Max Heal Potion


Thank you for your confirmation!!!

My health me, I am coming to you now!

did you check on the 4th tab of phantom image
recent activities.

Also some nfts are stacked together in the same collectible. I have 4 nfts under genghis khan


Can this aid with healing of autoimmune conditions?

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Yes, for me it says received /status: completed but the image doesnt load

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probably cache problems try restarting the browser, or ctrl+f5.

or get the image from solscan


Not sure what went wrong because the claim nft link doesn’t say nft has been claimed, even though I have claimed it(?)

@SammyG :pray:

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now that you mention it.
On my end also, lets me claim it again but with the same number. I am not sure if the transfer would go through tho

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Original image:




How much healing do you want?

And what I mean by that is, since you purchased two tools, doesn’t it seem like a good idea to use the two tools that you purchased?

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beauty, 2200x3000

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I just click the claim link again and nothing changed on the surface for me, image still not loaded and the title of the nft doesn’t show up after clicking it from the collection, instead it shows the string of numbers. Also still doesn’t show “limited edition….”

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Can this be trained to heal, like a servitor? Like if I read a research article while I play the audio or have the image next to me, will it learn how to heal, any such modality?

i mean it has the same effect exacty as the NFT?

Should be, as with most other nfts. You can just use the one that works better for you

:+1: hope I will be able to get this, damn paypal issues.

Will need captain to answer this one if he’s free, but as far as the intention was, this project is meant to evolve and broaden its capabilities through practical learning rather than theoretical abstract learning. It is a smart field but it is not a servitor, so it adapts and grow based on experience.


Ok, thought the reply above was for me, sure.