The Alien Thread

A) It’s disingenuous because this isn’t a thread where someone was asking for advice from DW as the examples you’ve laid out.

B) It’s disingenuous as there’s this “theme” that has run through many of your posts that some how “majority agreement” with a idea/concept/opinion is somehow a lack of “individuality” or “not accepting diversity”

C) While you often seem to favor your “Orion” tendencies, it is in fact, those from the ORION systems that have been imposing the “Follow the hierarchal rules or ELSE!” doctrine on this and other worlds throughout the galaxy.

They aren’t the “free spirited rule breakers” in the galaxy …they are the ones who would like to enforce homogeny across all those they “rule” to eliminate dissent and “free thought”

It’s quite the cognitive dissonance to want to identify so strongly with the group that seems to stand against one of your biggest “issues” that you’ve brought up several times.

That said, there is the other side of Duality.
Being contrarian, just to be contrarian, IMO
might be one of the most inane things I’ve heard of.
99.99% of everything on this forum is “contrarian” to what the rest of the world believes or knows.
So even if 100% of the threads were “Awe Master” or “Yes Sapien” on this forum…that STILL would be a contrarian concept/idea/opinion compared to the 7+ BILLION people on the planet who would call every single one of us “crazy”

(Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the Arcturians had something to say about this matter as well?)

And I said before in another thread about this topic (of being heard)
As pointed out above… we have 7 billion people on the planet…
Life. on this planet…as it is right now… is NOT about being heard and/or accepted and/or acknowledged.
Sorry it simply isn’t.
That’s for other planes of existence.
Sorry if that hurts people’s egos feelings.

Better to understand that one will likely NOT be heard. …
One will NOT be acknowledged…
One will NOT be valued for their opinion …
and figure what really truly matters on this plane, at this time.

Because EVEN IF one was heard, acknowledged, and understood but disagreed with,
the EGO is almost always going to turn that into feeling
unacknowledged, and
not understood
by the time it reaches the parts of the brain that process those emotions.


You know @Bronyraur, that pdf reminds me of Assassin’s Creed. Especially with the whole humans being created as a slave race thing and the animus machine. What the hell is going on and who ripped off who? :rofl: :rofl:


A) This thread isn’t, indeed. But since the conversations in it have taken us to more general issues, (sorry @anon44876465), my examples were referring to them.

B) Depends on the topic. For instance, overly made-up and mega-filtered “stories” and pics-of-the day (with predefined styles) in social media are also one of the current majority agreements… in which the users themselves (not me) complain about a loss of individuality.

C) No star system is “mine”, nor do I claim to belong to one of them. Our chats about “fellowship” here are (at least for me) no different than saying stuff like:

“My Star Wars” or “My Matrix” or you know, a game in which you would have a “Star Wars team” and a “Matrix team”. Or me often saying “my beloved Ella Fitzgerald”, by simple sympathy.

Plus, that Orion stuff has an old romantic meaning for me, from years ago, when we used to stargaze with some guy lol.

Other than that, be it Orion or Arcturus or any other system, etc: it’s not an urge for identification. When I say that I “learn” from them, this also implies both learning stuff that I absolutely don’t have yet in me AND stuff/paths that I don’t want to follow or fall in or even perpetrate. Understanding, in order not to do the same mistakes, you if you will.

At least I felt heard by you, in spite of the disagreement :) since you’ve replied by also offering a rewind of my older posts.

As for the rest: I accept the fact that I might not be ready (or even willing to be ready) for all this. Especially not while doing my current job and especially not when constantly formulated this way by you. I know you don’t care about people’s feeling but I do.

So maybe someday, maybe not (as I already wrote in this thread). Not locking the door definitively.

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I just wanted to say something regarding the daniel papers.
@wuMing, I totally feel you with your initial reaction. I know when I first saw it here on the forum, I read about a page and I was “ah yeah… nah.”

I put it all aside in the “maybe one day I’ll read it” drawer.
Then I spent about a month or two with meditating / falling asleep to the sirian energy infusion audio (besides using audios, energy course, meditation and lately the star exercise, so you know… Going forward). I kept getting small pieces of “realisations”, dreams, and messages that there was something related to the nature / concept of time that khm… it was time for me to discover.

So after some time and a lot of higher self connection, realized i had those papers available.
It is not an easy read (and I was more interested in the 3D time concept than aliens), but it is worth it.
You can think of it as a thought experiment. I had to keep on remindind myself that I must keep an open mind otherwise my views cannot be challenged. I have quite a mathematical background btw so yeah.

I think this is the URL that should be shared, not specifically the pdf above, and if you really want to understand it, you have to start at the beginning.

That is assuming you’re actually interested in understanding. I would recommend to everyone to read, try honestly to gain true understanding of what is written. if there are questions by the end, check their forums, check the forums here, and if you don’t find the info ask the question.
It’s not realistic to ask @_OM or any other user to explain and give proof, when there is a ton of information already available on the website the pdf is. Daniel wrote more than 100 pages (only on the URL I linked!) of articles, and if you search the forum here, you will also find a ton of related information.

I think it is extremely important that of course, you can and should criticise anything, HOWEVER, you must understand what you’re criticising. If you don’t take the time and effort to understand the opinion / concept of other people, you’ll quickly be dismissed yourself. That is true for anyone, in any topic, in real life and the internet.


Just read part 1 and the whole thing about history being much more recent than it is thought to be. I will not make the mistake of blindly believing anything because I do not understand physics enough to challenge any view (mainstream or otherwise). But I will definitely say that my mind has been opened further to the possibilities.

I will carry on reading. This is cool stuff.


I’m soooo glad you wrote this…
so can I clarify a great many “assumptions” that I see on these forums about me, in particular, and about levels of consciousness in general.

Everyone knows the maxim
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Let’s apply that maxim to our preferred “styles” of helping

So you meet a hungry man sitting by a lake…
He has a story… (insert one of @anon48416969’s funny side ramble’s here)
he tells you “why” he’s so hungry and tales the story of his:
divorced wife,
runaway dog,
loss of his arms in the war,
lost his house to a tornado,

After you listen to his “story” with apt interest and appropriate amounts of sympathy,
you wish him a good day and wish him good luck with his fishing and hunger problems…

The man dies 2 days later of hunger…

On the other hand,
you have someone that teaches him how to fish…
maybe he listens to his story while he teaches him, maybe he doesn’t.
But he’s spending his time teaching how to fish so he can live.
After teaching him how to fish, maybe he stays to hear the sad story, maybe he wishes him well, stories unheard.
Either way, that man now knows how to fish and can tell his story to as many people as he wants …since he’ll be alive to tell it.

Now… let’s look at one of my favs… Dr. Hawkins

Let’s look at what this table tell us.
Well, it’s not a 100% exact science, but it gives a pretty general idea that:
this poor guy who lost his everything and is feeling like life sucks on multiple levels
is feeling that way because of his Level of Consciousness.

We can see there’s a direct coorelation to one’s story be “OK” vs not being “OK”.
And I think we can all agree, the people who most want to tell their story are the “not OK” with life types, yes?

So in the universal metaphor… teaching people how to raise the levels of consciousness is teaching people how to fish…as opposed to giving them a fish for THE DAY and sending them on their way, needing more people to tell the story to …as it’s never resolving the CORE ISSUE.

Now, let’s talk about me personally.

I’m such an empathic and “intuitive” person (I guess the secret programs call them “intuitive empaths”, but that’s story for ANOTHER DAY…not on this plane :wink:)
that I FEEL other people’s emotional issues, most times even when they refused to admit it to themselves.

And since over 78% of people have not even reached a basic level of “clearing” their emotional garbage without mentally and/or psychically throwing it upon anyone they meet,
I FEEL their JUNK thrust upon me every moment of the day when around others.
Wanted or not.

There’s a reason one of DW’s first fields was a psychic and empathic shielding field!!..

I care about other’s feelings.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I know that no amount of “telling one’s story” is going to actually resolve those issues for them.

(Pretty sure, most therapists have acknowledged this fact that “talk therapy”/CBT alone does NOT resolve anything, unless it is paired with something else that actually resolves the actual underlying traumas in some way)

They need to resolve those issues (aka grow in their level of consciousness) so that don’t feel HURT anymore… and consequently will not have a “story” to tell.
At least one where they feel “invalidated” in someway …

So I’m sorry that you “feel” I don’t care about “feelings”.
That honestly feels like some transference of some other people from your childhood who ACTUALLY lacked compassion and didn’t care about your or others feelings.

In fact, via PM, I think you know DARNED well, I care about people’s feelings.
I wasn’t the one who was getting uncomfortable with certain “LOVE” audios and the reactions it was causing.
I was the one ENCOURAGING it…remember???

I just know that on a forum like this, I (actually nobody) has the time to HEAR everyone’s story (as if that would do any good anyways…)

I’ll repeat again… next level up (4th density) is ALL about hearing, and validating, and accepting…because 98% of the EGO JUNK has been removed from EVERYONE so people aren’t getting triggered when someone says something TRUE, but not necessarily “cuddly bunny kisses” when giving advice to someone else.

There’s also a form of telepathy and conceptual understanding that;s missing on this plane that actually allows others to KNOW what someone is communicating …instead of simply “knowing about” or outright being misunderstood.

Again, many of these abilities are things that CAN be experienced on this plane but it’s at those levels of consciousness where people feel “LIfe Is OK” to begin with.

I’m simply showing people the fastest and best way to get where they want to be…whether they realize it or not.
To make no mistake about what this is.
Higher Levels of Consciousness. Period. Full Stop.

Nearly every single one of my posts has that underlying theme in it, explicitly or implicitly.

Now the question is… do you and others here want to FIGHT the Universe cause…
“Argh…all rules are bad! Anarchy! The “man” is keeping me down against my will!”

Or are you going to REALIZE that all the “negative” rules were created by the Orion based Draco Reps
(there’s a reason unjust laws are called DRACONIAN Laws)
the “Rules” for happiness are NO DIFFERENT than the same rules of happiness that apply on earth.

Edited to add:
YOU SEE me in most of the threads BEING HAPPY for others when they are excited about their tag or made a big jump with personal issues…
NO ONE does that here as much as me…so tell me again, how I don’t care about how other’s feelings :unamused:


This :100: :+1:


I’m pretty sure the 3D time knowledge and concept can be used even by individuals (with some psychic ability prob, but not necessarily much), but I need more time (lol) to figure out how.


Lol this remind some of one time when my energy system got a bit shocked by some exercises a couple of years ago and I could hear (physically, like it was announced through my earphones) some people’s thought for a short while on public transportation.
It was 100% like:
“get the fuck moving” and
“Ah this headache is really bad”

Good post btw.
I haven’t read this book from Hawkins yet I’ll definitely read it next!

And yes OM reactions GIFs are a massive part of the forum, they come is a very constant and stable way :joy:


Question to both @MonkeyOwl and @_OM

Can becoming a psychic empath dull your ability to connect to people even further? I know that sounds strange but I could imagine the information overload being too much that your mind and body eventually decide to block it all out and just become…numb.

Meh…it’s a pretty dry book with mostly charts of all the things he calibrated.
Not nearly as exciting as the title implies :rofl:
Not much “teaching” or explaining in that one.
You can PM what you’ve read and where you interested in going next if you want some recommendations.


I’m not there yet, I think I have a natural inclination towards this (and other people have towards other things, again, I’ve never managed to do e.g. astral travel).
I actually set aside all spiritual things not long after that experience for a couple of years.

For the past 1-2 years I practice again. One thing I noticed is I had some friends that I sort of gave emotional support a lot before (them complaining about all the “toxicity” in their life) and since I am again becoming more sensitive, it feels much more draining. I still spend time with them, but I put up a simple shield and ask the dragon to help. The shield does make it more difficult to connect.

Anyway I am nowhere as sensitive as more senior people on the forum, this has just been my experience so far.


I don’t want to take this away from you, but I have experienced the same emotions minus the energy sensitivity and dragon stuff. I just don’t feel like listening to people’s problems anymore. It’s draining.

But that’s not a good thing for me. I want to make friends and forge intimate relationships (something that I am suddenly finding difficult to do). In addition to the fact that my livelihood depends on listening to people’s problems literally (patients).

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It doesn’t seem like you actually read what I wrote, or else you, like OM, are willfully interjecting your own presumptions over what I have stated is my good faith effort to read and engage with the text which was presented to me.

If someone writes something with the aim to convince others, especially if it is meant as a “primer for the masses” as OM claims, then (as I have said again and again) it ought to present a logical argument to the reader, step by step. That is the respectful and effective way of convincing an audience (unless you just want to appeal to their emotions or preconcieved biases). It is further not uncommon, and often helpful to answer possible objections ahead of time in your text.

If someone wishes to convince others, the burden is on them to make an argument, not the reader to go hunting around or post questions to a forum.

Furthermore, I never asked OM or anyone here to explain or give proof. I pointed out the poor quality of the paper’s argument. This had little to nothing to do with the conclusions the paper drew (I disagreed with one conclusion, but I was not closed to the possibility), and everything to do with how poorly presented and argued it was.

And, even if I had asked someone to explain it, or invited discussion of it… this is a discussion forum. The paper was presented as a resource. It is reasonable to exchange opinions and if one wishes to give explanations or alternate views.

I took the time to start reading the paper, long enough to taste the quality (or lack thereof) of the writer’s style and argumentation. It does not take reading a whole paper to do that.

And, again, as a reader, especially of a “primer for the masses” it is not on me to go digging around for evidence to support the author’s point he is trying to convince me of.

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Perhaps the miscommunication has arisen as a result of that paper being part 6 of a long series.

Maybe reading this chronologically would be better and do more justice to the author’s intended order of reading it?

I am currently reading the series now. Starting off with the first ever paper (the uncommitted investigator) gives you a broader view. Starting with part 6 (part 2 of the anthropology series) makes you dive into the crazy stuff without giving you the background context. And is unfair to both the reader and the author.

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Yeah exactly, this is why I linked the main page with all the pdf, there is clearly an order.


The way I look at it is it rather helps you see who you should be spending more/less time with. You don’t have to be friends with everyone.

As for the patient part, I think that could indeed be quite draining, I would consider buying the shielding tag (though I’m not sure it is available now).
Also I think the energies in hospitals are not the very best anyway (only personal opinion - the only places where I feel worse quicker are big museums like the Louvre and British museum lol, no idea why), so could also be useful for that in general.


I hate hospitals. I mean I respect what they do but the people there have this toxic draining effect on you. To where, just a few hours there (even a mere 4 hours) of just standing around and talking to patients, can get me drained to the point where I need a nap.

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Real fucking convenient when you can treat people who disagree with you like shit and then blame it on them having “emotional issues” that you can’t point to a bit of evidence of other than your intuition.

Sounds like you’re trying to set us up to be “divided and conquered”. I thought that was supposed to be taboo and the sort of thing emblematic of the “evil” Draconians?


Are you fucking kidding me right now?!

A) I KNOW absolutely nothing about losing a son. NOTHING. WE’VE never talked about that EVER. You have me confused with someone else. And I never MENTIONED your son in ANY post as I didn’t know anything about it.

B) I literally get “attacked” every fucking day on this forum.
But you want to play the victim card.?

You literally posted passive agressive comments like I’m FORCING you to use Sapien’s stuff after I recommended ONCE that ESS servitor might help you with some issues you discussed…

Good lord! that is TRANSFERENCE plain and simple
as you had a whole diatribe in the Servitors thread about it
like I was mentioning every day and/or you would go to Hell if you didin’t buy it…

Actually read this thread…
All I originally said was that blocked poster needed to READ all daniel’s stuff before jumping to conclusions.
Even told them WHAT to search for…
Plain and matter of fact with no drama.

Literally that’s it!

Some how I’m a shit bag for defending someone I worked with and KNOW that whatever “conclusions” that blocked poster was coming to are actually a complete 180 understanding to what “daniel” taught and believed in …INDICATING that that poster was indeed getting triggered and misunderstanding what was said.

“The first thing that really got under my skin”

(FFS…what does “got under my skin mean”??) And I"m the triggered one??

C) I’m always amazed AGAIN how everyone wants to share THEIR story and “be” heard but when it comes to me sharing MY story…
Everyone’s TRIGGERED! Every. single. time.

That’s NOT self-introspection… at all.
That’s plain old “projection” …clear as day.

If you’re going to leave, then be HONEST about why you’re leaving.
We aren’t playing the “_OM” was mean to me after you pulled some passive aggressive nonsense on me over several posts and THEN OM finally said something about it.

Like I said…
You and others want to project your unresolved traumas onto me as I’m bringing up some difficult topics then I’m not having it.

Stay or leave… but don’t go out of here with more muddy trauma that’s gonna need to be resolved …the sooner the better.

Now, you can interpret this as “_OM being mean and lacking emotion” all you want but I’m not taking your baggage…
I’m giving it right back to you…where it belongs.