Hit the nail on the head! Politics is not designed to create solutions, only further problems. War is a very good example of this - as more countries get involved, more complex agreements get made/violated and an increasing number of positions are promoted we begin to realise that it’s all a trap to begin with.
Unfortunately we’re living in crazy times right now - this whole war is a botched deal from the start between elites who are just using it to create a further end goal.
My opinion is that this can be used to justify profit off oil, big pharma, economic collapse and cyber attacks from multiple agencies from multiple countries that ultimately affect heating, food supply. etc. because of how we’re so dependent on the internet. Only for this to be used later down the line to justify something people are pressured to sign up to that “stops it happening again” etc etc
I recommend anyone reading this to download fields, get a solar-based power bank, a phone and some vegetable seeds. Hang onto your hat folks and don’t give into any further demands from our rulers because…
They ALL have an agenda they signed up to under the World Economic Forum and constantly brandish it in our faces to make us forget this is the case (hiding in plain sight).
The bittersweet reality of war always remains, people lose lives fighting for a corrupt group of elites (prime ministers, presidents) who all pretend to turn against each other to try and make it appear as if they are fighting for a good cause - then they all agree on a side to write in history as the “good side” or “bad side” - war is a complex thing, and a complex thing by design.
I have hope that people will rise above and feel incredibly sorry for those caught in the crossfire or those who were decieved to sign up to be so against their own better judgement, only time will tell what this is used to try and justify later on.