Mass Meditation for a Better World 2.0 🌍

Each time I’m out for errands, I leave the Mass Med playing at home for hours. :musical_note:

Oh, the excitement I always feel when I reach the doorstep (normally finding some pets hanging out by my house) the serene and calming atmosphere that welcomes you back, filled with peace and spiritual richness, making it conducive to relaxation, concentration, or unwinding after a long day. :dove: :leaves:

As well as playing my little part for Gaia’s restoration :earth_americas: :green_heart:


Oh that’s adorable! :slight_smile:
That’s us, all right :partying_face:


I don’t meditate to this but I also leave it playing when I am not home. My pets love it. They look like they meditate and they keep close to the tablet. Eyes closed and they don’t even come say hi to me. It is like do not disturb our enlightenment :joy:


Would probably recommend to pour them plenty of fresh waters, and run some rounds of Schuman resonance when you get home.

When looped, and despite the sub-fields, it can really get us ungrounded.

Gratitude to your pets for helping the cause :muscle: :earth_africa:


Yes I always make sure they have good quality water available. Another field they seem to enjoy is Grounding but I will make sure to try Schuman Resonance too. Thanks for the suggestion. Oh and their absolute favorite is Hum of the Universe. I get angry part MEOW and part hisss when I turn it off.


will thsre be another one where we all get together and meditate to this at the same time ?


@Mouldytea :ok_hand:


Would be down for another at some point. :point_right: :point_left:

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I am asking to be 100% sure so there is no mp3 for this to listen offline, right?

Unfortunately not man.

However if you wish to meditate with the field offline, the mandala is available on Patreon :slight_smile:


Thanks :pray:

I really hope there will offline version of this or similar in the future.

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