Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

i dont know if to trust this, i dont even have the last two chakra audios.

imo these psychological tests are very open to interpretation.

they rely on people’s opinions about themselves (which are very subjective, because many people that are considered “crazy”, “angry” or “insane” by other people, they do not consider “crazy”, “angry” or “insane” to themselves).

this happens because there’s a constitutive unknown feature to subjectivity, which is the unconscious, in which people never really get to access, and once they access to it, it stops being unconscious.

we are strangers to ourselves most of the time because of that (because we have an unconscious).

that’s why people have defense mechanisms when their ego gets on the line, for example: “i’m not crazy. YOU are crazy”.

and also these tests are based on a previous assumption that the people being interrogated are 100% accurate in their understanding of the sentences they’re given.

this is why i hate psychometrics and statistics for psychological treatments that rely on asking patients about the success of a certain intervention.


On point. Thank you for your explanation:)

Hello guys i opened my third eye whith the thoh chant now i will Developers it further and i have eyes by 3 its that alone ok to activate and decalcify completely the pineal gland or do i need crown of the blessed or a specific audio to decalcify it lots of love and light to All namaste :)

Having a hard time clicking on and trying to buy these individually. Anyone else?

@Rosechalice wondering if it’s the same by you

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Hi @Jen I’m using Chrome and searched it individually and works for me…

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I’ll try searching individually thank you @ecaiii

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Yep that’s the answer. Each one can be purchased from a unique page.

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Got it thanks everybody :green_heart:

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You’re welcome, enjoy your new chakra field! :heartpulse:

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Please anyone share their results listening to these audios.

Please take the time to read (200+) posts above you :slightly_smiling_face:

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They mostly have experience of 1day Or 2day listening. I want to know the experiences of long time listening.

Fair enough.

But first as ive mentioned it before,

This set of audios really really feels personal.

Like the development happens in a tailored way based on all your story and elements from your life.

Its like if each audio was an ingredient that would create an unfold infinite diferent recipes.

But ill try to make a general sense for each in my journey.

When i play them all at the same time like 2 or 3 times each, i feel the Mandelbrot effect (please look for the explanation somewhere in this post or google it) unfolding upwards way way upward but also from the root downwards, it feels building a new Me, completely new Me i cant think of any other way but like roots growing and bloomings on each station (chakra) i dont seem to see the actual tree im growing into (im not sure im making sense lol )

I think the tree is somewhere up there but you just feel enlongating, im for now feel im just roots untangling and growing, when i am consistently (meaning daily) playing them i start feeling like instead of me “becoming” something new, i am just deconstructing who i am, specially inside haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: this sounds weird, just bare with me;

With consistency i start feeling like if i was empty inside, no organs, no tissues, no bones, nothing, just like a garden growing and blooming along some branches?

Like if i was a climbing plant

With Major and Minor Blue Print of Power you feel something similar, but you well feel the energy effect going through and around everything that you hold inside your body, i dont feel it with this one.

Every step upwards (chakra) is like a new type of root or flower with a new purpose on the quest to reach… above.

So anyway a more down to earth explanation lol

Now each one of them is fantastic, fully worthy getting this whole thing and explore it separately and together. Its different. Completely different.

The names are not far from what ive felt or seen at all.

So hows its been so far after 8 months (consistently playing the 2 month) also in between i experimented them separately, after that its been like 1 or 2 week playing them all together, 2 weeks separately then mixed with other together (some others in between thats another Completely different way to see benefits, and so on and so forth. I still see the progress is like it does not really go away, youd have to stop them all together for a long time after you have initiated the process. I would say itd just stop but never turns back (i think)

Root one:

Has done 2 things for me/with me:

1- it keeps showing me the reasons why (insert all the things that havent worked, or havent achieved, or lost, or were blocked etc) It also shows me how has Karma manifested (even from other lives, timelines, etc) i think its fantastic because you then know what to do to change that or clear that or what you should def let go of etc.

2- roots keep growing deep inside Earth is how they feel, it keeps unfolding downwards too as i said, so i dont know where mi a go reach one day :sweat_smile:

(Obviously all the regular things a good root chakra could bring are felt)

Primal Urge :

This one healed and enhanced fully the relationship with my Mom, and tho we always loved each other, we used to clash quite a bit growing up and there were hurt and disappointments, we got to a point of just accepting each other differences and keep the space big enough to not clash too often lol literally. We could not live together. Shes too strict and im too meh whatever comes comes whatever goes goes and she would say i would just never grow up and be “someone”

I was barely talking to her, just very basic convos, always caring for each other but not talking much or expressing much.

This audio changed all of it and the process was beautiful. We have a relationship that keeps strengthening and deepening. Also we tease each other like friends, my Mom was very strict with Us, manners for her were like military kinda of upbringing lol and im always joking or pranking or copying voices etc :sweat_smile: that was hell for her, now its like we cry laughing at all the foolishness we talk and do to each other. Its great, i never had that before, only with my Dad, he was a clown and i got that from him i guess. They would literally get into arguments because his tough pranks haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: now after all these years she finally is giving into enjoying being a little girl again and relax.

(And because of this which is the best part, i dont get unusual weird cramps with some periods because she has eased up with me so much that the energy that was there as disappointed in me is not longer there, she finally learned to appreciate EXACTLY who i am, not what her expectations failed with Me, feeling trully loved and admired and the cause of pride for our parents makes such a huge impact in our development and life)

Song of The Core

The powerful energy to create this one builds is so big that you gotta or gotta use it somehow or youd have to transmute it or release it in a positive way.
Or it can cause some discomfort. So if you dont have a way to express all that creative energy dont play it daily. No physical harm tho, just lots and lots of energy swirling around there wanting to manifest and you feel it.

Because it really is big and it compounds and expands remember these come with the Mandelbrot effect whether together or separate.

Solar Plexus

If you have given a good use of the creative bomb from the previous one then this one would create like a Dragon Ball Chi type of energy ball (not kidding :sweat_smile:) that again this one yes (could give you some stomach ache) if you dont go and use it.

Im saying all of this for the ones that love looping to no end but then do nothing much with the excess of energy.

These 2 audios (Song of the Core and Solar Plexus) are incredibly powerful energy that keep compounding so if you dont have at least some sketches, plans or ideas on things youd like to do or manifestation practices, rituals etc… dont play it much or daily.

1 or 2 would be more than enough to push you hard to move your life forward.

Huge determination and eagerness. Zero fears.
(Take this slightly, im stubborn and determined as hell so i already have that in me, maybe would be easier and lesser for others)

Confidence comes great too, but here is more about the confidence in your inner power to create and be, if you are too shy or have self steem issues you still need to compliment this, because youd feel the big push then panick lol if you dont know what to do with all that push.

Heart Throbbing

From this


To this


Enough said.

What i would just add in this one is that its great for empaths, highly sensitive, nervous, introverts, shy ones, but also if your heart has taken quite the beaten … it eases you into just letting that heart out without running or being scared all the time, it feels so strong that cant be denten no more or chrushed, and you start seeing people as humans that also have a heart so as vulnerable too, not just possible breakers, harmful creatures :sweat_smile:

it keeps throbbing no matter what :speaking_head::mega: :musical_note:

I think ill come back later or tomorrow for part 2 with the upper chakras lol this too long


I gotta say Luna, you have some beautiful energy, it really reflects in your posts.

A strong personality, powerful both in male and female energys.


Ahh thats sweet :hugs: thank you!

Alright lets continue.

Throat Chakra / Voice of Reasoning

The difference is noticeable with the previous Throat Chakra, and tho it has the same effect as you feeling confident to speak without second guessing, this one also works on your hearing lol…

“Oh im feeling strong to voice my opinion yess!! Im gonna say what i think” (audio is working on the 1st part)

“But wait… is my opinion a well thought one? Or is it a fast reaction i want to express?”

“Did i try to actually understand why the other person might have said that or done that? Am i taking into consideration how my words can affect the audience?”

“Do i remember that once i say something those words cant be taken back?”

(Audio is working on the 2nd part when you question yourself before actually talking)

This audio def makes me stop to analyze what im gonna say before and what it could come after i have said what i want.

Does it help me avoid confrontation, arguments, maybe hurting others with words etc? Not always, but its not the audios fault, if i know the implications my words can cause BEFORE it means the audio worked, but its a different issue i should check.

With consistency it does help “unravel” the knot I have built in the throat throughout my life with the following threads:

Insecurities (think all possible ones)
Fears (of real things and imaginary ones)
Phobias (include here, self imposed rejections, that I have felt from and towards Me)

Really just like the previous Throat Chakra this one is pivotal to the spiritual development and real ascension.

Not surprised this one is always all by itself.

Its not said much around in fact i have never read that anywhere, so take this as juuust my assumption. But i strongly believe what i think about the throat chakra.

To me this Chakra is the gatekeeper to everything above Us, for Ascension, For Realms.

Its like a gatekeeper with a vault. Where literally all the bs we create/build below it (any issue, trauma etc in the body from the throat downwards) get trapped there if not resolved. And as you resolve, the path gets clearer and clearer to continue the ascending journey.

Yes brain and third eye are crucial for this purpose too, but believe me if the throat chakra is all clogged up with all it has accumulated from any other chakra below, you cant get a straight up path


and it keeps happening and they dont understand why. Or what else needs to be done. And the issues might have nothing to do with the throat chakra… :thinking: we think… but as long as they make you feel:

Insecured in any type of way
Fearful in any level of intensity
Rejected or wanting to reject

Rest assured the issues that supposedly have nothing to do with the throat chakra ARE THERE ALL CLOGGED UP swirling around the throat in a never ending loop, like a revolting door it pushes you back to the same spot… right below the throat… lol “nope” not yet, you are not ready yet, go back and heal.

I already felt the help with the previous audio in fact just yesterday i added it back to my playlist because i need the raw tunnel to gain the strength to keep unraveling with the voice of reasoning.

Its nice because as it unravels i get to see wth is been there underneath all those threads but it sucks to realize theres still a lot to let go or made peace with. But im getting there.

This chakra is my Achilles Heel, because half of my life specially the part where you could or not build your confidence to stand up for yourself when growing up (childhood- teen years) i did not speak, i just followed, accepted, agreed, did all i was told or asked or expected. I was terrifed of speaking (to defend myself or just say no) and the other half of my life was SAYING EVERYTHING :sweat_smile::rofl: once i broke the chains and decided to live my life against everybody and the odds still panicking but determined oh… the :poop: after :poop: i went through for a few years def gave me the confidence to keep pushing and defend my self and speak my truth.

But that went to the other extreme, then i became opinionated sarcastic, a voice for the poor (bs, i now see it was an excuse camouflaging my desire to control others in retaliation to have been controlled for so long) i saw those who did it in every person with a slight leading power using it on to others.
I became an advocate of truth you know…? (Im being sarcastic here) So of course i had to speak said truths everywhere lol :roll_eyes:

Basically as its cleared the mud ive seen the real weaknesses ive built. Which are the ones that keep pushing me back through that revolting door.

And then as i hear my inner voice (with the words right before saying them) i really hear me saying those words inside and then i understand if they would sound raspy or sweet :joy: its up to me at the end if i still talk or not, but if i am commited to be better, grow, and ascend then i must hear me before, every time. Until i master it.

Eyes by 3

Unfortunately friend… im not gonna give update on this one. Because i believe what this audio really is, is the expression of and what can gift to you, should be discovered by each person.

Crown of the Blessed

Almost same, i dont want to say much about this one, but if anything, ill just say the more you grow in your virtues the wider the connection to the source opens and then the stronger you feel the blessings through this audio. The good thing tho is that still through this audio you can grow in your virtues.


Main energy centers in the body:

1.Pineal Gland

Pineal Gland Issue = Will not think straight. Thoughts will be lost. Will not be able to follow conversation properly.

Chakras effected = Crown | Third | Throat


Heart Issue = Will be anxious. Will be restless. Will not be able to sleep. Will be bipolar.
Will have mood swings. Will not be calm.

Chakras effected = Heart


Stomach Issues = Will be feeble in speech. Speech will be high pitched/medium pitched. Will be overall weak. Will seem easy to knock over. Will have no charisma.

Chakras effected = Solar Plexus

4.Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor Issues = Will be incontinent. Will have sexual issues. Will have attraction issues. Will be repulsive to people. Might be (you know what). Will look dull.

Chakras effected = Root


Where can I find this chakra test?

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Here you go:
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This is so accurate, I already knew it was going to have a setup like this because I have been very aware of these imbalances in my energy system.

How to resolve this?

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