
can anyone suggest some fields for boosting manifestation and subliminal results? i’m still new to morphic fields so i have no idea what to use


Try this first:

From the description:

“If you believe that you can accomplish anything and that anything is possible, you open your self to limitless possibilities and allow life to bring you the things you want”

Also it’s free on YouTube :slight_smile:

It will help with everything.


if your willing to pay, The solidifer nft


thank you!!

i don’t have the money for that LMAO thank you though


There’s also The Cone of Power on gumroad.

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Heart of foreign, Reality stone, The manifested are the 3 best. Don’t hesitate to send a private message if you want more detailed information

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it’s paid :( still appreciate the suggestion

tysm :two_hearts:

Perhaps a roundabout approach until the specific fields for manifestation will appear available in your reality bubble?

I’d recomand you a few loops of the free Rise Your Vibration, the higher you vibe the close you are to the source of everything therefore the easier will be to manifest events within your sphere

I think it stands true also the opposite “As Above So Below” but why to take the road down to low vibrational practices, okay forget this digression.

Then you should bring in Unexpected Gift, at first you would let yourself be surprised by the blessings you receive, then with experience you can exercise some control over such a field.

Perhaps the free abundance fields and free luck fields may be able to start a process for you to a wealthy path where the premium fields become available.

You are blessed much more than you can imagine with the free fields (free isn’t weak, free is lifesaving) with a bit of creativity, there are no limits!

To better grasp why this will work and has very much sense, I recomand you to read the new blog of Dreamweaver, I will tag you there, and trust the process :four_leaf_clover:


thank you* :)

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You are welcome.

Have fun!

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