Mass Meditation (classic and boosted)

Starting now


I joined a bit later but still felt the energy of the meditation. :slight_smile:


As did I :slight_smile:


Didnā€™t catch you all, but I might retroactively, this is becoming a ā€˜stapleā€™

I meant no visual ā€˜hallucinationsā€™ or interference either which is why :star::star::star::star::star::star::star:
Feels like an all-in-one :sparkling_heart:

Iā€™m so grateful for this field.
Iā€™ve tried a lot of ā€˜silencersā€™.

Iā€™m thinking of delivering this to my bedroom while asleep, but it seems to be a bit intense on my NS for longer periods. Anyoneā€™s tried it?


I wouldnā€™t recommend it indeed as it is a potent field, and it would put a serious strain on your nervous system.

If you seek relaxation for sleep, I find a little bit of clearing, Theanine and PBoY to be the most helpful.

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Is this field still used at 3 PM Universal Time?

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Not anymore.

But some of us jump in randomly, and sometimes post in the Mass Med discord to invite a few more people in.

Feel free to connect any time though, even if it is asynchro, it always has a lot of juice to it naturally.

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Collective Meditation Pool: Create a pool of consciousness for impactful asynchronous meditation.

Smart Interconnection: Utilize smart features for negentropic interconnection, cutting negative cords and reinforcing positive ones.

So this implies (Iā€™m curious what else it implies) that if, for example, someone makes some sort of ā€˜progressā€™ while meditating to this, it might potentially impact other users as well (ā€˜lifting eachother upā€™), as this would become a sort of ā€˜collective consciousnessā€™ / ā€˜hiveā€™ in regards to this meditation space?