Mass Meditation Testimonials

The meditations this week have been beautiful. Thank you to everyone who has participated.

It is truly beautiful to see and feel the effects of the Plasma Flower Node spreading and resonating a healthy blueprint to all.


The mass meditations field is and has always been my self-reflection field, among its many other aspects.

I took some time to reflect these last days. About my reactions, my defensesā€¦ Sure thing that they do reflect my own past and experiences. Say, that racism thing. Not only mine per se, but also what some dear people, like class mates from different cultural backgrounds, etc. had to endure in front of my eyes. Because of some teachers who were openly abusing their ā€œauthorityā€ status and treating ā€œforeignā€ students as less than nothing. I was a kid, I was whatā€¦ 14-15-16. I couldnā€™t do anything. I couldnā€™t stand up and say ā€œback the fā€¦k off jackass and leave my friends and me in peaceā€. All I could do was slamming the class door at times and get disciplinary punishments. Putting more butter on the bread of those fake ā€œteachersā€ who were laughing their tummy out.

On the other side of the coin, thereā€™s also my ā€œshadowā€, of course. Am I exempt from jackassness myself? No. Am I always treating everyone on an equal basis? No. Am I not discriminating people and things sometimes, at some other levels? Unfortunately I do. Still happens. So again, thereā€™s really no use for me to act like an angelwinged wannabe. Everybody can buy it, if I put the effort in it.
Except me. Because ā€œeverybodyā€™s full of shit except me?ā€ Lol. Big one.

The mass meditation field has made me rethink about all those things. About humility as well (a topic re-brought on the table recently by the user above that I like very much by the way). About abusive ā€œteachersā€ā€¦ and some other true teachers, like the OP of this thread. I guess the ultimate purpose of Sapien Medicine popping on my way was to reunite us. Thatā€™s also what I came to realize during this last meditation session. Fully realize this time. Not just for the purpose of throwing flowers on his head.

Iā€™m nothing but grateful for the OP and this field. More than ever.


So powerful! :pray: Thank you for bravely sharing this and being such an example for others! :heart:

I think I can feel your pain. I feel it from reading this paragraph and from remembering my own life experiences. I truly think a lot of these things happen for a reason. To teach us, make us grow stronger and more sensitive so we can shine our light later on. And we are not our past; we have a choice at any new moment to change who we are (taken from one of the best books I know). You fought for them then to the best of your abilities and you are doing the same today. Maybe these experiences made your friends become tougher and active advocates for change. Maybe today, some of these ā€œteachersā€ deeply regret what they did and have to face these shadows every day; or they donā€™t because they do not know any better because of what they were not blessed to have come to know in this lifetime so far. I once read somewhere (unfortunately cannot remember anymore where) that everyone is always doing the best they think they can. This insight has really helped me to take things less personally. Not as an excuse, but as an explanation. At least for things that were not fatal in a sense, this has worked for me lately.

I too was confronted with this a couple weeks ago. Very tough to face that shadow, that part of our resume that weā€™d much rather delete. We are all human and make mistakes. If someone did not make a mistake because they were taught better or observed and subsequently acted better, Iā€™m happy for them and consider this a blessing. That is not to take away from the credit they deserve. But Iā€™ve also pondered about what it takes sometimes to make a person become ā€˜badā€™. It can be easy to judge from a place of abundance. ā€˜Abundanceā€™ can be as simple as just having alternate options. The best we can do it help others to start seeing more and better. Without exhausting ourselves in the process of course.

Iā€™m glad to see you post again :sparkling_heart:


Thank you Kay for this supportive and felt postā€¦ Supportive not only for me, but about the general possibility of change for anyone.

That observation/contemplation part is another thing I spend much time on lately. Thinking about it. We talk/act/behave etc. before having observed enough, so many times. Rushing. Just for the sake of participating, displaying a reaction, and not appearing as ā€œpassiveā€ or something. Thatā€™s another kind of fear that we have in so many contexts. As if remaining silent would necessarily be a synonym of defeat or weakness.

Iā€™ve noted this down for myself at least. Making myself remember that observing in silence does not systematically mean that we agree, accept blindly or are ok with what is happening. ā€œThe sound of silenceā€ has its own lyrics and stance. Some other times, itā€™s just an occasion for transmuting or recycling. This mass meditation field and meditation in general are my reminders about that.

