Mechanical field?

Hey fam, I’ve done some searching but seeking answers from those in the know.

Is there a field/s that are able to enhance machinery/mechanical devices to work optimally or supra optimally and even overcome inherent design flaws? I’m talking about a car in particular here if that’s any help. An NFT would be ideal as you can print and place, but even one of the older mandalas or a servitor even? Would an audio have an effect here if there aren’t other modes available



i want to put shungite bag tied off in my gas tank to test if I get better gas mileage. Also i could put shungite all over that car


Alien intercession helped me once when there was a car breakdown. They couldn’t fixed the problem completely but atleast helped me in identifying the issue and getting it fixed soon.


This is great to know, it seems there’s nothing they can’t assist with.
hmmm also I think I remember reading that archangel Michael can intercede with machinery… perhaps the OG mandala could help keep things running smoothly


I’ve had success with Alien Intercession the most, but also Negentropic Dragon.

I think all our invisible friends can help…so I’d ask everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


So… the worst possible scenario has unfolded here and landed me in quite a bit of pain & distress. I’d like to put out a petition for assistance. Someone with deep insight into karmic and deep energetic patterns, and feels something dropping in regarding how I am entangled with this and how I can move through it. Feel free to DM if you like :pray: