Max Heal Potion

I wouldn’t say that I think, they’re both super strong (I have used both) and effective in there own ways

This one has concepts that eternal does not have, and eternal has concepts this does not

Both unique and powerful for sure


Agreed but like in terms of healing I think they both go hand in hand. Because plasma flaunt was able to regrow organs and was confirmed by Dream and also eternal as well. Maybe the part about avoiding dangerous situations and being immune to pathogens that’s the only difference I think.

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Hello, could anyone who has used this or know more let me know if this could Regenerate Hair Follicles on the Scalp/ Repair and Regenerate Eyes given the use of Smart Stem Cells,Ambrosia/Nectar/Smart Body and Amplified Targeted Effects for Specific regions within it? Would definitely love some feedback!

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Edit: after your edit there’s a problem.
you have to make a crypto wallet. and claim that nft and send it to your crypto wallet

Check this thread on how to open a wallet and claim nfts

You’re wrong. :slight_smile:
There are a huge number of models and methods in the healing system
Different projects have offered different schemes, from ancient traditions of practice and healing to modern methods of affecting the physical body (Reformed Physical Factors Project 360Tech).

This project offers a clear scheme of impact on the body and body systems in different ways, emphasizing the end result

it does not mean that if methods X are used, then project Y is worse than the first and its impact is "weaker

but there are different approaches to projects.

I’ve always followed this recommendation.

in the future we are going to propose another project, based on a clear scientific system, but activating / optimizing certain biological parameters of the body

the only thing - I do not know when it will happen, as I have my personal life and personal priorities in the projects/ideas

at the moment, the optimum number of options are offered (Capitan Shop, gumroad, Patreon, ect), which are absolutely available to everyone

optimizing your diet
At least that’s what I remember from a medical dietetics course I took on my own back in the day.

it’s more of a nutritional problem and the solution depends on adjusting your diet

also, get tested for Helicobacter pylori (which increases stomach acid production) at your healthcare facility


True true but I mean like the end results I suppose because in the very end max heal and plasma flaunt seems to heal someone fully. Same goes for eternal , so I was saying in terms of speed eternal according to people seems to heal faster. But I suppose since super mutant has amblox Gene added it will be the most similar to eternal? Because eternal promises regrowth of organs and the amblox gene does that.

Also, done all the tests fixed my diet and still can’t fix my acid reflux :sweat_smile::joy: . I heard could be heavy metal overload or even nano tech overload. The medical field is wrong a lot of the times as well. Too much acid doesn’t cause acid Flux too little acid causes acid reflux in most cases. Without enough acid in the stomach the hiatal spincther doesn’t close properly thus, acid reflux occurs.

I would not compare the two NFTs very pedantically
I personally have a dog-tag Eternal (I’ll give to a family member), and the latest NFT Eternal
If we’re talking personal interpretation, maintaining health and striving for immortality, is a little different than the notion of “complete healing”

Eternal I have always associated with stopping aging at the cellular level, keeping genetic stability over time, causing and maintaining good health, quick healing at a high level, resistance to disease (immunity)

In the first case - I think - healing is more of a collateral factor, in the second case - the main focus. If you have any serious problem - then Max Heal and Plasma Flaunt are the best option
Of course - there is some overlap in these concepts, but also some difference

After healing (Max Heal), maintaining the condition (Eternal) for the rest of your life :)

I haven’t needed to grow anything yet. :laughing:

repeat a comprehensive blood test

take care of yourself and get well :slight_smile:


I´ve thought that it would be close to sold-out by now.

But there are still 102 copies available.


Thank you. I definitely should do a blood test but like things such as nano bacteria and nano tech it’s hard to detect from tests apparently. So my best bet right now is detoxing them. Also, kind of scared to do blood tests because apparently they get info about your dna and do things to you specifically. I remember China hacking medical systems back right before Co19 to get personal info about everyone’s medical history at that time. It was an inside plan but was brought out into light. I do agree with you though. Max heal and plasma flaunt is good for healing purposes more. Maybe eternal is more for youthifying :laughing:. But I’m still curious to the concept of enhanced healing like to what extent? Just enough to regrow limbs if possible or like just fixes all cellular function to the level you can never get sick anymore. If so wouldn’t that technically be like a steroid of max heal or plasma flaunt? Like in terms of what it does.

if medications could not help, try pushing /massaging the epigastric region (pylorus) and the liver area. Acid reflux occurs from a spasm. It is necessary to massage this area to relieve the spasm. In two weeks (possibly earlier), relief will appear.


They can also play this while massaging said area.


Thank you for the info, I tried this massage alot of times before I came to this forum. It did help but my reflux never really fully healed it’s like later it got worse with indigestion.


Reinforce the effects with specialized fields

I would also go to a medical facility and have an endoscopic examination


I was planning to get iron gullet but I thought that’s only for inflammation? I don’t want to go to the doctor anymore after talking about frequencies and sound healing they were going to put me in a mental hospital for saying that. So I had to meet a psychologist and talk my way through saying I just read it online and it just was something cool I learnt. But I don’t believe a single bit of it. But they still kept calling me to go to the mental hospital. And then I just stopped picking up their calls.


You definitely shouldn’t be talking about this to the mainstream authorities such as doctors in this case lol


Yeah I realized it late :joy::sweat_smile: btw how are u guys making your accounts private?

Adjusting your diet is also an important part. In your country, Korea, mainly spicy food, eat less stimulating food @PenguinTime


Thank you for the advice.

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Powerful field

It detoxes you and stomach health is made better very quick. Skin looks better. I played it while i was around my friend and he messaged me that his constipation is non existent atm


Thanks my bro @Captain_Nemo