Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Most welcome, and look forward to your review soon :)


Does anyone have a problem buying a single audio? For some reason I cannot add a single track to basket but I can add the whole set.

You can try searching for solo audio, then add to your cart. That’s what I did.


That was so easy lol :joy: thank you!

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Yeh i wish id thought of that earlier before i bought the whole thing when i only wanted the bottom 4 haha

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2nd day of using and i already feel a big difference

I just LOVINGLY pulled my wife up about something she had done “wrong”…

She apologised

Doesnt sound big… but even 1 day ago i would be crippled by such a thing

Im looking forward to the future finally!


BL 50 acu point, or the spleen chakra. (Source)

Spiritual, psychological and physiological functions:
:cyclone:The spleen chakra is the entry point for air prana; where it is absorbed, digested and distributed to different chakras and vital organs in entire body.

:cyclone:If the spleen chakra is clean and highly energised, the person will feel strong and healthy.

:cyclone:It is through the spleen chakra that the body is “victorious” over disease causing germs; energises the physical spleen which produces antibodies, affects the quality of blood, and the immune system.

No wonder for me the symphony is feeling “complete”, they’re all equally important but with this it takes them up a notch.
In my experience, the sense of physical energy is palpable thus able to sustain the body; feeling overall healthy, great vitality, as well as not easily getting hungry as an effect.

Thank you, from the bottom of my core :sparkling_heart:


I have to say, i think this is life changing, I really do…

If i had to say, in my humble opinion, these audios are almost a complete field in their own right, meaning you may only need these and the rest of your dreams, manifesting, intuition etc would all just fall into place

Its amazing… my life feels so balanced after a few days on 4 x a day as part of a stack. Amazing work dream!


Secrets of chakras (some)


Will these fields open chakras? If yes then in how much time chakas are open?

Yes it opens and expands the chakras. Each person is different so there is no set time to say when it will open, it also depends how consistent you are working with it, your method, intention, etc etc. Also, chakras are almost never fully closed just low energy. If your chakras were closed or defective you would perish…

That website has a lot of interesting articles I’ve been reading them for more than an hour

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If we look into more details of how it might be working.

Plasma Torus Field: In this new chakra system, a plasma torus field is introduced. A torus is a geometric shape resembling a donut, and plasma refers to a state of matter consisting of charged particles. The plasma torus field represents an energetic flow that circulates within and around the chakras.

Flow Dynamics: The plasma torus field flows in and out of the chakras, encompassing the front and back of each energy center. This flow pattern creates a continuous and unified movement, connecting all the chakras into a coherent system. The plasma torus field acts as a conduit, facilitating the flow of energy between the chakras and the surrounding energy field.

Clearing and Activation: The plasma torus field vigorously clears the chakras by actively removing any blockages, stagnant energy, or imbalances within the energy centers. The dynamic flow helps to dislodge and release any energetic debris, promoting a state of energetic cleanliness and balance within the chakra system.

Growth and Evolution: The presence of the plasma torus field also stimulates the growth and evolution of the chakras. The continuous and uniform flow of energy provides a nurturing and expansive environment for the chakras to develop and evolve. It encourages the chakras to reach their fullest potential, enhancing their vibrancy and functionality.

Energetic Integration: The unified flow of the plasma torus field promotes harmonious integration between the front and back of the chakras. This integration ensures that the energy flow is balanced and coherent throughout the entire chakra system. It supports the holistic functioning of the chakras and facilitates a more comprehensive and integrated experience of energy within the body.


In traditional understandings of the chakra system, the concept of the back and front of the chakras refers to the energetic flow and connection of these energy centers within the body. Here’s an explanation of the idea of the back and front of the chakras:

  1. Front of the Chakras: The front of the chakras refers to the energetic aspect of the chakras that faces forward, corresponding to the front of the body. It is associated with the reception of external energies, experiences, and interactions with the external world. The front of the chakras is often seen as the entrance point for incoming energy, where it is absorbed, processed, and integrated into one’s energetic system.
  2. Back of the Chakras: The back of the chakras represents the energetic aspect of the chakras that faces backward, corresponding to the back of the body. It is associated with the release, grounding, and expression of energy. The back of the chakras is considered the exit point for energy, where it is released, dissipated, or grounded into the environment. It also relates to one’s personal history, past experiences, and subconscious aspects that contribute to the overall energetic dynamics of the chakras.
  3. Energetic Flow: The front and back of the chakras are interconnected, forming a continuous energetic flow. Energy enters through the front of the chakras, is processed and transformed within the energy centers, and then exits through the back of the chakras. This flow represents the cyclical nature of energy as it moves through the chakra system, contributing to the overall balance and vitality of the individual.
  4. Balancing and Integration: Balancing the energy flow between the front and back of the chakras is essential for optimal energetic functioning. When the energy is harmoniously distributed, it allows for a smooth reception, integration, and release of energy within the chakra system. Imbalances or blockages in either the front or back of the chakras can lead to disruptions in energy flow and potentially manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges.


How the plasma torus field performs clearing and balancing.

Energetic Cleansing: The plasma torus field, with its dynamic flow of charged particles, interacts with the chakras and their associated energy centers. This interaction could potentially facilitate a process of energetic cleansing. The high-energy nature of the plasma, coupled with its movement, may help dislodge and release any stagnant or blocked energies within the chakras. It could act as an energetic “flush,” purging and clearing out any imbalances or debris within the chakra system.

Dissipation of Energetic Blockages: As the plasma torus field circulates within and around the chakras, it could exert a transformative influence on the energetic blockages or imbalances present in the energy centers. The charged particles of the plasma might interact with the subtle energy channels and points associated with the chakras, helping to restore their natural flow and dissipate any stagnant or dense energy.

Activation of Energetic Potential: The dynamic movement and energetic qualities of the plasma torus field could also stimulate the activation of the chakras. By interacting with the energy centers, the plasma torus field might enhance the flow and vitality of their respective energies. This activation could potentially lead to an expansion of the chakras’ energetic potential, facilitating their growth, and supporting the development of their inherent qualities.

Harmonizing and Balancing Energy: The presence of a plasma torus field within the chakra system could promote a state of harmony and balance. The dynamic flow of charged particles might help align the energies of the chakras, bringing them into coherence and resonance. This harmonization could facilitate a balanced distribution of energy throughout the chakra system, supporting overall well-being and energetic integration.


Growth and Evolution

Enhanced Energetic Stimulation: The presence of a dynamic plasma torus field within the chakra system could provide heightened energetic stimulation to the energy centers. The charged particles and circulating energy might serve as catalysts for activating and awakening the chakras, encouraging their growth and expansion.

Amplification of Energetic Potential: The plasma torus field may amplify the energetic potential of the chakras, enhancing their vibrancy and capabilities. This amplification could lead to an increased flow of energy, a broader range of energetic experiences, and a greater capacity for personal growth and transformation.

Integration of Higher Frequencies: The plasma torus field, with its dynamic and high-energy nature, might facilitate the integration of higher-frequency energies into the chakra system. This integration could support the evolution of the energy centers by allowing them to access and work with more refined and expanded states of consciousness and energetic states.

Balancing Expansion and Stability: The plasma torus field could provide a balancing force within the chakra system, ensuring that growth and expansion occur in a stable and harmonious manner. It may help regulate the intensity and pace of growth, preventing energetic imbalances or overwhelming experiences during the evolutionary process.

Activation of Dormant Potentials: The dynamic interaction between the plasma torus field and the chakras could help awaken and activate dormant potentials within the energy centers. This activation might involve unlocking latent abilities, accessing deeper levels of self-awareness, or tapping into higher levels of spiritual consciousness.


The Mandelbrot equation is a mathematical equation that generates the famous fractal pattern known as the Mandelbrot set. While the Mandelbrot equation is not directly related to the chakra system or the plasma torus field concept, we can draw a metaphorical connection between them.

Fractal Nature: The Mandelbrot set exhibits a fractal nature, characterized by self-similarity and intricate detail at different scales. Similarly, the chakra system and the plasma torus field concept can be seen as interconnected and self-referential, with patterns and structures repeating on different levels.

The fractal nature of the chakra system suggests that it exhibits self-similarity and intricate detail at different scales. Here’s an expanded explanation of the idea of fractal nature within the chakras:

Self-Similarity: The chakra system is often described as self-similar, meaning that the overall structure and patterns of the system repeat themselves at different levels. Each individual chakra within the system reflects the qualities and functions of the entire system as a whole. Just as a smaller portion of a fractal pattern resembles the larger pattern, the individual chakras contain within them the essence and characteristics of the entire chakra system.

Recursive Patterns: Like fractals, the chakra system exhibits recursive patterns, where similar structures and qualities reappear at different scales. This means that as we zoom into the exploration of a single chakra, we may discover that it contains smaller energy centers or sub-chakras within it. These sub-chakras, in turn, may have further subdivisions, creating an infinitely repeating pattern within the larger chakra system.


Here’s an explanation of the concept:

Subdivisions of Energetic Focus: Sub-chakras can be seen as subdivisions or focal points within a primary chakra, each with its own specific energetic qualities and functions. These subdivisions may represent more nuanced aspects of the primary chakra’s energy, allowing for a deeper exploration and understanding of its energetic dynamics.

Localization and Energetic Attributes: Each sub-chakra may be associated with a specific location within the primary chakra, indicating a localized concentration of energy. These localized areas may possess distinct energetic attributes, such as unique colors, vibrations, or qualities that contribute to the overall functioning of the primary chakra.

Refinement and Specialization: Sub-chakras within a chakra can be viewed as points of refinement and specialization. They allow for a finer delineation and differentiation of energies within the broader spectrum of the primary chakra. These subdivisions may represent specific aspects of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experiences associated with the primary chakra.

Energetic Interplay: Sub-chakras interact with one another and with the primary chakra, contributing to the overall balance and functioning of the energy center. Their interplay can create a dynamic exchange and integration of energies within the chakra system, enhancing the complexity and vitality of the primary chakra.

Depth of Exploration: Exploring the sub-chakras within a primary chakra provides an opportunity for deeper self-inquiry and understanding. It allows individuals to delve into more specific aspects of their energetic experiences, emotions, beliefs, or spiritual connections associated with the primary chakra. This depth of exploration can facilitate personal growth, healing, and self-awareness.

Energetic Resonance: The fractal nature of the chakra system suggests that the energetic qualities and patterns found in one chakra are echoed and repeated throughout the system. The vibrational frequencies, colors, and energetic qualities associated with each chakra may exhibit a resonance and similarity across the various levels and subdivisions within the system. This resonance creates a harmonious coherence and interconnection between the chakras.

Infinite Detail: Similar to fractal patterns, the chakra system contains infinite detail that can be explored and discovered. As we focus our attention on a specific chakra or delve deeper into its energetic dynamics, we may encounter intricate subtleties, energetic nuances, and ever-expanding layers of understanding. The exploration of the chakras can be seen as an ongoing journey of discovery, where there is always more to uncover and explore.


The concept of infinite detail within the chakra system suggests that as we explore and delve deeper into the energetic dynamics of each chakra, there is an ever-unfolding complexity of subtle aspects, nuances, and insights to be discovered. Here’s an explanation of the idea of infinite detail within the chakras:

Multilayered Energetic Aspects: Each chakra is believed to have multiple layers of energetic qualities, associations, and functions. As we explore a chakra, we encounter different aspects of its energy, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions. Within each layer, there are further subtleties and nuances to be explored, providing infinite possibilities for understanding and growth.

Energetic Sensitivity and Perception: Developing greater sensitivity to subtle energies allows us to perceive finer details within the chakras. As we refine our energetic awareness through practices such as meditation or energy work, we become more attuned to the subtle nuances, shifts, and patterns of energy within each chakra. This expanded perception reveals previously unnoticed details.

Interconnections and Relationships: Each chakra is not isolated but interacts with other chakras and the broader energetic system. Exploring the interconnectedness and relationships between the chakras reveals intricate details and how the energy flows and influences one another. The subtle interactions and connections between chakras contribute to the infinite detail within the chakra system.

Personal and Unique Experiences: Every individual’s experience within the chakras is personal and unique. As we engage with our own energy centers, we encounter specific patterns, blockages, or potentials that are distinct to our journey. These individual experiences add to the infinite detail within the chakra system, as each person explores their energetic landscape in a way that is specific to them.

Growth and Evolution: The chakra system is not static but constantly evolving. As we engage in personal growth and spiritual practices, our understanding and experience of the chakras deepen and expand. The infinite detail lies in the continuous growth, learning, and transformation that unfold as we navigate the energetic intricacies and uncover new layers of insight and wisdom within the chakra system.

