Max Heal Potion

Hi whiterose and my apologies for another super late reply. Trying to catch up today lol.

I’m glad to read that the field worked great for you :) and no, I haven’t been able to buy any Sapien Medicine product (including the Energy Course) payable with PayPal only. It’s because PayPal was banned from my country almost 10 years ago for some obscure reasons.

It’s a shame because there are zillion fields and other related products I’d like to buy with it, but not all the same day haha and so I don’t want to annoy family and friends abroad every now and then, asking them to buy this and that for me.

I’m not complaining though, since there are so many other alternatives available on Gumroad, Patreon, and such (even if they don’t fully replace Max Heal, of course). Either way, wishing maxed up health to all those who own the Potion ;)


hello Brony, thank you for your reply :slightly_smiling_face:
As for the Sapien Shop, these are the last last days of its life, it will be closed on the 10th of July, i think, maybe you read about it already, so you should hurry if you want some things from there.


Hi again! Haha yes, thank you for the reminder! it’s time I make up my mind quickly lol


I had to go out of town last week to travel with relatives and I must have contracted an affliction somewhere somehow. I’m currently feeling awful.

Getting ready to summon my Dynamic Duo of Health & Healing - Plasma Flaunt - 10x & Max Heal Potion - 10x



I completely missed the NFT program so to speak. Is there no way to purchase Max Heal Potion audio anymore?

That sucks, you have missed on a lot.

It’s an NFT, which has audio and mandala, which work only if u own the NFT.

Nowadays, only in the market aka Buying/Selling Thread.

Go through the relevant threads using the Search option and you’ll understand how that works.


It was going on for 3 whole years… :neutral_face:


Right, I see the market thread. Thanks.


You might have missed out all the NFTs for sale on the sapien shop, however I would say that even as someone who owns multiple NFTs, about 70% of the benefits I get from every field I interact with come from the audio fields.

That includes free ones, Patreon premium ones, and the paid Gumroad/Sapien-shop/Teespring.

The hundreds of Free + paid audios cover really what 80% of all NFTs ever released are capable of, people are always trading in that thread anyway.


I had some kind of strange head fever that only targeted my head.

My head was simultaneously hot and cold, first my head felt too hot, I had a cold shower, made me feel a fair bit better, but my head was still like I’m recovering from a flu.

Strangely enough I was also getting strange sensations on my heart, almost like a feel slight straining, which persisted for a few hours, which I’ve never had before, even when I’ve been quite ill before. This was stranger due to the fact I exercise around 4-5x a week, and do a lot of cardio.

A minor headache + fatigue, I played various fields, including Plasma Flaunt, which didn’t really do too much.

But as soon as I started looping this, symptoms improved.

My appetite came back, the ‘hotness’ sensation on my head was gone, and I was only getting minor cold shivers, which wasn’t happening before.

The fatigue disappeared from my body, my strength came back to normal, now only my head was feeling fluish.

The strange heart sensations, which I’ve never had before in my entire life, also completely disappeared after looping this field for about 20 minutes.

With each moment passing, I start to feel more and more normal.

Even stranger was feeling various sensations on my head.

I felt energy spread in a ‘cooling’ fashion on the back of my head from this field.

Various tinges and tingles. Over the affected areas, that subsided over time.

I woke up this morning super hot, fluey, bad sleep, with my head feeling hot and cold.

Now a couple of hours later, after looping this for about an hour and half, I would say, I am about 70-80% recovered.

All I can say is I’m very lucky to own this 🫡


I want to purchase Max heal potion. Will there be any more copies released?

Yes, but not from sapienshop as it’s closed.
You can try buying from members


Get acquainted with the forum buying/ selling rules in the thread.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Official NFT Guidelines & Discussion - Update

How many times this field save my ass no number .
Yes is not 100% healing but give me always relief + fil me up with life force it’s always as I’m taking big breath back to life after some loops
Hey literally bring me back from dead.
Lovely at least it’s a way to buy my self more Time !!!