Meant to help with the day to day unnecessary mental chatter, based on the The Mental Mandala energetic artwork on Instagram and upgraded to smart tag field.
Gorgeous artwork, absolutely love it
Whoa, it’s pretty
@This_Boy_Here I learned its usage
What does it mean for this field to be smart?
It learns from you and your life and can tailor its field to better serve you personally. In this case, your particular “inner self-talk” patterns, etc.
Cool. I was hoping for this. Let it most mute the most in-need-of-muting thoughts.
how many pieces of this has been minted ?
Day 1 review. One day of wearing this through work and I can say it’s working well. Much less thoughts of worry. Much less ruminating on why some random dickhead was a dickhead. The innertalk, the chatter is reduced and most noticeably the kind of innertalk I wish I didn’t have. I can still think about what I want to. But those compulsive negative thoughts are way down. Works as advertised. Which makes it underpriced. But that’s okay because I need to save up for the infinity gauntlet, I mean Eternity.
When you spend much less time thinking about negative stuff, it bothers you much less. It saps its power.
I also notice a mild to moderate sense of being in a meditative state constantly. A calmness is there. It’s not too strong. It’s about just right. Much more and it probably wouldn’t be a good fit for normal living and functioning in society.
I’d like to use this with the productivity tag. You know, when it exists again. (or if)
I’m digging this one too. Meditated with my IDL22 Neo Cube and had this one and the new ascension on top of the cube. I’m taking it to bed with me to see if I can silence the chatter and fall asleep more easily.
what the what? yes, I looked it up.
Were you able to get a hit on it? I have the Neo-Skullem as well.
Could anyone please tell me if it’s required to look at the center of the spiral / picture to have its effects?
or can i simply wear it :)?
I need something like this in times like this
I just bought this. Payment processed. I dont want this, I need this!. How to proceed after buying this?
You can print it and wear it as a mandala which will work on you as you wear it, and you can connect to it in meditative state.
So this just happened and I’m not sure what to make of it. The moment I bought this NFT and printed a physical copy, my heart started beating really quickly but I could tell I was getting calmer, then out of nowhere I feel this sharp pain in my solar plexus/heart area to the point where I had to stop what I was doing and deal with the pain, also felt the pain on the left side of my face. it has subsided somewhat but it still feels like there is something going on there, like the NFT is fighting hard to keep whatever is going on from re-surfacing again
where exactly can I find the picture with the most quality? and that does not disrupt the field of course. I saw the picture everywhere while I was buying it but idk which one works or not lol, second NFT
After you transfer the NFT to your wallet, there’s a download button to get the full-sized image.
Here’s the picture for the sake of convenience, only works for legal owners.