Mass Meditation for a better World

Bouta hop in for a 30 minute meditation via Mass meditation audio. If you wanna join, feel free and do so. :pray:


Going to do some meditation now for about an hour :heart:

Ps - love your consistency, it inspires me to use mass mediation more.


Damn, I was at work. It’s been a busy morning… But I am about to meditate now for 30 minutes if you or anyone is still there.

I’m glad, thanks for letting me know :pray: :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello Hello everyone. I am bouta hop on for a 30-45 minute meditation via Mass Meditation audio while on a break, so if anyone is there and tryna join in, please feel free. Thanks :pray:


Hello Hello everyone. I am bouta hop on for a 30 minute morning meditation on my break. So if anyone is there, and would like to join, feel free. Thanks :pray:

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Chao, hola, and bonjour everyone. I am hoppin on for a 30-45 minute meditation via mass meditation audio. So if you wanna join, feel free. :heart: :pray:


Hello Bros and Broettes. I am bouta to hop in for a quick 30-45 minute meditation during some free time. If anyone if there and would like to join in, feel free. Thanks :pray:


Sup sup people. Just hoppin in for a quick 30-45 minute weekend meditation via Mass Meditation audio. If anyone wants to join in right now, feel free to do so. Thanks. :pray: :person_in_lotus_position:

Startin up a 30-45 minute meditation via mass meditation audio on my break. So if anyone is there and tryna join up, please feel free to do so. Thanks :pray:


Hello hello. I am bouta to start a 30 minute meditation via Mass Meditation audio. If anyone is there and would like to join, feel free and do so. Thanks. :pray:


Hello everyone. Bouta to hop on for a 45 minute meditation via Mass Meditation audio. So if anyone is there, and wanna join, please do so. :pray:


Hey ya’ll, Ima hop on for 30-45 minutes via Mass meditation audio right now. If anyone is there and tryna join, please do. Thanks :pray:

Hello everyone. I am bouta hop on for a 30-45 minute meditation via Mass Meditation audio, so if you are there and wanna joining, feel free. :pray: I really lost my Zen yesterday for the first time in almost a year, so really lookin forward to this one. :sweat_smile: :joy:


Gratz for keeping at it! :partying_face:


Thank you @Rosechalice. :slightly_smiling_face: Talkin to my bro @PatronSaintBiceps really grounded me back to my Blueprint real quick.


I am hoppin on for a 40 minute meditation via Mass Meditation audio, so if anyone is there and would like to join, please do so. :pray:

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Bouta hop on for a 30 minute meditation via Mass Meditation audio, so if anyone is there and tryna join up, please feel free. Thanks. :pray:

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Thank you for being an inspiration. I also intend to join you everyday.


You are welcome. :slightly_smiling_face: Glad I am, and I look forward to you joining. :pray: This field was my bro’s baby, and before he had left, he’d explained to me in detail how strong and beneficial this field could be for the Collective, if we are consistent. So I try to never miss a day. (Sometimes I do miss a day or two due to circumstances, but I try not to.) There has been over 50 studies (and I am sure alot more) around the world that has shown evidence of how group/mass meditations affect the Collective. So if one ascends, the Whole Collective Consciousness does as well.


I agree with Star3.3, You’re an inspiration to see doing an invite for these every day. My problem is that I’m a night owl, so I’m up at night and not often during the day. Otherwise I’d be more prone to joining you as well. With that being said, I have ambitions to find a work-around in some manner in the somewhat near future. Either way, keep up the good work, if nothing else I send my supporting vibes! :)