¡Mass Meditation For A Better World! 💫

Thanks for tagging me, @anon83343177!
Will defo be there for the last hour of this meditation and the third.
Was there at first meditation.

I feel the same way. :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy everyone is joining the meditations today! :partying_face: :dizzy: :100:


Thank you for being a part of these meditations and making them possible, everyone! :smiley:

You can share your experiences during this week’s meditations in the Mass Meditation Testimonials thread.


BTW saw your “Hi OM” in the meditation chat. :+1:
Said “hi” back to you psychically. :wink:


Hahaha, I was embarrassed that I had gotten into an argument that was petty, but I am kind of glad it happened. Things are better now. :slightly_smiling_face: Some things need to be aired and let out. Also, tbh bro…I used to really, really, really dislike like how it seems sometimes you talk to people in a condescending manner. So I used to try to stay in my own lane and not give you a reason to talk to me crazy, because my ego sucks and I have hard times with letting people talk to me stupid. Of course, I kept this to myself. I am not the type to gossip behind ones back. If I am lying, I would like anyone to say it here now and expose me, there will be zero animosity on my part. But, as I was telling @sammyg and @uial, I come to really respect you and and like your character. I realize it’s just your personality(you be saying some funny ass shit too), and that you don’t really mean harm by it. Plus, you always talked to me with respect, so… And I be on some shit like, “As long as he don’t talk to me like that, we’re good!.” :laughing: I guess it’s my ego…lol Still working on it man.


Haha, it was nice to see you there, @_OM and @This_Boy_Here!
Said ‘Hullo’ back to you and everyone psychically. :slightly_smiling_face:

How is our budding psychic @This_Boy_Here going?


Hahaha, great bro! :slightly_smiling_face:


All good bro.
For my part, I’m sorry to all for bringing up that discussion involving @_OM and continuing that thread. :pray:

Although dealing with rather unusual circumstances affecting my insight into it, I believe that should never be an excuse personally, and I should have handled that far better than I did.

I’m sure @_OM has more than enough ideas about him and whatnot already to deal with on an ongoing basis, without my contributing to that more. Something along similar lines has even already been discussed in a different thread recently.


Okay, here are the polls for this week’s meditations. :mage: :slightly_smiling_face:

Mass Meditation 5 December

Poll for the first meditation:

Please select a preferred time.
  • 12 pm GMT
  • 1 pm GMT
  • 2 pm GMT
  • 3 pm GMT
  • 4 pm GMT
  • 5 pm GMT
  • 6 pm GMT
0 voters

Poll for the second meditation:

Please select up to 3 preferred times.
  • 7 am GMT
  • 8 am GMT
  • 9 am GMT
  • 10 am GMT
  • 11 am GMT
  • 7 pm GMT
  • 8 pm GMT
  • 9 pm GMT
  • 10 pm GMT
  • 11 pm GMT
  • 12 am GMT
  • 1 am GMT
  • 2 am GMT
0 voters

Mass Meditation 5 December

The poll is closed. Thanks for participating in the poll, everyone!

This week’s first meditation will begin at 11 am GMT and will last 2 hours.

A second meditation will begin at 6 pm GMT and will last 3 hours.

A third meditation will begin at 10 pm GMT and will last 1 hour.

You can share your experiences during this week’s meditations in the Mass Meditation Testimonials thread.


Joining you guys in 5 mins!


First one starts in 2.5 hours :wink:

1 Like

Okay… Let’s try this again haha

See you guys in 10 mins!

It was so good, I’m doing the two hours again.


Now I’m confused lolol

My clock says it will start in 2 hours 5 minutes from now, the second meditation :man_shrugging:



1st one starts in 4 mins

2nd one starts in 2 hour 4 mins…

Come and stay as long as you want/can…

Even 5-10 mins is worthwhile
you can play it the background while doing others things if not consciously meditating :slight_smile: :heart: :orange_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


I thought the first one already happen early morning 5 hours ago :rofl:

Not to worry :joy: more joy and gratitude to share collectively


It did… My apologies

Next one starts in 2 hours…


Join the club!!! :rofl:
For someone who lives in a country where they don’t adjust their clocks with each season I can’t seem to keep up :upside_down_face:

I think the confusion this time is that it says GMT and not EST like is normally does.


Yes. My apologies to everyone esp @anon22855873 :rofl: :wink:


If I was confused now I’m stumped :thinking:

@_OM please will you to alert us just before it’s time to tune in :pray: :wink: