Maximising Effects of the Fields

Hello, I’ve read some of the threads and just wanted to have a thread that clarified everything + checked facts. So far I know that:

  • Best is not to bundle fields to have best effects, if you bundle permanent physical fields, max up to 4.

  • Listen over speakers to maximise the effects at an audible volume.

  • Best not to ‘charge’ fields or amplify them, because it’ll be like charging up a personal trainer that will work you even harder.

  • Better to listen to a field 3 times like AAABBBCCC instead of ABCABCABC.

What other advice and tips should I know? I’m convinced about fields from experience, am relatively new to all this compared to everyone, not in xtrememind or all those other things members have been talking about, but want to make the best of it.

I do have many other questions, but not urgent to find answers for, like: Is there such a thing as too many fields? Is there a need to repeat fields daily? How can I make fields permanent? How do I listen to fields on a busy day, or if there are people around me (and hence needing earpieces)?

Edited to add in suggestions given in the thread & FAQ:

  • Use Ego Dissolution & Subconscious Limits Dissolver before using stacks

  • Best results is to listen to one audio at a time.

  • Listen to synergistic audios (eg. grow taller + HGH), not antagonistic audios (eg. estrogen + testosterone).

  • If audios cause non-permanent physical changes, there is no limit of 4. However too many audios can overwhelm physical and energy body, so we need to find our own individual limits.

    • Flow of Jing, Jing Restoration, Pranayama Training and Pranic Swirls can increase the number of total fields which can be listened to.
  • Listening to an audio field every day will overtime create a new permanent pattern that will persist even without listening to it.

  • The more you listen to a specific audio, the less effective it can be. Listening to many different fields will make certain ones stand out less and be less effective.

  • Have a conscious effort to change. If there is subconscious resistance when listening, say “I ask my subconscious to engage and accept this energy at this moment that I’m listening to this.”

  • Remove Blockages: Mental blockages (subconscious limits removal, take control of your life), emotional blockages (amygdala, heal inner child), spiritual blockages (energy body/aura cleaning, auric body cleanser).

Idiot’s Guide to Maximising Effects (Written for self-reference)

  1. Determine capacity, number of fields to use daily, then select audios according to limit:

    • eg. 5-10 for non-physical fields (experiment to find out)
    • eg. max 4 for permanent-physical fields
  2. Group synergistic audios together (eg. HGH + grow taller), group antagonistic audios in different stacks.

    • eg. Stack 1: Grow taller, HGH, myostatin, etc.
    • eg. Stack 2: Permanent brain enhancement, brain grow work, etc.
  3. Repeat the recommended times for each audio.

  4. Add in “blockage removal fields”

    • eg. Ego Dissolution, Subconscious Limits Remover, AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE
  5. Schedule in “booster/recovery fields”

    • eg. Jing Restoration, The Flow of Jing, Pranayama Training and Pranic Swirls

(work in progress)


Also would like to know: Does downloading the fields off patreon diminish the effects as compared to listening them off Youtube? Not sure where I saw it, but it was in one of the comments, wondering if there’s any truth to that.

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They are the same, files on Patreon could only be better in quality.


Look at this @_OM !!

For me the most important lessons have been so far:
-use less fields to make them more effective

  • ego dissolution + the point of no return stack are crucial.

Hi @ryantraveling, you may find the FAQ section on the Sapien website and the post below helpful in addition to @MonkeyOwl’s tips.


When it comes to addressing & removing any internal resistance to the changes these fields are trying to make, you may find this helpful. It’s not exactly forum consensus, but my personal opinion based on what I’ve learned & experienced.


Thank you, I’ve edited the first post to reflect all the suggestions and advice shared. Much, much appreciated.


Somewhere I read dream commenting ‘limits’ (max 4)only for fields that works for body changes. No limits ( but not to overwhelm) for other morphic fields.


can you let know which method worked the best for you?

  1. if i have 20+ fields and listen them everyday would the results is 100% in the long term? Or it is better to use 4-8 fields at a time?

  2. I learnt that each field need to loop like 2 -3 times. But im not sure each field need to be listened morning and evening. If listened at morning only ok? Is it enough?

Note : I have started using jing restoration, pranic swirls , soul restoration core (as mentioned) to increase the number of fields that can be listened.

Pls advise . Thank you


Can I listen 2-3 fields for permanent physical changes and 2-3 other audios for temporary changes?
Does this hinder the effectiveness of the fields??

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the more u listen the more effect and energy will be stronger


How does the booster recovery fields you listed (jing, pranic swirls etc) compare to doing a plasma field? Is it the same effect?

Probably Ryan mean that point as : Period in which having rest for energy body from morphic field in extensive way, and instead stopping the energy expenditure and use the phase to “recharge”, a restorative way, not only to restore and to recover, but also in the sense for recovery + growth of energy body system.

The mentioned fields help with just that.

THEN BOOM! Better energy assimilation, and better/robust energy system! Way better than senselessly looping fields (pun intended)

I am not that familiar with Plasma in this context, maybe other can give their views