The Alien Thread

I’m soooo glad you wrote this…
so can I clarify a great many “assumptions” that I see on these forums about me, in particular, and about levels of consciousness in general.

Everyone knows the maxim
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Let’s apply that maxim to our preferred “styles” of helping

So you meet a hungry man sitting by a lake…
He has a story… (insert one of @anon48416969’s funny side ramble’s here)
he tells you “why” he’s so hungry and tales the story of his:
divorced wife,
runaway dog,
loss of his arms in the war,
lost his house to a tornado,

After you listen to his “story” with apt interest and appropriate amounts of sympathy,
you wish him a good day and wish him good luck with his fishing and hunger problems…

The man dies 2 days later of hunger…

On the other hand,
you have someone that teaches him how to fish…
maybe he listens to his story while he teaches him, maybe he doesn’t.
But he’s spending his time teaching how to fish so he can live.
After teaching him how to fish, maybe he stays to hear the sad story, maybe he wishes him well, stories unheard.
Either way, that man now knows how to fish and can tell his story to as many people as he wants …since he’ll be alive to tell it.

Now… let’s look at one of my favs… Dr. Hawkins

Let’s look at what this table tell us.
Well, it’s not a 100% exact science, but it gives a pretty general idea that:
this poor guy who lost his everything and is feeling like life sucks on multiple levels
is feeling that way because of his Level of Consciousness.

We can see there’s a direct coorelation to one’s story be “OK” vs not being “OK”.
And I think we can all agree, the people who most want to tell their story are the “not OK” with life types, yes?

So in the universal metaphor… teaching people how to raise the levels of consciousness is teaching people how to fish…as opposed to giving them a fish for THE DAY and sending them on their way, needing more people to tell the story to …as it’s never resolving the CORE ISSUE.

Now, let’s talk about me personally.

I’m such an empathic and “intuitive” person (I guess the secret programs call them “intuitive empaths”, but that’s story for ANOTHER DAY…not on this plane :wink:)
that I FEEL other people’s emotional issues, most times even when they refused to admit it to themselves.

And since over 78% of people have not even reached a basic level of “clearing” their emotional garbage without mentally and/or psychically throwing it upon anyone they meet,
I FEEL their JUNK thrust upon me every moment of the day when around others.
Wanted or not.

There’s a reason one of DW’s first fields was a psychic and empathic shielding field!!..

I care about other’s feelings.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I know that no amount of “telling one’s story” is going to actually resolve those issues for them.

(Pretty sure, most therapists have acknowledged this fact that “talk therapy”/CBT alone does NOT resolve anything, unless it is paired with something else that actually resolves the actual underlying traumas in some way)

They need to resolve those issues (aka grow in their level of consciousness) so that don’t feel HURT anymore… and consequently will not have a “story” to tell.
At least one where they feel “invalidated” in someway …

So I’m sorry that you “feel” I don’t care about “feelings”.
That honestly feels like some transference of some other people from your childhood who ACTUALLY lacked compassion and didn’t care about your or others feelings.

In fact, via PM, I think you know DARNED well, I care about people’s feelings.
I wasn’t the one who was getting uncomfortable with certain “LOVE” audios and the reactions it was causing.
I was the one ENCOURAGING it…remember???

I just know that on a forum like this, I (actually nobody) has the time to HEAR everyone’s story (as if that would do any good anyways…)

I’ll repeat again… next level up (4th density) is ALL about hearing, and validating, and accepting…because 98% of the EGO JUNK has been removed from EVERYONE so people aren’t getting triggered when someone says something TRUE, but not necessarily “cuddly bunny kisses” when giving advice to someone else.

There’s also a form of telepathy and conceptual understanding that;s missing on this plane that actually allows others to KNOW what someone is communicating …instead of simply “knowing about” or outright being misunderstood.

Again, many of these abilities are things that CAN be experienced on this plane but it’s at those levels of consciousness where people feel “LIfe Is OK” to begin with.

I’m simply showing people the fastest and best way to get where they want to be…whether they realize it or not.
To make no mistake about what this is.
Higher Levels of Consciousness. Period. Full Stop.

Nearly every single one of my posts has that underlying theme in it, explicitly or implicitly.

Now the question is… do you and others here want to FIGHT the Universe cause…
“Argh…all rules are bad! Anarchy! The “man” is keeping me down against my will!”

Or are you going to REALIZE that all the “negative” rules were created by the Orion based Draco Reps
(there’s a reason unjust laws are called DRACONIAN Laws)
the “Rules” for happiness are NO DIFFERENT than the same rules of happiness that apply on earth.

Edited to add:
YOU SEE me in most of the threads BEING HAPPY for others when they are excited about their tag or made a big jump with personal issues…
NO ONE does that here as much as me…so tell me again, how I don’t care about how other’s feelings :unamused: