Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Well, I bought the first two audios let’s see what happens. How many times do we listen to them?

Anything else I can do?

where can i do that test?

Lol read 3 posts upward ;)

Already noticing profound effects from these audios, been doing 3-5 loops each and then another 3-5 in the evening.

Guys please help me understand how the “Song of the Core” aka Stomach Storage Center is part of the 7 main Energy Centers of the body?

It is more like Dantien no?

More like a combination of the lower three chakra’s, it is also the audio that seems to had the harshest effect on me, all others I used are smooth and quick to ease me.


You mean if you listen this Throat Chakra audio it will make your voice more attractive?

No answers… anyone?

Does this cover everything that can be covered for each chakra, activation, clearing, purification, energizing, balancing, realigning, etc

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Why do you I see old patterns, negativity, behaviors, thought forms, and the such resurface with this?

Or is it just bringing this old muck out of my chakras.


Yesterday, was playing Heart Throbbing, but this time not on headphones and wasn’t taking into account that there was a bunny nearby. After like 2 listens, he instead of resting and putting himself to sleep, as usually happens in that time, he got very energetic and lively :smiley:

Looks like we will have to be mindful of spiritual fields’ effects on animals, lol


What are Sapien points? If they’re based on dollars spent, I should have a boatload! lol

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Energetic Being or not, Heart Throbbing belongs in the arsenal.


A little Testimonial for The Voice of Reason (Throat Chakra field)

Have been coughing quite a bit and my throat felt like some blockages and irritation. Played Voice of Reason for a few times and it seems to have pretty much disappeared, lol.


how do u know when your finished with a chakra and can move onto to the next ?

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Im never finished.


how do u go about playing them my friend?
all in a single playlist or meditate with them on their own? or do u listen passively

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A good combo is panchanga yoga series then chakras I’ve found.


so you do listen to them in a single sitting? ofc root first then crown last.

first time doing chakra work so yeee

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I’m sure we all do it all kinds of different ways.

This ^ is my most often approach.

Other times I might just focus on specific chakras depending on how I’m reading my needs at the time.


I usually do 5-20 minutes per each chakra, all 7 main ones, starting with root and going upwards to crown chakra; sometimes I listen to fields, sometimes I only meditate or do Chakra work on each one, other times I do everything At Once, for each Chakra (field + Chakra work).

Edit: I don’t have Mandelbroth (it is the strongest or maybe energetic being Idk), I use older chakras fields.


how do know when im ready for the 3rd eye and crown chakra?

I meditated to the playlist, playing the audios once and once I got to the the Eye chakra my head just hurt a lot and I had to spam plasma brain after that

I think my approach Is gonna be meditate to the playlist everyday but yeah Third eye hurts

thanks for answering my question guyz

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I think the only answer is just build ur way up with it even if you start with 1 minute and over time should be fine especially with energetic being on the side helping.

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