Mandelbrot Symphony

Send a DM to SammyG or the mods maybe?

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Try again tomorrow. With proof of ownership I can send you the audio.

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:sparkles:Thanks for sharing that.

:nerd_face: Here’s an excellent article to go along with what you’ve shared. :fire: :fire: :fire:


Thank you so much for sharing this Chakra Test! I found it really insightful, and it helped “re-direct” my focus on some, while validating the work I’ve been doing with this great Mandelbrot series. Time for me to open that third eye a little wider! :slight_smile:


Can this widen the range of emotions we feel.can this make someone attractive to opposite sex. If yes in how much approx time we get these benefits if we regularly listen 1-2 hours?I mean heart throbbing field.


Not a direct effect in the description but normally when chakras are working well, an exuding clean strong energy (Specially the Heart and Plexus One) you radiate it and that becomes a magnet of good things, including being noticed/attractive

That depends on each person, how much your chakras need to be more open, deeper stimulated etc

Much better if you have them all so they work as a whole and bring benefits faster, but ime heart one feels pretty strong right away.

I recommend you using the new Album Attract And Radiate Quantum Love along with it

You can also print the Mandala and carry it with you for bigger effect

If you are on Patreon

Quantum Love Node (Patreon)

And you can find Quantum Love Products in the Spring Shop


it’s a never exhaustible treasure trove. :slight_smile:


i dont know if to trust this, i dont even have the last two chakra audios.

imo these psychological tests are very open to interpretation.

they rely on people’s opinions about themselves (which are very subjective, because many people that are considered “crazy”, “angry” or “insane” by other people, they do not consider “crazy”, “angry” or “insane” to themselves).

this happens because there’s a constitutive unknown feature to subjectivity, which is the unconscious, in which people never really get to access, and once they access to it, it stops being unconscious.

we are strangers to ourselves most of the time because of that (because we have an unconscious).

that’s why people have defense mechanisms when their ego gets on the line, for example: “i’m not crazy. YOU are crazy”.

and also these tests are based on a previous assumption that the people being interrogated are 100% accurate in their understanding of the sentences they’re given.

this is why i hate psychometrics and statistics for psychological treatments that rely on asking patients about the success of a certain intervention.


On point. Thank you for your explanation:)

Hello guys i opened my third eye whith the thoh chant now i will Developers it further and i have eyes by 3 its that alone ok to activate and decalcify completely the pineal gland or do i need crown of the blessed or a specific audio to decalcify it lots of love and light to All namaste :)

Having a hard time clicking on and trying to buy these individually. Anyone else?

@Rosechalice wondering if it’s the same by you

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Hi @Jen I’m using Chrome and searched it individually and works for me…

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I’ll try searching individually thank you @ecaiii

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Yep that’s the answer. Each one can be purchased from a unique page.

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Got it thanks everybody :green_heart:

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You’re welcome, enjoy your new chakra field! :heartpulse:

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Please anyone share their results listening to these audios.

Please take the time to read (200+) posts above you :slightly_smiling_face:

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They mostly have experience of 1day Or 2day listening. I want to know the experiences of long time listening.