Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

it’d be better for someone else who’s more knowledgeable on this subject to answer or you can use chatgpt yourself

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@Maoshan_Wanderer please enlighten me with you knowledge.thank you so much.

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Once listening a day of the whole album is enoght ?

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Depends on your goal.


Working with Eyes by 3 and Song of the core have helped me to become more intuitive and confident. I also use vagus nerve healing these days along side song of the core. So far, I’m in sync with sister :joy: in the sense I do and say things which she has in mind, it happened more than 6-7 times so ain’t a coincidence. I also noticed that some of my thoughts have been materialized. I’m not sure if I manifested them or I got hint of them happening. The latter one is scary to me because I have intrusive thoughts too. I’ll start working with solar plexus soon.


Have you seen PU Intrusive thoughts dissolver? It’s on his patreon

Or his Sovereignty over your mind payed but seems worth it… don’t have it personally


I want to share something for the born ladies here i found on my quest to fully heal, expand and evolve my whole reproductive area, which we well know, its the center of creation and where our magic resides mainly.

Ive always noticed that my uterus vibrates when i play the song of the core, and coincidentially (now i know it was never a coincidence) as i mentioned before here in this thread, effective and free communication was a challenge for me growing up, and when i finally took on the challenge of expressing my thoughts, feelings etc more times than not the words came out all rambunctiously, or with accumulated frustration and fears and a lot of times the words became tears and that was the end of the attempt to say anything lol (i giggle now but it was not fun)

And also unfortunately my creativity was blocked and cut short again and again while growing up because in my family having a “real” Bachelor’s Degree was almost mandatory, but i could not choose a career that would express my creativity, “thats for lazy people, hippies” :roll_eyes:

The end results?

Expression almost fully blocked and my reproductive area all messed up.

Now check this, makes total sense: (i put a heart emoji over the vulva in case someone feels offended :grinning:)

The voice, the uterus and sexuality, are intimately connected in the woman’s body. By exploring the anatomy, we can see striking similarities between the vocal cords with the vulva, and the larynx with the uterus. These similarities are not a coincidence. They reflect a deep energetic and emotional relationship that exists between our voice, our reproductive capacity and our sexual expression. The vocal cords located in the larynx vibrate to produce sounds. They are two muscular folds covered by a thin mucous, which tense and relax creating tonal variations. The vulva also contains erectile tissues muscles covered by mucous membranes. During sexual arousal, they become engorged with blood expanding and contracting, much like the vocal cords. Even in breathing we see a parallel. Producing the voice requires adequate inhalation and diaphragmatic support. In sexual intercourse, deep breathing is also essential to connect with our vital energy. The larynx, located in the throat, is a tube-shaped cartilage that protects and gives structure to the vocal cords. The uterus has the same tubular shape and functions to protect and support the vital space of reproduction.

Both organs are found at the creative center of our being.
The larynx in the throat, portal of expression, the uterus in the pelvis, portal of creation of life.
When the voice flows freely, it reflects an open, empowered sexuality that is in touch with our core. But when it is repressed or distorted, imbalances in intimacy and reproductive cycles manifest. Problems such as uterine cysts, fibroids, Painful menstruations or endometriosis are usually related to blockages in the throat and difficulty expressing ourselves. Healing these areas requires integrating voice, sexuality and the deep Feminity. By releasing the voice with sounds, songs and vocalizations, we can relax the tensions in the pelvis and unblock repressed traumas.

Screams, laughing out loud, singing at the top of the lungs, are cathartic acts that release oxytocin, the hormones of love and pleasure; mantras and primary sounds, activate zones reflexes of the uterus, regulating cycles menstrual and Yoga, massages, dances and breathing connect the energy centers of throat and pelvis, restoring the vital flow between them. Sometimes it is necessary to cry openly to moisten the dryness of both areas and restore sensitivity on a physical and emotional level.

When there is shame or fear in front to sexuality, we silence our voice inside.
But by accepting with love our sacred temple, the deep song of the soul can emerge.
Healing the relationship between our reproductive system and our sexual expressiveness allows us to speak and act with creativity and empowerment.

The connection between our vocal cords and our uterus represents the perfect bridge between the internal and the external, between creation and birth, between the private and the public. Through sound we can manifest and give birth to that which vibrates in our essence, bringing to the tangible world our more intimate truth.

When we achieve this unification, we are able to communicate openly and joyfully our desires and deep feelings, our actions align with our internal voice, singing becomes an act of love towards ourselves and towards life that flows through us.

Our creativity expands and we become a channel of the universal feminine force that inhabits everything that exists. Recognizing and releasing this instinctive wisdom and its transformative power, its a revolutionary healing act for every woman and for the collective consciousness.

So theres that ladies,

My suggestions include:

Playing this audio + voice of reasoning
Playing this audio on loop while doing yoga, dancing, journaling, painting, singing, having sex yeah (if you do) etc.


For the Men, your reproductive system is in the same area, you can also use it the same way! Unfortunately nowadays more and more, men are being pushed and constricted in their expression, seems like all you guys want to say or express is taken out of context, exaggerated or assumed as hurtful and damaging. I am sorry.


I feel so restricted its insane. literally cant talk


I know…

And the thing is that it affects the well development of a healthy sexuality, and it works for both, men and women is right there where our power to create is born.

We gotta start letting that area singing more ;)
Expressing while creating in that area

And expressing then creating in the throat chakra

And vice versa until both ends are well connected.

No wonder why is so difficult for men to express anything related to love and sex.
Or why sex its all they want to talk in other cases.

Both areas blocked to express.


This particular audio will never not amaze me. Every time I discover something new about this. :yellow_heart:


HOLD UP :flushed:


Thank you so much for this :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Can someone Tell me there results whith eyes by3 and Dose IT decalcify the pineal gland?



Nice to See you again flame

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How do you know i ask becauze the creator didnt say nothing If IT Help decalcify and activate IT also is IT for the pineal gland and 3rdneye Chakra or only pineal gland or only chakra what are your results whith IT i feel more relaxed and Spiritual i guesss and vivid dreams

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Also i buyed the old Chakra audios third eye and crown years ago how can i know If i have the new Version whith pineal decalcifycation or the old one whithout IT?

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Try and see how it goes ,for me it target both chakra and physical organ such pineal gland,every time i play it i feel preasure in my pineal

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This made me think of a vagal nerve healing creator/practice that has you make various sounds from EEM, AIM, IM, AHM, AUM, OOM (may be out of order) and the pelvic floor resonance on that final note is just chef’s kiss.

While the creator doesn’t do morphic fields, if anyone’s interested in a link, lemme know.


I do!

Thank you

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