Hey guys. I’ve seen people mention aliens species on this forum a lot like Reptillians, Arcturians, Pleidians, etc. I thought it would be cool to have a dedicated thread for it, so that I and others could learn more about the different species as well as people’s views/opinions.
So I guess to start, what are all the major alien races and what roles/goals do they have?
According to David Icke Reptilians are the bad ones. They want control, domination, left brain dominance. They lack the connection to god and dont have any creative capacity.
Since 6.000 years they are responsible for manipulating and stealing our natural skills.
It always strikes me as rather odd how we are willing to talk about various alien species as monolithic groups that all have the same mindset, goal, “role”, but most are uncomfortable doing the same when talking about national, ethnic, or racial populations on Earth.
And, even were the above not dubious, the idea of “role” presumes some kind of unshakeable destiny.
We only get slurred as “the bad ones” because we do not roll over and conform to the control and domination of supposed saviors of the galaxy.
I honestly could not get past page 5. The author seems par for the course in the New Age / Alternate Spirituality sphere where emotional bombast and gestures towards commonly held beliefs or conspiracies take the place of a tightly presented argument.
The first thing that really got under my skin was his repetition of the idea that all political and religious disputes are manufactured, that the differences really do not matter, and that we would all happily get along without incident if it where not for the Bad Guys.
I certainly believe that there is (and always has been) a lot of manipulation at play, but I equally believe there are real conflicts and differences that underpin things. For example, wars between countries (or earlier kingdoms, city-states, etc) cannot be reduced to, “You were born over there so you die.” They extend out of very real tensions over natural resources that have always existed. Strip away all notion of state or country, and people will still struggle over the prime pieces of land that offer the best chance of survival.
Similarly, it is easy for someone who has likely always thumbed his nose at one (or all) of the world’s religions to say that they’re all the same, the differences within and between them does not matter, etc. The author’s stance is extremely childish and betrays an inability to conceptualize what it is like to live in a world characterized by more than the physical.
Beyond that one point, the author is the type to not show his work whatsoever. He takes it for granted that his readers will accept his reinterpreted version of Sumerian mythology, no doubt interlaced with his own snide embellishments. He does not present quotes from source materials, nor does he (as far as I read) explain where he has supposedly gained all of this knowledge of the “right” way of seeing the “hidden” history. Was this something others have told him? Something he got in a vision or channeling? Have others independently verified it with their own accounts?
yeah…might want to research who “daniel” was before making this statement…
He’s showed LOTS of work and most people wouldn’t understand what he was talking about as it’s high level scientific equations…
Again… simple research would show he worked in high level black ops government programs that are source material for countless sci-fi movies/tv shows to this day.
_OM has directly worked with this person, so he’s certainly the one who would make the necessary clarifications.
I relate to some of your arguments, since I’m still trying to digest this material (by rereading it for a few months now). Let me even confess to you that I had cried out of rage about some aspects :)))
Maybe (when and if you have the time, willingness, etc.) it would help to start with the first paper of the collection which is The Uncommited Investigator.
Edit: just saw that _OM has replied while I was typing. Leaving it to him.
I want to clarify for you and for @_OM that I do not find the ideas themselves off-putting. Some things I was nodding along to. Other things I was tempted to nod along to, until I stopped and said, “Hey, wait…” because they appealed to some of my own bias (e.g. the idea of the proud, independent “barbarian” rejecting society).
My issue is that I feel he is skipping steps… not “showing work” (which is to say guiding the reader with evidence from point to point)… and relying heavily on pre-existing biases in the New Age / conspiracy sphere.
lol your critique is COMPLETELY invalid…
by your own failed research into “who” he is outside of reading 5 pages of a pdf that’s “triggered” you in some way.
It’s a pdf “primer” for the “masses” that you couldn’t even get past page 5.
And knowing that pdf there are literally “footnotes” in his general dumbed downed pdfs to concepts he is talking about.
No offense,…but having worked with “daniel” it is actually YOU that’s showing your lack of
“logical reasoning and argumentation process” in this process as you couldn’t even finish the pdf without going into a EMOTIONAL rebuttal that quite frankly isn’t based on anything but your own being triggered.
This guy was brought into this top black ops programs to work on high tech alien tech that Sapien is now exploring and trying to copy but yeah…you know better cause he didn’t satisfy your “strict scientific code” that comes from…what exactly?
Sigh… don’t you worry about it…
One day you’ll be using one of Sap’s fields incorporating daniel’s research and be none the wiser… like many on here who get upset about this or that thing and have no idea who it came from or how it was created…
You really disappoint me. I am not “triggered” and to dismiss my criticisms, especially after I expressed that I found many of the ideas agreeable or at least tempting, is incredibly dismissive and condescending.
If it is a primer for the masses, then all the more reason for him to show his work, make his case. It absolutely should not rest on individuals making an effort to dig up who he is, or even his personal authority, but rather should rest on the strength of his argument alone.
Yes, I read every footnote on the pages I read, and they did not add appreciably to the evidence.
The only one “triggering” me is you, with your incredibly dismissive and condescending attitude.
So sorry @anon44876465, this is why we can’t have a discussion about this.
At this point, nearly every time I bring up something like this… some one’s going to get “triggered” and it’s usually several people.
Sadly, it actually proves a point made by both the “negative” elites and the secret positive groups that would like to free humanity…
They both would claim “humanity” isn’t ready…and as much as I and others would like to fight for “FULL disclosure”, time after time humanity proves it’s not ready.
So those who do have “more accurate” information are always hesitant to give the full story as inevitably it’s simply not worth the backlash when confronting people’s pre-conceived notions and beliefs they were taught that are wrong but are “safe” for them.
JFC, the amount of “PROJECTION” on this forum is beyond ridiculous at this point…
These cosmic energies are really doing a number on people.
You are have literally “dismissed” and been “condescending” to a pdf that you still haven’t finished… and seems you still haven’t done a basic google “search” as instructed (before instantly responding) but yet… you’re projecting that onto me…
Don’t worry… I’m used to it… kinda sick of it at this point and about to been done with it here especially…but used it…
It’s quite obviously…again… that you didn’t even spend 30 seconds to STOP… and research his name on Google…as it would lead to some sites with ALL KINDS of scientific research that quite frankly, i’m pretty sure you wouldn’t understand…
(Sorry, not sorry, if you find that “dismissive and condescending”… It’s high level stuff that most people don’t understand and it would take at least a few months to “unlearn” conventional scientific thinking and relearn what he’s talking about to really “grok” it)
Again with the projecting…
You were dismissive and condescending and quite frankly "triggered’ cause he said some stuff you didn’t agree with…
Again…right up there for everyone to see in that first post…
but i’m sure you gave him a “fair shake”…
you know considering what he’s actually DONE vs…your opinion of what you think about the 5 pages you read…
Like I said,
I’m sure you’ll be using his concepts in Sapien’s fields here in the near future and probably be “raving” about it and “ignorance will be bliss” cause he hasn’t reached your “strict level of scientific inquiry”…that I ASK again… is proven by what again?
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE block me if you find this dismissive and condescending … PLEASE…
Responding because you’ve quoted me and to tell you that I’ve received the message.
I’m sorry that this conversation has gone into this direction… I’m a mix of emotional fireball and incredibly stubborn when it comes to shake off some of “my” (?) opinions. Not saying that I’ll give these up either… maybe not yet, maybe never.
But putting it simply, these lines in his first paper (meaning “first” of this available collection) have encouraged me to go further:
“So when you read my papers and start screaming, ‘That’s wrong! I was taught that…,’ remember that I’ve heard it all before. I was taught it all before! And I used to believe it! Then I found none of what I was taught came close to explaining the things I saw and worked with, forcing me to accept that everything I knew was wrong. It took a lot of time and effort to work around all those built-in biases— and they put up quite a fight—but once I was able to steer myself clear and take a clean look at what now seems obvious, a much simpler view of the universe emerged—one that opens the doors to some amazing possibilities.”
Not easy to swallow at first glance, no. But a lot of stuff suddenly starts making sense, the more you dig in his sources (very clearly indicated).
I’m not pushing you to read at all costs. Just sharing my impressions.
Nice job completely ignoring the point I made about how something YOU call a “primer for the masses” should have its argument laid out IN THE TEXT, and not rely on the name recognition of the author.
At bare minimum he should have cited his other work and addressed common questions / counter-points.
Naw…i’m done.
Good luck with whatever it is you want in life dude.
But quite frankly, I’m over it.
since you’ve accused me of being condescending and dismissive…i’m just gonna block you instead…k? good? no? doesn’t matter…like I said… kinda done with this abusive projecting on this forum…
Like OM, you are pigeon-holing me as someone that is overly and blindly attached to pre-existing beliefs and therefore is just lashing out over it. I find that incredibly insulting considering I laid out criticisms from the start that had little to do with where he was going, and much more to do with how he was getting there.
Not that it matters, but I am neither a practicing member of any world religion, nor an atheist. I am not incredibly patriotic / nationalistic, but I am also not shouting for globalism. I have my share of spiritual and magical experience which, while it may not measure up to some on this forum, I am far from the “Oh no, but I was taught…” stage.
Again, it is deeply insulting and hurtful, when I attempt to present my views, with logical argument, to have all of that dismissed and replaced with some notion that all I have said is a smoke screen for clinging to old beliefs, being close-minded, or being “triggered.”