Manhattan 8K RES

Did I cite 5 things ?

But, I got the slang

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Perfect response, thanks. Thats freaky that ChatGPT can do that


Once I finish my mental health healing stack I will fully incorporate a brain stack. The FOMO is killing me but delay gratification, delay gratification, delay gratification :weary:


Sorry my bad then

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Itā€™s fine,
Zen and Chatgpt save the day


Whatā€™s the best roadmap after you wrap up listening to The Manhattan Method:
this or The Advantageous Brain Plan?

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Iā€™d say they are complementary.
Anyone is fine, thereā€™s no specific order

Use whatever criteria you prefer, order of release, price, the choice is yours


I had planned the purchase of The Advantageous Brain Plan, but when this came out I had doubts.
Many thanks

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Next description will be made by ChatGPT, all brain release from now on

Might just replace what I wrote with Zenā€™s


It can itā€™s a good tool you can use, since you got a better idea of what youā€™ll want to communicate.


I use it a bunch to research brain fields actually, since the Advantageous Brain Plan.

It takes some double checking and experience to know if the info is a right fit.

Itā€™s not ready for brain wiring, but itā€™s awesome for genes and enzymes.
Itā€™s not always 100% right, but most of the time itā€™s right on it and very efficient. Iā€™m surprised I never used it for the description.

For Advantageous Brain Plan, it gave me lists of 50 genes over and over, I selected 1-2, and continued with slightly more specific requests for another list of 50 genes.

I must have reviewed hundreds, maybe not a thousand, but all that very quickly. A little more time to double check the ones I had selected on another website. Done.


sounds like you got a plan of action in place, nice.


I also have these GWAS articles, I check the graphs to see which of the genes are most associated with cognitive output.

But even with 100 pages, it doesnā€™t say exactly what the genes do. Maybe itā€™s related to NGF or BDNF production which we already have in a better way.
Most known genes work on the same area we already have fields for.
Gene A> chemical B> Chemical C> result D.

We already have a field for result D. But itā€™s not obvious without the wider picture, if itā€™s not synthesized from a large pool of information.

Even these I can do a quick ChatGPT check and maybe overview the family of genes it belongs to and select another that has a more direct impact. It will zoom out to the wider picture, the category, then dive in to the specific gene.

Without ChatGPT, would be a nightmare of switching websites and google keywords


lol, it said 8k res, i thought for vision, then click on link and read desc it says

"Manhattan designed.

No, not for 8k vision."

also philp is that u in the picture? Why u straining so hard? :joy: With the manhattan sighn on ur forehead


As usual I donā€™t get involved with the aesthetics, names, audios or artwork. Dream is more artistic than me, sounds way more cool than the title I gave it.


Use this instead,

It will source all its info


Any recommendations on how many times we should listen to the audio?

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Iā€™d say 3 times

Instead of one huge punch, it will keep working a long time


so the lipids part are permenat and the the enzymes part are temperory?

Do they depend on each other ?

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Yet another marvelous brain field. I really gotta increase my income at this point. I want each new brain field that comes out and more. But oh my poor wallet. :rofl: