Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Lol thank God i dont have that issue, those areas are hard to burn.

my cheeks just turn into Heidi from the Praries ones :rofl:

I agree with all those descriptions but tbh this serie really feels completely different to me

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yes! Ive purchased from root to throat chakra and its been amazing how each one is developing. So far my favorite one is Solar Plexus and Heart Throbbing.


Are you listening as part of a stack?

How often etc?

No stack I do like 3-4 loops everyday

I am not able to add individual tracks to the cart any more - It is as if the links are broken. Can anyone from admin team please check it out? I ordered two tracks earlier - root cause and primal urges

Hi, not from admin but just checked, I can still do individual audio purchase. Did you try searching the individual audio then add to cart? Have you tried clearing cache? Use a different browser?.. (I used chrome on mac)

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Thanks. Finding individual tracks and adding to the cart seems to work.Thanks for your help.

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That seems to be the way when purchasing these individually. You’re welcome. Enjoy your new fields! :)

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Hi, MD81!


I saw this pic and for a moment i was like, wait what am i doing in this comment :sweat_smile:


Hello someone know maybe the creator if eyes by3 or crown of the blessed also decalcify and activate the pineal gland also someone got from eyes by 3 more vivid dreams or clayrvoaince and dose it activate this time fully the 3rd eye ?


It will

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the crown one or the third eye on decalcify pineal gland?

Third eye

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Thanks so the crown one is only for crown chakra and nothing else so is best to buy eyes by 3 for me ?

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Marco what was your answer?

I do feel it strongly connecting to the 3rd eye/Pineal Gland, throat Chakra and heart Chakra. Like if it was the focused starting point in the upper part, just like the Root one is for the lower chakras.

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Could I get your opinion, I have the root and sacral ones, would it be okay for me to skip all the way to the crown one?

If you feel like it.

Something ive notice with these ones and if you read all comments from the start youd see that several members started with different order or not exactly with the root one.

So whatever calls you. That is. What it is for you to bring things helpful for where you are in life now.

But slso tho, they of course unfold multiplying in sync all together, they too bring quite a different thing in their own, therefore again maybe the crown is what your higher self is telling you to get next.