Manifestation Dogtags?

I have heard that Orion has the biggest stargate in the galaxy.

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@AnthroTeacher I was going to suggest checking out the Galactic energy infusion meditations if you’re interested in the tags, but samurai already linked one.
There are several more on dream seeds channel. It will be quite something for you as I know you’re very energy sensitive :slight_smile:
I’ve only ever used the sirius one, which I am using on a regular basis. Most of the time I feel a of stimulation, though I never really ask questions, I just ask for their help to prepare my physical and energy body for higher densities/vibration.

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Thank you. I am definitely going to do the Sirian one in a month or two when I can afford it.
For now I’m listening to Sapien’s live radio and the Sirian Infusion Energy one on Dream Seeds channel.

I am pretty good at channeling so I can talk to the Sirians if I desire.

Yeah, I definitely feel energy strongly. Most of the time the energy is stronger than my sense of physical touch.

I also work with Pleidians at times because they can help program you with Light Codes to help your sensitivity or work further.

The Sirians like my Repeater cause it helps them with their mission of awakening people. So I think they’ll help me in getting it out there. I would love to find an Android developer to work with it.


Uh now I feel bad for using your repeater for manifestation… though only now that I downloaded it - it feels much less draining than a clearing intention or an intention related to love (I tried “I am loved” to try if it works and it hit me in the chest :D).
I am using sapien fields that already tire me energetically, so I feel like the two together is too much for now…

I hope you find a dev - personally, my friends who would be interested in the repeater and friends who are developers don’t overlap unfortunately, but I’ll keep an eye out :eyes:.


Dream’s evil twin? Am i missing something? :sweat_smile::thinking:

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Was it a good feeling when it hit you in the chest?

I would say “good” as in intense and… “useful”, like good type of energy work but not enjoyable at the time.
I did a lot of energy work before this yesterday (it was only yesterday evening) all day and listened to the vibration audios from sapien a LOT so this is why I think it was just too much at the time.

When you run in the future, you can use like:

intention_repeater_max.exe --imem 0.001

That will slow it down so it won’t be so strong. Or you can go even lower if you want to. It doens’t have to be overpowering.


Were you running default (ie. no --imem flag)?

The default is 1GB of RAM.

On Google Colab I run up to 23 GB of RAM, though I’m used to it.

Yes, I was running default.
Maybe I’ll try with imem 0.001 in the evening.

How would that compare to the online version?

Online version is 1MHz.

For “I am calm.” MAX with imem 0.001 = 8.032THz

So about 8 million times faster.

If you do: --imem 0.0000001
Speed for me is: 752.832MHz

So about 750x faster.

This doesn’t mean 750x stronger. But it still is stronger.

We’re working now on allowing you to choose the speed it runs at.

What you felt at default was 1GB = approx 9.733PHz. Or about 9,700 THz.

Yes, according to some, it’s the Messier 42 or the Nebula (which is most likely what is seen on the above visual of the galactic meditation video). Some sources like Andrew Collins (in his book about Göbeklitepe… for which I had requested a portal on the forum :grimacing:) and others claim that it might be the last gate of the soul, before joining the Milky Way and further.

Some others say that it’s a communication pathway between Mintaka and Arcturus.

etc. etc.

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I got some ideas for you Anthro, I’ll send you a PM in a bit.