Master Crystal Healing Blueprint

Master Crystal Healing Blueprint

Unlock the Power of Crystal Consciousness

Step into a world where ancient wisdom meets modern mastery with the Master Crystal Healing Blueprint. This comprehensive system offers you access to the universal Crystal Consciousness—a network of energy that transcends time and space, allowing you to tap into the mystical Crystal Codex. Through this attunement, you’ll connect with the energies of 99 powerful crystals, each guided by a Crystal Deva that enhances your spiritual journey.

Master Your Healing Journey

Key Benefits

  • Tap into Crystal Consciousness: Connect with the Crystal Consciousness, a universal network with the energy of each crystal, offering deep spiritual insights and transformative power.
  • Explore the Crystal Codex: This mystical resource allows you to access and attune to the energies of 99 crystals. Within the Codex, you’ll discover essential stones like Clear Quartz and Amethyst, alongside royal legacy gemstones such as Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire. In addition, you’ll have access to 11 exclusive rare crystals like Zincite, Amicite, and Wardite, offering powerful and unique energies that further empower your healing, protection, and spiritual growth practices.

Crystal Healing Techniques

  • Crystalline Energy Amplification: Elevate your practice with techniques that naturally enhance the energies of your chosen crystals, amplifying your intentions and deepening your healing work. The Crystal Consciousness magnifies these effects, creating a powerful synergy.
  • Crystal Grids: Sacred formations that focus and enhance the energies of your crystals. These grids can be used for specific purposes such as manifesting abundance, attracting love, or offering protection. By aligning your intentions with the Crystal Consciousness and the guiding energy of the Crystal Devas, these grids create powerful energetic patterns that support your goals.

Unleash Your Potential

The Master Crystal Healing Blueprint offers a complete system to support your growth as a healer. Plus, receive an exclusive Crystal Codex Booklet—your essential guide to mastering the energies of all 99 crystals. Discover the power of Crystal Consciousness and the wisdom of the Crystal Devas within you.

Master Crystal healing blueprint 2


I had to look at the number few times, the highest priced field/NFT ever!


2000$ I guess this is highest paid field

If Conceptual Conglomerate which changed my world views to the core was 400 something usd (worth every penny)

And this is 2000

I belive it is POWERFUL


There were a few fields in the price of 3k and 8k, but those were customs.

Seems like the Magnus Opus for the Crystal alchemy.



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wow it has ‘‘Zincite, Amicite, and Wardite’’ does crystal are incredible powerful, who ever made this idea, truly knows about crystals, i can imagine this being light years ahead of alchemical zircon and danburite.



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Same here bro…My mouth also fell down like this after seeing the price and I too had to Re-Check it a few times :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

But the good thing is that atleast these fields are now available to Public instead of being offered only on a Custom basis.

Thank You Captain, Sammy and Team Enlightened States :+1:

PS - With this offering I have become more hopeful that perhaps one day Captain will release the “Universal Morphic Field Blockage Remover” AKA “The Pre-Field” which can Solve the problem of New User’s not getting results from Morphic Fields by making their Physical, Etheric and Subtle Energy bodies more Attuned to the effects of Morphic Fields.

Captain had also mentioned about this “Pre-Field” in one of the Sapienmed Seminars hosted by the OG @SammyG


Guess this field is not for every body but only for serious healers who are professional healers as well, with this they can heal anyone and everyone, name, fame, money and a long wait list are side effects. :joy_cat:


Wow this is High tier stuff no doubt!!


My Christmas gift lol, looking forward to it, :upside_down_face:


Wow! I’m also amazed at the power that Dream packs into these fields in 3 minutes or less listening time. :astonished:


:heart_eyes: This looks amazing. I’m gonna save up for this one.


Ah, got changed… imagine if someone bought it before the update :smiley:


How ? It say 2000 $ in description

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The thumbnail has not been refreshed, but the price has been lowered to 800$ if you go to the actual Gumroad page


Can u perhaps refresh it?


As this is an attunement, is it listen only once and never again?


Just to clarify, this also can be used for self-healing, right?

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