was flowing out and i could not stop it, i didn’t know i could hold in my heart so much i thought… it went for hours then it felt free but with that freedom came the obligation of looking inside my most precious vessel and realized that it needs to keep throbbing to feel fully again i guess… still working on it.but that was very revealing as well.

Next buy will be the last 2 i am particularly super excited about those 2.

And i hope we eventually get the Throat one, that is my Achilles heel…


Who can explain the differences between… ?

  • Soul Core Restoration
  • Song of the Core
  • A Minor Blueprint of Power
  • The Golden Elixir (Jindan)

Thank you in advance.


Soul Core : repairs, the lower dantian, as in rebuilding that center with the fragments of the soul that have been broken or drained through unhealthy attachments or cords, like puts the pieces together, recollects the soul pieces that have been leaked through that center and seals it to make it grow stronger so the life force that resides there is not leaked anymore.

Song of the Core: i am just getting familiar with it since its been around a week that i got it, on the same center (lower dantian) feels like a force that enables or pushes you to start blooming, freedom to be, to create, to build, to believe in you.

a Minor BluePrint of Power : this is like recreating (inside of you) the growth of thick strong trees, where the force comes from within the Earth and goes through the roots and expands while crusing its way up, then it feels like it explodes hard in the plexus and from there it expands its branches, like if the plexus was the core of the Earth replicated in you In that sense it feels building us like a strong fully nurtured tree with a force that is constantly supplied by the very center of the Earth.

The Golden Elixir : this is like cultivating a gold base in the lower dantian to be transmuted or to create the alchemy as the m state gold

Disclaimer: my opinion, how i understand them and how they have felt to me.

Would love to hear @Maoshan_Wanderer opinion :)

Edit: soul Core feels more in the Plexus not the lower Dantian or it could be both