Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)


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This is an interesting creation and not just any chakra series. Itā€™s working so deep & subtle, not at all over stimulating anything - this is Genius work. Persons close to me shared that they could feel the waves around me + along with the intense heat despite cold climate here.
I think this one album is enough for oneā€™s life to evolve from Animal to Human to Super Human to ā€¦
I took my time to get this but its an economical investment with invaluable returns.

More experiences yet to comeā€¦ will share as I experience it.


I wonderā€¦

Are these specific fields safe for small children?

They are working on the chakras, but there is other stuff going on as well im sureā€¦

My little girl LOVED the crown one this morningā€¦ and i canā€™t imagine anything chakra based can do harm as long as its balanced but i thought i would check in here firstā€¦



I am certain that the earliest start of any activity is best for learning and development, itā€™s visible from how children can easily learn languages or mathematics if introduced properly. I would consider also next gen brain fields at the very least Manhattan Method once weekly.


It depends on individual soul journey and their past lives if one has lived spiritual lifestyle then they might enjoy it a bit. Otherwise it will be disturbing to them directly/indirectly.
As the kids in general are energy sensitive It would be over loading their system. Think in terms of dosage for the balance, it should be in seconds for them If 2 loops for us.

More than Chakras I would focus on shielding part at the same time.


Hello can someone tell me if crown of the blessed or eyes by three ist best to open up completely the 3rd eye and activate decalcify pineal gland and seing sacred geometry whith eyes closed get clayrvoaince and lucid dreaming what is better for this purpose also is eyes by 3 to blissfull or only crown?

Iā€™m getting mixed feedback online about this- does anyone know what chakra the kidneys would fall into? Some say itā€™s solar plexus and some say sacral

Well, in my experience Iā€™d link them to solarplexus. Could certainly be both too.
Which colors do you get when you think about your kidneys?

Thatā€™s a good question! I guess orange


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: well then it is probably the sacral for you.
not making final conclusions tho.


Manipura The Sacral Chakra (Svādhisthāna)
Location: genitals
Spiritual meaning: sensuality, sex, pleasure, vitality, creativity
Representative color: orange
Represents body organs: reproductive organs, endocrine system, waist, intestines, kidneys
The navel chakra is in charge of emotions and sexual desires. A healthy navel chakra allows us to control, accept, and sense our emotions well, full of vitality and enthusiasm. An unbalanced navel chakra tends to be overly emotional or lacking in emotion, unable to deal with oneā€™s emotions

Ego Wheel The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipūra)
Location: above the navel
Spiritual meaning: self-confidence, knowledge, rationality, sociality
Representative color: yellow
Represents body organs: nervous system, stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas
The id chakra is in charge of mobility and self-confidence. A healthy id chakra makes us full of confidence and self-worth. You feel that everything in your life is under control and you have the power to do things. Self-doubt, low self-esteem, indecision, or strong control and aggression will appear in the unbalanced id chakra


What Iā€™ve noticed the past few days with using root cause is that Iā€™m more capable of ā€œholdingā€ my feelings. Repressed emotions slide down along the spine much easier too.


Please I need help here.

I bought the Solar Plexus, I tried several times but couldnā€™t download it, maybe because of internet. Now it wonā€™t even let me try again, it says Download limit Exceeded. What can I do now to download.

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Send a DM to SammyG or the mods maybe?

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Try again tomorrow. With proof of ownership I can send you the audio.

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:sparkles:Thanks for sharing that.

:nerd_face: Hereā€™s an excellent article to go along with what youā€™ve shared. :fire: :fire: :fire:


Thank you so much for sharing this Chakra Test! I found it really insightful, and it helped ā€œre-directā€ my focus on some, while validating the work Iā€™ve been doing with this great Mandelbrot series. Time for me to open that third eye a little wider! :slight_smile:


Can this widen the range of emotions we feel.can this make someone attractive to opposite sex. If yes in how much approx time we get these benefits if we regularly listen 1-2 hours?I mean heart throbbing field.


Not a direct effect in the description but normally when chakras are working well, an exuding clean strong energy (Specially the Heart and Plexus One) you radiate it and that becomes a magnet of good things, including being noticed/attractive

That depends on each person, how much your chakras need to be more open, deeper stimulated etc

Much better if you have them all so they work as a whole and bring benefits faster, but ime heart one feels pretty strong right away.

I recommend you using the new Album Attract And Radiate Quantum Love along with it

You can also print the Mandala and carry it with you for bigger effect

If you are on Patreon

Quantum Love Node (Patreon)

And you can find Quantum Love Products in the Spring Shop


itā€™s a never exhaustible treasure trove. :slight_smile: