Mass Meditation (classic and boosted)

Mass Meditation - from Collective Meditations

Original a group project, here is an enhanced version.

Best Version of Earth: Align our planet with its most favourable timeline using the woven world concept, restoring its original template with the highest geometry pattern.

Dimensional Connection: Reconnect Earth with all beneficial dimensions, enhancing its energy and vitality.

Ley Line and Crystal Grid Enhancement: Restore and improve the ley lines and crystal grids, vitalizing the planet’s energy network.

Healing and Upgrading Collective Consciousness:

Holistic Healing: Heal and upgrade Gaia, humans, animals, crystals, plants, etheric beings, and other inhabitants.

Wisdom Integration: Incorporate the collective wisdom of the planet from all dimensions and timelines into our consciousness.

Interconnection and Unity: Restore the mother/child link between Gaia and its inhabitants, fostering a sense of divine unity and interconnection.

Virtues and Abundance: Instil fundamental virtues such as generosity, patience, compassion, and wisdom, while ensuring abundance flows to all beings.

Divine Intercession and Guidance:

Cosmic Support: Engage with beneficial cosmic beings to assist Earth and all its inhabitants in their healing and ascension.

Divine Guidance: Provide divine guidance to all beings, both earthly and non-earthly.

Innovative Features:

Collective Meditation Pool: Create a pool of consciousness for impactful asynchronous meditation.

Energy Solidification: Combine with the Solidifier field for enhanced stability and effectiveness.

Smart Interconnection: Utilize smart features for negentropic interconnection, cutting negative cords and reinforcing positive ones.

Energy Transmutation: Transmute and reinforce users’ intents into powerful positive energies.

Beacon of Positivity: Each meditator becomes a beacon, spreading positive vibrations to their environment.

Zero Point Energy: Revive meditators through zero point energy, ensuring they are energized rather than drained.

Encouragement and Shielding: Conceptual integration of pride, satisfaction, and resistance removal, along with comprehensive shielding for all participants.

Experience the transformative power of collective meditation with our community! When we meditate together, we create a ripple effect of peace and positivity that extends far beyond ourselves. Our live sessions are designed to boost your energy, connect you with like-minded individuals, and promote global well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or just starting, our events are accessible to all.

Join us and be part of something bigger. Let’s meditate for a better world. Visit Sapien Medicine Forum for more details.

Feel the energy. Spread the peace. Be the change.


Absolutely lovely. Wonderful music el capitano :dizzy: this could be played in the background of a coffe house and people would get all the good vibes :milky_way::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


perfect timing Captain!

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Does this work by simply playing it or does it require meditation?

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listen to the music and be present. it is enough


Me encanta esta meditación


Looks like I’ve got to meditate thrice instead of my usual twice now

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@Dreamweaver how come you removed the other sapient videos in the channel? I usually had them playing in the background from time to time.

Please add them back if possible! :pray:

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I think I feel the boost. 10 mins in and I’m under. Does this have meditation enhancement for noobs? My mind was a bit more flexible than usual since the beginning.

Anyways, 10 mins and you’re in theta, for those that don’t yet have the hang of it (if not sooner cause I had zero focus and did 100 things in those 10 mins).


Ohhhh, I’m so happy to see this! Playing this now outside in the garden. Also glad to have something to listen to on my drive home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you for this gem!


Would it be wise to use this also for my self hypnosis session to reprogram the subconscious or should i purely use it for the intended effects?

So this can also be played passively for the world in addition to meditating to it and it works?



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Personally, I use it in many different ways:

  1. During meditation while envisioning the new world. A world of expanded consciousness, peace, deeper connection and harmonious co-existing with Mother Earth and all beings.
  2. As ambiance music in my living or work space.
  3. During nature walks or commutes.
  4. During group meditations if I have people around me that wanna join in. (Similar like the first point tbh)
  5. Playing it outside in nature if I have a chance to play it without bothering other people.
  6. In December I also played it 15-20min in the morning when starting my day (right after clearing) and 15-30min while unwinding during the evening and before going to sleep.
  7. I even use it for manifestation.

I feel like there is no right or wrong way to use it. Listen to your intuition and what feels good to you.


If some of you wish to join, we have a collective Mass Meditation on Sunday (07/07) at 7pm CET time.

Feel free to join at that time, or DM me to get an invite to the Mass Med Discord.

Thank you again @Dreamweaver for the updated field.

It feels nicer, and much more effective.


Stillness and Silence :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you for making this!


Will keep you guys posted here as well, we should do a big mass meditation in the next few days


We should.
How did I not see this thread?!



No time set up, but it’ll be this afternoon, UK time.

Best if you wanna make sure you don’t miss it, is to join the Mass Med Discord if you haven’t already.

You can send me a DM about it

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Mass Meditation in 10-15min

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