Max Heal Potion

Concept: Replication and reproduction of the idea of what a “Heal” spell in games would be like. Can be cast on both user and other targets.

  • Restoration of target’s health and body to peak condition
  • Increases rate of healing/recovery/regeneration by (hopefully) 100 times (amplification of advanced healing + millivolts audio)
  • Forms a conceptual shield/area around the target that is “in a world and dimension of its own and away from reality” that reverses time, returning an injured/sick/afflicted person to an earlier state based on a blueprint of their most perfect and healthiest condition ever, effectively healing all wounds, physical ailments and afflictions of all sorts, and possibly even the deteriorating effects of ageing.
  • Smart Force of Life
  • Ambrosia and Nectar (focus on rejuvenation aspects)
  • Purification of body via removal of all waste materials, heavy metals&toxins, senescent cells and impurities (basically anything “bad” for our health will be recognised and removed with immediate effect) within the body.
  • Smart Body: All hormones, internal chemical processes and biological activity will be fine-tuned to operate at optimal capacity/balance. The body will also be able to recognise disorder in the form of scarred tissues, misalignment of bodily parts etc and work to rectify these stuff back to negentropy (individualised smart field)
  • Smart Stem Cells
  • Smart field that incorporates all the above and allow the user to direct and focus the entirety of the field to work on a specific area with amplified effects.
  • Skill Proficiency: In Games (mainly RPGS) there are sometimes this feature where repeated usage of a skill/spell contributes to EXP(experience points) for that particular skill, and upon reaching a threshold the skill ranks or levels up, increasing in its efficiency/effects. Here is a feature that levels up Max Heal based on a shared database of sorts, so that repeated usage by every user contributes to the overall potency and efficiency of Max Heal.

NFT + Audio
NFT: passive and constant healing on user if worn as a tag or carried around. Can be cast on another target (human or even animals) by directing your attention towards them while being in contact with the mandala or even just visualising the image of the mandala in your mind and saying “Heal”.
Audio: Area of Effect (AOE) Healing for all that the music can reach
You can play the audio for other people ( “AOE” effect) but there is no casting like a heal spell.


Good one, Jimmy! :slight_smile:


@anon51404939 no way

bro didnt u say u wanted a max heal potion or was i dreaming


Is their a desc for this?

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@Dreamweaver Could you share with us a bit more about Max Heal potion?


Sapien Medicine Limited and Special Edition NFT ‘Max Heal Potion’

There is a thread for it. Description is in there.


yes broski, first it came out then I considered it. It was not the other way around.


how many copies?

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The perfect companion to Plasma Flaunt!!


192 copies left on the store. Started with 210.


Beautiful artwork, does it come with audio?

edit: too excited just saw audio buying it! :smiley:


Same issue with paypal like last time with Grander Scheme :sob:

How does it differ from the Eternal?

Its not focused on immortality, more on active healing rather than life extension


Thank you LittleOwl!

does it support growth too?

Not really


If your growth was impeded due to some abnormality, injury or deformity etc (hunch back, compressed spine etc) then this will help, but in terms of max natural height not really


I think growth is supported by faster recovery times though

The potential for this potion will continually grow as more people get it and use it, over time i’m sure it’ll become more powerful (i have yet to use it). Imagine now it is a basic potion in games that restore 50hp, in late game it will restore you to full health and remove all debuffs.