A matter of balance to be found. When to speak/when to remain silent, etc. The kind of dilemma that requires a dose of virtuosity to be solved lol.

I feel you much in here. So much so that sometimes this approach has even blinded me, regarding some cases. But I guess itā€™s slightly better than not pondering at all about the ā€œwhatā€, ā€œwhyā€, ā€œhowā€ā€¦

Hats off to you. Yes, thatā€™s indeed another great kind of abundance that we tend to forget sometimesā€¦


Yes, it can just mean that there isnā€™t anything else for one to say, no more contribution is needed. The bigger picture has to play out itself, sort of. :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy to see youā€™re back!


Thank you ā€œRegelbundenā€ :*

  • Sorry for the upcoming temporary off-topic but any excuse to draw attention to this thread and thus the field is good hahaha (evilish laugh) -

I mean, thereā€™s some undeniable poetry in this word: Regelbundenā€¦ :) I donā€™t know anything about Swedish language, except Ingmar Bergmanā€™s movies + a more recent one called As It Is in Heaven (SĆ„ som i himmelen in Swedish). It was a kind of Dead Poets Society about transformation with music. Maybe you and others here already know it. Haunting one for me.

When mass meditations make one reminisceā€¦ :))


Haha! Iā€™ve tried to change to regular several timesā€¦
eventually I thought regelbunden just showed in my forum version.

Yes, Bergman was a genius. Everybody should see ā€ The Seventh Sealā€.

Well off topicā€¦ sorry everyone! :wink:


:pray: what a wonderful observation. Thank you for pointing it out; I needed to hear this.

This is truly something I have found myself struggling with for some time also. It is a tough decision, every time.

I think so too :heart:

:pray: :heart:


my dog is enjoying the current livestream by snoring away in his sleep. he usually is awake and alert or in his room, but i love when he decides to sleep under me as iā€™m on the computer.



Reposting this here and a welcome to @ActionFigure! :pray: :dizzy:


Thank you!


Todayā€™s mass meditation was very powerful for me.

I had been gone from the forum for a couple of days. The energy was partly getting too dense for me, I felt myself about to drown. The distance helped somewhat, but could not restore me back to feeling stable enough.

I love the Saturday mass meditations around 7/8/9 PM GMT. Most weeks, I can make this time, and theyā€™ve become a cherished part of my Saturday. Todayā€™s did wonders. After it, here I am, back. Feeling fine. Even feeling that Iā€™ve grown.

The release of an NFT seems to often go with a slightly denser atmosphere for a few days following. I can say that from the impression as someone who did not even know that an NFT was just released, as someone who got a just released NFT, and as someone who did not get a just released NFT.

No doubt, this is unfair towards the beauty of and the pure and loving intent with which these creations were made and given to us, and not the ideal we would wish to embody altogether. But I think itā€™s also human and essential for our development, and so, looking back, I wouldnā€™t want to have it any other way.

No matter at which point of the spectrum we are (enjoyer, desirer, observer), we all have a reaction which may trigger another personā€™s reaction, and so on. We all have our internal struggles and personal lessons to learn which either role can bring up, and which are often neither simple nor as obvious as it may seem. And I think thatā€™s all okay if we approach it well internally and externally, and do the work, since we can personally grow from this a lot.

Adding to this how - maybe especially in this community - energy is a major pillar, one does not even need to read a post to sense the emotion(s) and internal state, and often, involuntarily get affected by it. Itā€™s no longer just what the words themselves convey, but also the attached energy, the intent, emotions, shadows, etc. that feel so out in the open. So it makes sense.

Iā€™m also currently finishing my first round of the energy awakening course (highly recommended), which I suspect to cause an extra overwhelm on me personally, as I now sense more / more strongly, and possibly in ways that I am not yet aware of nor able to control well.

I wanted to come back, but just could not. In this seeming constantly clashing mass of different emotions and states, positive and negative, I felt like a ship getting lost in rough sees. All coming as an addition to my own still volatile emotions and challenged views regarding this kind of event, and the basic internal conflicts that it triggered that I know I need to work on and master.

But in the midst of all this remained firmly, like an anchor, one person which I am not going to name this time but you will know it already, who just seemed to send out unconditional love whenever I thought of them, whenever I saw a post by them, or whenever I looked at their avatar, and who always seemed to say the right thing or speak at the right time. I emphasize this as I do because it really was so impactful for me.

Each time, I felt my heart chakra and surroundings become warm and grow in space, and most times, it would inevitably bring me to tears or at the least induce a relieved, sincere smile about this invaluable feeling of warmth, absolute safety, peacefulness, and simply unconditional love that was being sparked in me, unconditionally, and just when I had been feeling so lost.

Itā€™s also like this was my hint, showing me what I needed. So for this mass meditation, I opened my Ace of Cups card right next to the meditation field, which this time happened to be Uplift Yourself and Those around You instead of the live stream, which would eventually turn out perfect here.

My thought after this meditation was that this card has still not seemed to get the relative attention it deserves. But maybe thatā€™s just my perception, because itā€™s been so valuable for me personally. So now Iā€™m sure: we all get just what we need, and when we need it. Paired with following our intuition, we will arrive at where we should be just in time.

So I looked at the card, read the description for the meditation field, closed my eyes and started meditating, and felt myself become emerged in unconditional love. After the first 15 minutes, I already felt so much better and started watching the video for a bit, which is so beautiful with all the aerial views of earthā€™s breathtaking beauty which so often gets lost in daily life and which invoked in me deep appreciation and a rekindled love for it.

After more meditation and about an hour later, I felt so different and good. This meditation felt clearly so relieving and healing like I never felt one. When the unconditional love entered my heart chakra and surroundings, it felt like it was clearing it out, softening the corners and edges, filling the entire area with some sort of ultimate pleasant balm. I felt vibrations, warmth, and a deep calmness take hold, as well as peacefulness and a deep reassurance that all is and will be well. But even more so that all is well. Not even will be, as it already is, and so, for the first time I was able to feel nowhere else but fully in the present.

After the hour, I felt refreshed and more safe, as if literally being surrounded by a cushioning of this unconditional love (certainly was). Wish I could listen to Kinetic Quasi Crystal now to hold this longer, but must wait until after the course.

Physically, I feel more energized and awake. Mentally, I feel clear and alert. Energetically, I feel calm, at peace, safe, and very grounded.

Iā€™m truly grateful for this series of events and how everything happened, as it lead me to experiencing this meditation as I hadnā€™t yet before, and to becoming showered with so much unconditional love in these past days and to realizing that this can happen for me (anyone) any time, if I only tap into it and surrender, also majorly thanks to the one who is making all this so easily possible and accessible for us :sparkling_heart: This is also leaving me with the deep knowing that all is well and all is perfect, which seems to neatly integrate the partly difficult inner work Iā€™ve done in the past days.

Thank you :sparkles:


Went in feeling like i have a lot of destroying and rebuilding in my inner world to do, reflecting accepting dettaching and adopting better outlooks

I was meditating on and off, allowing my mind to examine my thoughts

Left feeling a lot more certain this process wont take as long as I thought it would and could be only a matter of a day or soā€¦ Iā€™m feeling so much better than i was before! I was like damn! Iā€™ve been missing out on all these mass meditations lol i need to tune in more

I wanted to loop major blue print right before joining so i was only able to tune in for an hour. Now itā€™s time to listen to some outlook retrainer and knight/warrior mindset

Thank you for everythingā€¦


Before going into the meditation, I felt out of sorts and uncomfortable in my feelings and body. Within seconds, I lost all thought and I was cocooned in a warm, safe blanket of sound and love.


The SM streaming seems down from yesterday so i went to check the one on DS


Thereā€™s a faithful fan that needs her daily meditation dose :blush:


if Iā€™m not mistaken the mass meditation live has been down for weeks


Dream Seeds Exclusive Meditation is up.


The mass meditation Live im talking about was a field on sapien med

Before the meditation yesterday night :

After releasing three times(first time I use this in mass meditations :slight_smile: ):

At the end of the meditation :

Maybe one day we will be more than 100 people on the live, at the rate at which the forum is growing :laughing:


Iā€™m quite blown away how the meditations evolved since a lot of acquired powerful servitors, this felt different this weekend :slight_smile:

Happy weā€™ve been 20+ quite a few times as well, letā€™s keep it up :muscle: