Me and my dragon

hi, i created my dragon. i don’t really feel nothing so idk if he really exists, but i think yes, because i asked him to make venezia win playoffs to go to serie a and venezia with 9 men managed to score at the end of the match. i was really surprised. how can i improve his power to influence people? making him trying to influence people everyday? is it like a training? can i ask him to influence myself so i can do my things to do better? what’s the limit of his influence power? can i influence a girl to think about me and to want me? or a teacher to ask me specific things during an exam?

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My friend don’t put your special dragon name on here lol. But we’ll. He’s there don’t worry! Just talk to him everyday and learn new things like maybe saving some energy ambient outside and then ask him to infuse yourself with that energy for later. Ect ect

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If you type Dragon on the searching bar, lots and lots of posts talking about how to train dragons will show up, go through them and youll learn a lot


ah sorry i delete the name ahahahah

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thanks for the informations


ok thanks

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I didn’t make my own dragon and I don’t even know how to do it! Anyway, I listened to dragon experience for almost 10 weeks. This audio gave me inner power during my healing process. A day after dropping that audio I had a dream, my red dragon was so beautiful and I wasn’t afraid at all. But my dragon started to become smaller and smaller. As small as a bat. And my health condition changed after that.
I think as long as you keep your dragon with you, you feel safe. you will have inner power. you can be the hero of your life. However for having an influence on a girl or passing your exams, you already know, you need something more than a dragon. :slightly_smiling_face: you should work on your mindset.