Meditation Resources for Beginners - Mega Thread

This thread is to help beginners with all the resources needed to start and continue their meditation practice. All other fields which use meditation to affect changes like guided or galactic etc are not considered here.

Powerful Method To Improve Your Meditation

Effortless Meditation: Synchronized Breaths
Effortless Meditation: Mindfulness Bell of Peace
Attention and Focus
Gamma Brain Wave Audio
Mindfulness (Self Realization Series Pt.4)
Meditation Track from Energy Awakening Course

The Mental Mandala from Instagram
Mass Meditations Mandala Artwork

The Silent Mind
The Meditation Master

Mass Meditations - once you think you can sit for a long session or even use it for a change
Mass Meditation

Updated - 12 Aug 2024


If I missed anything please call out will update.