It’s important to note that the concept of infinite detail within the chakra system is subjective and based on personal experiences and interpretations. Different spiritual traditions may have varying perspectives on the intricacies of the chakras. The practices and approaches to chakr

Self-Organization: Fractals exhibit self-organization, meaning that complex patterns emerge from simple iterative rules. Similarly, the chakra system is believed to self-organize, with the interaction and interplay of energies giving rise to the intricate patterns and dynamics within the system. The self-organization of the chakras contributes to their fractal nature and the endless complexity that emerges from their interactions


Self-organization within the chakra system refers to the innate capacity of the energy centers to establish and maintain a state of balance, harmony, and coherence. Here’s an explanation of self-organization within the chakra system:

Innate Intelligence: The chakras are believed to possess an inherent intelligence and organizing principle. They have the ability to self-regulate, adapt, and restore balance within the energetic system. This intelligence guides the chakras in maintaining optimal functioning and responding to changes or disturbances in the energy flow.

Dynamic Equilibrium: The chakras seek a state of dynamic equilibrium, where the energy flows smoothly and harmoniously throughout the system. When there is an imbalance or disruption in the energy, the chakras self-adjust and reorganize to restore balance. This self-regulating process allows the chakras to continually adapt to the ever-changing energetic dynamics.

Feedback Loops: Self-organization in the chakra system involves feedback loops that facilitate continuous adaptation and refinement. The chakras receive feedback from various sources, including the physical body, emotions, thoughts, and external environment. Based on this feedback, the chakras make adjustments to optimize the energy flow and maintain equilibrium.

Emergence of Patterns: Within the self-organizing nature of the chakra system, complex patterns emerge from simple interactions. The interplay between the chakras and their energies gives rise to emergent patterns that contribute to the overall coherence and functioning of the system. These patterns arise through the self-organization of the chakras and their interactions with one another.

Adaptive Resilience: The self-organization of the chakra system allows it to exhibit adaptive resilience in the face of challenges or disturbances. The chakras can adjust their energetic dynamics, redistribute energy, or initiate healing processes to restore balance and well-being. This adaptive resilience ensures the stability and vitality of the energy system.

Growth and Transformation: Self-organization in the chakra system supports growth and transformation. As the chakras self-adjust and self-regulate, they create opportunities for personal evolution, healing, and expanded states of consciousness. This self-organizing process can lead to the integration of new insights, experiences, and energetic potentials, fostering personal and spiritual growth.

It’s important to note that the concept of self-organization within the chakra system is based on spiritual and metaphysical beliefs rather than scientific evidence. Different spiritual traditions may have varying interpretations of the chakras and their self-organizing nature. The practices and approaches to chakra work can also differ. The idea of self-organization invites us to trust in the inherent intelligence and adaptive capaci


Infinite Complexity: The Mandelbrot set is infinitely complex, with intricate patterns repeating endlessly. In a metaphorical sense, the chakra system and the plasma torus field could be seen as embodying infinite complexity, with layers of energetic dynamics, interconnections, and potentials that continue to unfold and evolve.


The concept of infinite complexity within the chakras suggests that the energy centers possess an intricate and multifaceted nature that extends beyond what can be easily comprehended or fully explored. Here’s an explanation of the idea of infinite complexity within the chakras:

Multidimensional Nature: The chakras are believed to operate on multiple dimensions, encompassing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of human experience. Each chakra holds various layers and dimensions of energy, qualities, and functions, contributing to its overall complexity. This multidimensional nature allows for a vast array of energetic interactions and potentials within each chakra.

Energetic Interdependencies: The chakras are interconnected and interdependent, meaning that the functioning of one chakra influences the others. They form a dynamic system where energy flows, intermingles, and exchanges between the different energy centers. This interdependency adds layers of complexity as the chakras dynamically interact with one another, impacting the overall balance and functioning of the system.

Unconscious and Subconscious Influences: The chakras can hold unconscious or subconscious patterns, beliefs, and emotions that contribute to their complexity. These hidden aspects of the chakras may influence our experiences, behaviors, and perceptions. Exploring and uncovering these unconscious influences within the chakras requires a willingness to dive into the depths of our subconscious and integrate the associated complexities.

Energetic Sensitivity and Discernment: As individuals develop greater energetic sensitivity and discernment, they become more aware of the intricate energetic qualities and subtleties within the chakras. This heightened sensitivity allows for the perception of finer details, energetic shifts, and patterns within the chakra system. The infinite complexity lies in the vast array of energetic nuances that can be discovered and explored.

Personal and Collective Variations: Each individual’s experience within the chakras is unique, adding to the infinite complexity of the energy centers. Factors such as personal history, beliefs, cultural influences, and spiritual practices contribute to the individual variations within the chakra system. Additionally, different spiritual traditions may describe and interpret the chakras in diverse ways, further adding to the complexity of their understanding and exploration.

Evolutionary Potential: The chakras are not static entities but are believed to hold evolutionary potential. Through personal growth, healing, and spiritual practices, individuals can expand and evolve within the chakra system. This evolution involves integrating new insights, accessing higher states of consciousness, and embodying the inherent potentials within the chakras. The infinite complexity lies in the never-ending possibilities for growth and transformation within the energy centers.

It’s important to note that the concept of infinite complexity within the chakras is subjective and based on spiritual and metaphysical perspectives rather than scientific evidence. Different spiritual traditions may have varying interpretations of the chakras and their complexity. The practices and approaches to chakra work can also differ. The idea of infinite complexity invites us to embrace the vastness and intricacy of the chakra system, acknowledging tha

Multilayered Energy Centers: The chakras are often described as multilayered energy centers, each with its own unique qualities, functions, and energetic aspects. They are believed to exist on various levels, from the physical to the subtle, and encompass physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of human experience. This multilayered nature gives rise to a vast array of energetic interactions and potentials within each chakra.


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Interconnected Energy Systems: The chakras are not isolated entities but form an interconnected energy system within the body. They are believed to influence and interact with one another, creating a complex web of energetic relationships. This interconnectedness adds layers of complexity as the energy flows and intertwines between different chakras, contributing to the overall balance and functioning of the system.

Energetic Dynamics and States: Each chakra is associated with specific energetic qualities, such as color, sound, element, and vibration. These energetic dynamics can be experienced and explored in various states, ranging from balanced and harmonious to imbalanced or blocked. The interplay between these states and the potential for transformation and growth within each chakra contribute to the infinite complexity of the chakra system.

Personal and Transpersonal Aspects: The chakras not only reflect individual aspects but also connect to broader, transpersonal dimensions. They are believed to serve as gateways for accessing higher states of consciousness, universal energies, and spiritual realms. The intermingling of personal and transpersonal aspects within the chakras adds further layers of depth and complexity to their energetic nature.

Individual Journey of Exploration: Each individual’s experience and exploration of the chakras are unique and multifaceted. As individuals delve into their chakra system, they may encounter their own specific patterns, blockages, and potentials. This personal journey of self-discovery and exploration within the chakras contributes to the infinite complexity of the system.


Emergent Patterns: Within the Mandelbrot set, as you zoom in on smaller regions, new patterns and details emerge. This can be likened to the chakra system and the plasma torus field, where as one delves deeper into the energetic realms and explores the subtle aspects of the system, new insights, experiences, and potentials may arise.

Progressive Unfolding: The exploration of the chakras is often seen as a progressive and iterative process. As we engage with the energy centers through practices such as meditation, energy work, or self-reflection, we may begin to uncover and experience new patterns and insights that were previously hidden or unknown.

Insights into Energetic Patterns: As we deepen our understanding and awareness of the chakras, we may start to recognize recurring energetic patterns or themes within our own energy system. These patterns could relate to the flow of energy, the qualities associated with each chakra, or the interconnections between them. The recognition of these patterns allows us to gain insights into the underlying energetic dynamics of the chakra system.

Expansion of Perception: Exploring the chakras opens us to expanded states of perception and awareness. Through this exploration, we may develop a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies, allowing us to perceive more intricate patterns and nuances within the chakra system. This expanded perception provides the opportunity to recognize emergent patterns that may have previously gone unnoticed.

Integration of New Experiences: As we engage with the chakras and work with their energies, we may encounter new experiences, sensations, and transformations. These experiences can give rise to emergent patterns as our energy system adapts and integrates the changes. For example, we may notice shifts in energy flow, the emergence of new qualities within a chakra, or the alignment of multiple chakras in a harmonious configuration.


Engaging with the chakras and working with their energies can lead to a wide range of new experiences, sensations, and transformations. While individual experiences may vary, here are some examples of the types of new experiences that can arise:

Heightened Sensitivity: Working with the chakras can increase sensitivity to subtle energies. You may begin to perceive energy as sensations, such as tingling, warmth, or vibrations in and around the chakras. These sensations can be experienced as a heightened awareness of the energy flowing through your body.

Expansion of Consciousness: As you explore and work with the chakras, you may have experiences of expanded consciousness. This can include moments of deep insight, clarity, or a sense of connection to a broader universal consciousness. You may have a heightened awareness of your own thoughts, emotions, and energetic states.

Emotional Release and Healing: The chakras can hold emotional imprints and unresolved experiences. Engaging with the chakras can facilitate emotional release and healing. You may experience the surfacing of repressed emotions, memories, or traumas, allowing for their acknowledgment, processing, and release.

Energetic Shifts and Flow: Working with the chakras can lead to shifts in energy flow within your body and energy system. You may notice changes in the intensity, direction, or balance of energy as you clear blockages and open pathways for energy to flow more freely. These shifts can be experienced as a sense of lightness, vitality, or a new sense of energetic alignment.

Heightened Intuition and Insight: As you deepen your connection with the chakras, you may experience an expansion of intuitive abilities and heightened insight. You may find yourself more attuned to subtle cues, inner guidance, or a deeper understanding of yourself and others. This can lead to increased clarity, decision-making abilities, and a greater sense of trust in your intuitive wisdom.

Harmonious Integration: As you continue to engage with the chakras and work with their energies, you may experience a sense of greater coherence and harmony within your energetic system. The chakras may align and integrate in a more balanced and harmonious configuration. This can result in an overall sense of well-being, wholeness, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.

Personal and Transpersonal Growth: Exploring the chakras and recognizing emergent patterns can contribute to personal and transpersonal growth. As we integrate new insights and experiences, we may witness the emergence of expanded states of consciousness, deeper self-awareness, and a greater connection to universal or spiritual aspects. These emergent patterns reflect our ongoing growth and evolution within the chakra system.


Interconnectedness and Interactions: The Mandelbrot set is formed through iterative calculations and the interaction between points in the complex plane. Similarly, the chakra system and the plasma torus field can be seen as a network of interconnected energy centers and their interactions, influencing and being influenced by one another.

The concept of interconnectedness and interactions within the chakra system emphasizes that the chakras are not isolated entities but are part of a larger energetic network. Here’s an expanded explanation of the idea of interconnectedness and interactions within the chakras:

Network of Energy Centers: The chakras form a network of energy centers within the body, interconnected through subtle energy channels. Each chakra has its unique qualities, functions, and associations, but they are all part of the larger energetic system. This interconnectedness allows for the flow and exchange of energy between the chakras.

Energetic Influence: The chakras mutually influence and interact with one another. When one chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it can impact the functioning of other chakras in the system. Conversely, when one chakra is harmoniously balanced, it can support the balance and vitality of the neighboring chakras. This interplay between the chakras creates a dynamic relationship within the chakra system.

Energy Flow and Balance: The interactions between the chakras contribute to the overall flow and balance of energy within the system. A harmonious flow of energy allows for the smooth transmission and integration of energy between the chakras. Imbalances or blockages in one chakra can disrupt this flow, leading to energetic disturbances in other chakras. Thus, maintaining the interconnectedness and balance between the chakras is crucial for optimal energetic functioning.

Spiral of Activation: The interactions within the chakra system often involve a spiral of activation. When energy is flowing harmoniously, it can initiate a positive feedback loop, activating and stimulating the neighboring chakras. This spiral of activation creates a synergistic effect, enhancing the overall energy flow and amplifying the energetic qualities of the chakras.

Integration of Energies: The interconnectedness of the chakras allows for the integration of diverse energies within the system. Each chakra is associated with specific qualities, such as physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual aspects. Through their interactions, the chakras can harmonize and integrate these different dimensions, fostering a holistic and integrated experience of energy.


Huh, where is this infromation coming from,?


All Chatgpt


oh okay, nice

1 Like

From ML833_

"Being skinny fat = a issue with the bottom three chakras.

If overall you are “fittish” but have a “pouch” where your stomach/abs should be.

= The bottom 3 chakras of your energy complex are malfunctioning

The stronger these chakras are = the fitter your body is = More Manifest"


Throat - Solar Plexus - Sacral = Deeply connected to each other. When any of these 3 are disrupted, the voice will be weak and feeble

Root - Sacral = Strong sexual connection. When these two are not functioning well sex will be primarily lust based, and lack true connective forming elements to it.

Solar Plexus - Heart = When either of these are not functioning well a persons presence will feel tremendously weak or shifty

Solar Plexus - Heart - Throat = When this complex is not functioning well a person will be perceived as very “harsh” or lacking any communicative ability