¡Mass Meditation For A Better World! 💫

Indeed, this exactly is what it was. :wink:


So is it possible to make a field that will take you to epsilon and will make you stay awake at the same time? @SammyG can this be somehow considered? Or perhaps a course about it so the mass meditation can be successful?

There already is. It is on SM gumroad.

But it’s only about epsilon state. Does it help to stay awake at that state like the monks and yogis do? It’s not that easy to maintain awareness at that level.

How do you think they got to that level?

They have been meditating for like 30 years or even more…but again sapien does make things easier like magic. So it’s not impossible for him to make something like that.

Just keep doing it… lol great advice I know but I fell asleep at the beginning too now I’m more aware and can actually explore that state. Maybe also try mindfulness before to make it easier to be in the moment.


Mass Meditation 28 November

The poll is closed. Thanks for participating in the poll, everyone!

This week’s first meditation will begin at 12 pm GMT and will last 1 hour.

A second meditation will begin at 6 pm GMT and will last 2 hours.

A third meditation will begin at 9 pm GMT and will last 4 hours.


Are you guys coming to any of the three? :)
Don’t wanna be the only one hanging there lol


I will! :)


See you there ;) Out of the question for me to skip these events, even if it’s only for 15-20 minutes sometimes :earth_americas: :heart: <- I mean wtf could be more important than that?


Meaning, an hour from now we are all ready to join the meditation?

You could mention other fellows you’d like to join the second meditation :)

@_OM @Bronyraur @GoddessAndGodOfAll @anon17734191 @Atreides @MasterOfYellow @Maoshan_Wanderer @This_Boy_Here @Jennyfire

So many I want to mention. I’d gladly spam your notifications here haha.

@uial I think we could all agree it’d be wonderful if you join us :)


@Bronyraur I have been waiting for this one for almost a week now and didn’t touch the meditation audio just to keep that excitement.

Very glad you’ll be there. :earth_africa: :blue_heart:

I’m not sure if I ever meditated for longer; probably allowing myself to it this time. :woman_in_lotus_position:

Edit: lingowatch lol


I haven’t done this before so I’ll ask a couple of duh type questions. Do we just go to this link when the timer hits 0?

And then focus on the intention that the world becomes a better place for the set amount of time (1 2 or 4 hours depending) ?

I will definitely be joining you guys!
I love these mass meditations and try my best not to miss them!
Have already started prepping, currently playing Theta, Ego dissolution will be next!


Ahh! Then I’m even more glad now that you are joining for the first time.

I’ll wait alongside yourself for the answer, but my intention was to allow the flow and follow it :)


@Jennyfire Oh Jenny, you would have joined the meditation right away without bringing everyone’s attention to it. How courageous of yourself, lady!

I’ll see you there! :clinking_glasses:


Just meditate to it. The field already does that.


Yay! You’ll be there? :tada:

Yes, but you can play it any other time too. Works and grows constantly.

Perso, I always start with setting an intention for her (Earth), some kind of self-made conceptual prayer and then… go wherever it takes me :)

Edit: @Desiree I’ve been interrupted by the cat while answering you :))

Very glad that you’ll be there too and for your enthusiasm :)

What is time, after all… :p (quoting @anon17734191 here). No seriously, even 5 minutes of meditation may have its benefits. Especially with this field. Either way, your participation is precious :balloon:


40 minutes felt like 5 minutes :eyes: