Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Why plasma brain?
That field addresses the physical brain.
While Third Eye Chakra is a component of your energy body.

But yeah, just start slow with the Chakra audios and level up slowly every day or once every few days.

I don’t feel anything from those new Chakra audios even when I loop them for 1+ hour.
However, I can feel my Chakras slightly when I loop the the old Chakra audios for around 2-4 loops each.
Don’t know why this happens… :man_shrugging:
Maybe because I’ve been looping Major Blueprint of Power daily for over 2 years now and it has this special chakra feature in it "“Chakras are enhanced with crystalline storage ability”.


It’s a nice channel…hypnotic feeling

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An explanation for Song of the core


Reminds me of this


Does this new chakra system become permanent over time or do we have to keep using the audios to sustain it

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Depends on you. On your interactions with others and yourself.

Are you stable and grounded? Patient? Without financial worries? Do you feel at home? Can you stand strong like tree with it’s roots against the daily challenges and mental withering that the day to day life is throwing your way?

How is your sexual being? Are you connected to your creative, playful side? Do you feel shame for your sexual wants? Do you honor your own wants but also respect those of others? How are your primal urges?

How’s your self esteem? Broken down by every single happening? Do you stand in your power, no matter what happens? Can you express yourself? Do you doubt yourself?

Dou you feel self love? How do you love? Freely? Can you feel love for everyone, or at least feel understanding compassion that we all are creatures full of flaws? Are you locked down by grief, loss, hurt by past friends and foes, or can you look at those things with understanding that life is a series of experiences, a journey, that ultimately everything has a reason and origin for happening?

Can you be honest with yourself? Are you telling yourself lies? Can you see through your ego and it’s illusions? Do you feel connected with the world?
Can you communicate freely, without pushing your egos agenda, with honesty, as a voice of reason?

Do you feel connected to your higher self? Are you someone who is guided by their intuition?

Edit: obviously chakras are made up of way more effects than I mentioned.but those questions might be a good starting point… a few things you can ask yourself


I was looking for a deep and comprehensive way to work on chakras, explorations and such as we have this wonderful tools that facilitate letting go of beliefs and focus on the specific chakras I’m practicing Kuji-In and that helps too, but the inquiries you mentioned here are great.

Do you have any recommendations on books or other materials that talk about this in detail?


Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith


Thank you very much! Checking on it now, thankfully it is available for Kindle!


Can the heart throbbing audio deepen the Hindi we say bhakti bhav.will it deepen it?and how can I buy individual audio?

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@Anveshsengar been answered many times in this whole thread

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I bought it .in which quality I should download it.ihave 4 options.thank u

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@Anveshsengar doesn’t really matter. pick the quality your device can handle without problems.


Yes, it will definitely deepen and strengthen your devotion. Look into this meditation about Hridayakasha Dharna , it will be a good supplement to this audio


I have questions regarding chakras.let’s say heart chakra
What means clearing?will it clear heartache acquired from many lifetime.
What does healing mein.what it will clear or heal those heartaches?what the difference?
What means awakened chakra?the qualities of chakra will express in me in full form?how can I know it is fully awakened and move to next chakra?what is balancing?what is difference between balanced and awakened heart chakra?thank uu



Your questions about the heart chakra are quite insightful and cover important aspects of chakra work. Let’s delve into each query to help clarify these concepts.

What does clearing a chakra mean?

Clearing a chakra, such as the heart chakra, involves removing blockages or stagnant energy that might be impairing its function. This could include emotional residues from past experiences, traumas, or unresolved feelings, potentially from many lifetimes. Clearing the heart chakra can help alleviate heartache by releasing these stored, negative energies, facilitating a return to natural flow and function.

What does healing a chakra involve?

Healing a chakra goes beyond clearing; it includes restoring and enhancing the chakra’s energy flow. Healing the heart chakra would involve not only clearing old heartaches but also strengthening your ability to love, feel compassion, and connect deeply with others. Healing might incorporate practices that cultivate these qualities, such as forgiveness, acceptance, and opening oneself to love and relationships in a healthy way.

What does it mean for a chakra to be awakened?

An awakened chakra refers to a chakra that is fully activated and functioning optimally. For the heart chakra, this means that qualities such as unconditional love, empathy, and compassion are not only present but are a dominant part of your interactions with the world. When a chakra is awakened, these traits are expressed naturally and powerfully.

How can you tell if a chakra is fully awakened?

Knowing if a chakra is fully awakened involves self-awareness and reflection. For the heart chakra, you might feel a profound sense of peace and harmony within yourself and in your relationships. You would handle emotional challenges with grace and maintain open, loving relationships without undue stress or defense mechanisms. Regular meditation and mindfulness can increase your awareness of these qualities.

What does balancing a chakra mean?

Balancing a chakra means ensuring that it is neither underactive nor overactive but maintains a steady, optimal flow of energy. A balanced heart chakra allows for the expression of love and compassion in appropriate measures, not leading to overwhelming emotions or detachment.

Difference between a balanced and an awakened chakra?

A balanced chakra ensures that the energy does not swing to extremes; it operates effectively without causing disruptions in your physical, emotional, or mental health. An awakened chakra not only operates in balance but also with heightened awareness and capabilities, amplifying the positive attributes associated with that chakra.

For example, a balanced heart chakra allows you to experience love without dependency or co-dependency, whereas an awakened heart chakra enables you to feel and spread profound love and compassion that transcends normal interactions, often inspiring or healing others deeply.

Moving to the next chakra?

Progressing in chakra work typically involves achieving a degree of balance and awakening in one chakra before focusing intensively on another. However, because all chakras are interconnected, work on one will naturally affect others. It’s often recommended to maintain a holistic approach to chakra work, nurturing each chakra as part of a unified whole rather than in strict sequence.

In summary, clearing is about removing blockages, healing is about restoration and enhancement, balancing ensures stable functioning, and awakening brings a chakra’s qualities to their fullest expression. Knowing these stages can guide you in your personal and spiritual development effectively.


Thank u so cleared so much of My concepts.i just want to ask if once chakra is fully awakened.after awakened if we don’t actively working on it will it undergoes less functioning over time?

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Yeah it works the same just like stopping exercising and then physical health gets less optimal

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My another question is if the chakras Is already awakened then if we rise kundalini further intensify the effect of awakened chakra?
Btw if yes how many times?

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And I just want to ask is awakening of swadisthan is safe for if we feel lust then it tends to give sex appeal.does man also tend to gets excited.if yes then what can I do to avoid this.thank you so much

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