Master Crystal Healing Blueprint

Of course.


Curious, anyone have instructions how to work with this field?


It comes with an accompanying PDF File.


Well, let’s hope the team will release a new tier of wealth generation fields as well… :smiley:


Why? There are already many by now from which many users got great effects from or is it supposed to be a snarky comment cause of the price?
The reiki blueprint is also phenomenal in my opinion and more affordable if you want something you can heal yourself with.


it was a sincere comment, showing my surprise regarding the unusual price.
We had many crystal/healing fields before too.
This seems like a “new tier” field, so it’d make sense if other fields get upgraded to the same tier as well.
In that case, prioritizing wealth generation would make way for them. Think of it as an act of community management.


OneMind, I appreciate your comment.

When I designed the Master Crystal Healing Blueprint, my goal wasn’t specifically to create a wealth-generation tool. Instead, I wanted to create a comprehensive system that could address various aspects of a person’s life, including their sense of abundance and prosperity.

The inclusion of gemstones like Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire wasn’t just about their monetary value. These stones have rich historical and cultural significance, often associated with royalty and power. I found their energies particularly potent and wanted to make them accessible to more people.

The Crystal Grids technique can indeed be used for manifesting abundance, but that’s just one of its many applications. It’s a versatile tool that users can adapt to their specific needs, whether that’s emotional healing, spiritual growth, or yes, even attracting prosperity.

I believe true wealth goes beyond just financial gain. It encompasses overall well-being, which is why the blueprint focuses on holistic healing and personal growth.

The rare crystals in the Codex weren’t included for exclusivity’s sake, but because of their unique energetic properties that I felt could benefit users in many ways. That being said these crystals can get quite expensive (thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars) and hard to source.

Ultimately, this system is about empowering individuals on their personal journeys, whatever those may be.

Thanks to Dream, for giving us a great opportunity.


I’m interested in this field. However, the only rating of this field on gumroad is 1 star. I’d like to know the rater’s points of view about the field. Is it disappointing and not meeting expectation?

More reviews and testimonials will be much appreciated.

Those who have bought field can now download the full guide and audio together via Gumroad. :grinning:


Just bought this. Can I use this to heal others? My mom has knee pain and I’m hoping to help her with this.


Yes, you can use this to heal yourself and others, the blueprint is built for that and it’s way more advanced than your typical crystal healing. If you’re just getting started, try using crystals like Carnelian or Peridot for physical healing. Lots of individual crystals, it will probably take you awhile to explore them all.

You can also work with grids of crystals and crystalline energy amplification to seriously boost the healing energy. Trust me, when you start using these techniques, you’ll see how powerful it gets. It’s made by Dreamweaver. It’s like focusing energy through a lens. These techniques make the crystal energy much more powerful and directed.

If you want to go even deeper, you can also invoke the Crystal deva, the spiritual essence of each crystal to assist in amplifying the healing energy even more. It’s like having a mystical guide working with you.

The Codex that comes with the Blueprint has all the insider info on how to really use these crystals and techniques. This is next-level stuff, designed as a high-tier, luxury attunement think Rolex & Patek Philippe of Advanced Field work.

Stick with it, experiment, You’ve got this.


To get the permanent attunement, is it enough to listen to the audio once?

Once attuned and wanting to do a healing for someone using the power of the crystals, there is no need in listening to the audio while the healing is being done?

Once attuned, is there any further benefit in listening to the audio regularly (every day, week, month)?

Does the manual that comes with the audio, contain several examples of crystal grids with layout and combinations of crystals?

Thank you.


To get the permanent attunement, is it enough to listen to the audio once?

Once is enough. However, Dream said you may listen to the audio as much as you like.
Some members are so accustomed to listening passively to audios constantly etc. This is indeed a “permanent” attunement. If you are new to energy work and just want to get familiar with different energy signatures, sure.

Once attuned, is there any further benefit in listening to the audio regularly (every day, week, month)?

Not for me. I can feel my healing attunements coursing through my energetic system and I use them, everyday. It depends on how far you are on your Healer Journey, could be for a complete newbie.

The key to mastering a new skill or ability in energy work, such as utilizing Universal Life Force from Master Reiki Blueprint or Crystal Healing Energy can vary greatly among individuals, some may grasp it quickly, while others may require more time and practice, just my 2 cents. You have to practice and get familiar with the process and working with various energies.

Does the manual that comes with the audio, contain several examples of crystal grids with layout and combinations of crystals?


With great care and attention to detail, I’ve woven together the Crystal Codex Booklet to support those in their crystal healing journey. It’s over 10 pages long and includes detailed instructions and examples of Crystal Grids, along with combinations of crystals you can use to enhance your practice.

Keep in mind, this is a guide designed to grow with you not a rigid textbook. Whether you’re just starting out or advancing to the highest levels, it’s meant to help you learn, explore, and continuously expand your crystal healing abilities.


I haven’t listened to the audio and get attuned yet. Gonna do that tomorrow. However, I’m planning to use this for my Mom’s knee. Do you think it is too much?

hexagon - Healing

And how do I activate this grid on my mom’s knee? Can I Imagine the grid there and have the intention to activate it? Or do I need to allow the crystal energy to flow through my hands into the knee like Reiki?


This afternoon I listened to the audio to get attuned and then used the following on myself intending to embody Love, Peace, and Joy:


Immediately, I felt so much Love in my heart and it lasted for hours. In the middle of the experience, I became absorbed in watching a TV series and forgot all about the activation. It was after watching the show that I realized that I was overwhelmed. This thing is really strong.

As for my Mom’s knee, I’m still waiting for @Amitabha to give insight on how to proceed.



First off, good to hear that you felt so much love, peace, and joy during your recent session. It’s amazing how strong the energy from this Blueprint can be it’s fine craftsmanship and it sounds like you’re already tapping into its potential…

Regarding your mom’s knee. Since you’re concerned about it being “too much,” especially given your powerful experience, I recommend starting with a gentler approach.

Energy healing is all about balancing and directing the natural energy that flows through the body. Crystals work like amplifiers each one has a specific vibration or frequency that interacts with your energy field to clear blockages, promote healing, or enhance certain states like love or peace. When you place crystals in a grid, their energies combine and create a powerful field that aligns with the intention you set.

In your case, with a focus on healing pain, the energy from the crystals will work to clear any energetic blockages and promote physical regeneration. Think of it like guiding energy directly to the area that needs healing, much like how acupuncture guides energy along meridians to restore balance in the body.

Since your mom might be new to this level of energy work, I’d suggest starting with a smaller, more focused setup:

  • Use 3-4 crystals to begin with for knee pain, try crystals like
  • Peridot (strengthen) then Moss Agate, and Aventurine. You can add Clear Quartz to amplify the effects

Use a simple formation, rather than a larger hexagon. This will create a more gentle and focused energy. You can place the grid directly around her knee or under her bed while she rests, allowing the energy to flow gradually.

Since you mentioned feeling overwhelmed during your own session, I’d recommend keeping the intention for your mom simple and focused something like “ease and healing for the knee.” This way, the energy stays targeted and doesn’t overwhelm her.

Once she’s more comfortable with the energy, you can expand the grid and add more crystals like Apatite and Wardite to deepen the healing process.

You’re doing great work, and I appreciate seeing how quickly you’re using these grids. Keep experimenting…


Thank you for your detailed guidance.

At the beginning of the month, I used Reiki (from Master Reiki Blueprint) on her knee. She felt the energy very strongly and it flowed for about 15 minutes. However, for the next following 10 days, the pain worsened and she didn’t get better.

Now she is reluctant to try any energy work. I’m quite baffled on why that happened.


I activated the “Love, Peace, Joy” grid again today. Yesterday, the dominant expression was Love. Today, it is Peace. The intensity is about the same as yesterday. It is almost blissful and simiar to the state I get in deep meditation.

I can understand now why it was priced at $2000 when first released. I am in Love! :heart_eyes: