Measure your life force energy (Bovis Scale)

A Bovis Scale Biometer is a tool used to measure life force energy levels of people, objects , places, food and medicines and any other keepsakes, good luck charms, and any other substance. Pictures of people and pets and places also work for getting a life force reading.

After i used the DNA repair system for a while my life force regain its normal


How do you use the scale?


Print it & Use the pendulum ask your higher self. What is your life force energy level. They are some other above 14000 and 18000.

edit: don’t have printing machine no problem, get a pen and draw


Oohhh okay thank you!


I’m sorry to interrupt your conversation.
Thanks for reminding me about the pendulum
I am going to do one post soon, in the topic of servitors
I think at the end of the week to stop and rest from these joint projects :))
because the results of work (contact, communication) with them through the pendulum are phenomenal

the scale (options) may be different
the pendulum is a whole science… but very interesting


Looking forward to your post man! I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot more people will start using servitors soon ;)

I’ll print out one of these scales next time i make a “mandala printing run” at the post office lol, i don’t have a printer at home and when i do I’ll make sure to ask my servitors to ensure i get the right answer!


in part :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

some groups are developing other ideas, concepts, and projects
at the moment more ambitious :shushing_face:
(in the future, if there is a need, I will ask for a consultation. I have experts on the pendulum)


you don’t have to print it just use hands and draw it easy, i said print it in case you want a fancy looking lol


pendulum is tool to communicate with any form of energy, in case someone still not develop higher communication with higher self or servitors, they can use pendulum, by clearing their mind ask simple questions & not to anticipate the answer.


It’s been a while since I tested my energy level :blush:.

I’ll see where I am :grin: …

Listening to the “ego dissolution” audio can help to stay neutral so as not to influence the pendulum .


Good evolution , I went from blue to pink :relieved:

I will look for the life force …

Green…ok that’s good :slightly_smiling_face:



Probably with a ton of errors, since they list the Dalai Lama, a black magician, at 22k, together with the Arcturians :laughing:

So my personal advice is to be careful to ask the subconscious mind with yes/no methods and all the messages and information that are resulting from it.

The reason being is that the subconscious mind will often give those responses and answers with the yes/no methods that reflect the belief system of the owner instead of the actual facts.
Especially when these are beliefs are those that were installed by the subconscious mind to protect the owner from deep trauma in the first place. So if someone e.g. beliefs that the Dalai Lama is holy at all cost and needs to be listened to, then the pendulum or similar tools will reflect this belief.

A more accurate, but more challenging to execute solution would be to ask the Higher Self.


My comments copypasted from a PM convo about this

Bovis scale is one of the old ideas that we used in XM days to measure somethings 'power".
But what we realized is that it was just that… Power…without being particularly directed to any particular thing…
A car with 1000 horsepower (ie something with more power on the bovis scale) doesn’t really help when you are measuring how to translate that power into changing one’s internal states.
Which for most things, couldn’t be translated over at all.

In addition to that, people’s normal subconscious influencing of the numbers to suit their agendas, so we left Bovis readings in the past.

Right now, the kinectic fields would be the current “ultimate solution” to using “power” the most effective way to enhance an energy and translate into greater or more refined results.


wait, what?


I don’t usually ask my subconscious mind i always ask my higherself. I dont know why i write that down in the previous post. Thanks for mentioning this i’ve corrected the previous post.


I have this chart of archetypes yesterday i’ve asked my HS for my archetypes and it said im Magician lol


soul family :slightly_smiling_face: .

I did not find an English version.

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At you can create your own charts i actually have some of my own.

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Same here :mage: :slightly_smiling_face:

Very interesting :grin: !!

I could create for exemple a dial with the names of certain audio fields then asked my pendulum which fields he would advise me to listen to at the moment … :star_struck: … :ok_hand:

thanks for sharing :wink::pray::sunny: