Mass Meditation Testimonials

Coming right up…


Nah, just the IPF bro


I was chilling on my bed listening to the meditation audio from the course, getting in the zone prepping for the Mass meditation when this dude decides to run over and say hi! Like seriously!!

A frigging rain spider a.k.a. the Kalahari Ferrari :scream: by the way this is a youngster.

I of course immediately sprung off my bed and then stood there trying to catch my breath and come back down to earth while staring at this bugger! I think he liked the audio that was playing because he showed no signs of moving on, he just sat there chilling on my bed! :flushed: These guys are like speedy Gonzalez, they don’t normally stand still for too long but this fellow sat on my bed for over a minute!

I eventually scooped him up in my bra that I had earlier flung to the bottom of my bed, covered him with the other cup and then quickly dashed over and tossed him outside through the Trellidoor (security door) :relieved:

They are actually harmless, it’s just their size and speed that is scary. They mainly come out at night during the rainy season and dash around catching insects.

At the time I took a video of it but after trying for a while now I’m unable to upload it, something about the file format :roll_eyes:


Awesome. I like spiders.

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weren’t you the one that had the fear of spiders and was using Amydgala?

If so, seems like you reacted with less fear than you would have in the past, yes?


Nope wasn’t me. I never really had a problem with spiders but I am absolutely petrified of snakes!


Nope, that was me.:smile:


Ah ok!

Oops…sorry. :slight_smile:


Ok…now that we’ve resolved that @anon37166570 and @Jennyfire are, indeed, different people… :rofl: :rofl:

Let’s not skip the most important part of that story…


Haha! I put my tags in my bra, not spiders!


So do I, not tags but my custom pendants :wink:

Lol @_OM that’s all I had close by :rofl: I didn’t want to kill him but definitely didn’t want to share my bed with him either! :crazy_face:


I can relate to that! :wink:


I like these comments :stuck_out_tongue:



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I just finished the 2 hour session of today…

That was legitimately the adult version of Saturday Morning cartoons. I don’t quite meditate as it’s usually done. Meditation for me is more of a tuning fork environment, I’ll explain.

In my method of releasing, I use either silence or a type of vibration (field or crystals) to provide a stimulus of sorts. If I get any thoughts, I locate the feeling that create those thoughts and I release them. When doing the mass meditation audio, something very interesting happened.

All the goals I’ve been working on, little annoyances of the week, and a few background thoughts popped up for the first hour. Per usual, as I released, I felt lighter and lighter. The magic really happened on the second hour, my whole body started vibrating the Mass Meditation field (that’s the effect I always look for, my formula: Lack of Thoughts/Feeling + Vibration = Embodiment and therefore obvious effect).

As I started vibrating the field, it come in waves because I would get an interruption from a thought or feeling. The longer the waves became the more intense the effect became until I started to notice something. I started feeling the presence of my environment as if I was a source of light.

The stronger the vibration got within me, the more my awareness/presence expanded. By the end of the two hours, I felt my whole building. I still had more things I was releasing but it didn’t feel like my own, I’ll go as far to say that I was releasing for my environment.

As my timer ran, I finished the session by releasing the last layer and cemented the vibration with some breath work. I have visitors coming over today, if it doesn’t happen, I’ll join the three hour session later.

@_OM Roughly, what’s the calibration of the audio?

It felt very similar to when I got imbued with faith and peace.


:) Imagine what’ll happen when you join at the scheduled times today :wink:

Don’t know. Probably 500+, more likely 540+.

Thanks for the great testimonial!


It was one of the scheduled times :slight_smile:

Makes sense! Definitely Joy feeling was there but with a little extra “oomph”


Something must be off on my side then, I used that to see the countdown on when it was happening.

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i’ll pm you.