I recently got all the brainwave fields and I’m considering playing them for 2x (40 minutes) while meditating.
My question is what would be the best one to start with for someone who is new to meditating?
I know that Theta is easier to retain awareness than Delta or Epsilon, but is there any problem to just go with Epsilon over the others or is it counterproductive?
I have tried Epsilon for a few days and I didn’t find it that hard to remain aware, so I’m not sure if this is good or bad.
My goal is to assimilate the fields better, self-reprogramming and eventually Astral Projection.
It’s entirely up to you what brainwave states you want to develop. If you feel comfortable with epsilon by all means go for it, since that’s the best audio for astral projection and subconscious reprogramming.
I’ve just been inspired. I already have high delta brain waves, so it’s only right for me to move to Epsilon. I have been putting it off too long. No more.
Since your goal is to astral project, I would recommend starting with alpha first and do mindfulness meditation.
Focus on your breath and be mindful.
Then as you get better at controlling your thoughts do the same with Theta, after a while astral projection should happen automatically when you sleep on your back, if there’s no intervention from your higher self/other entitiy etc.
You can experiment a lot. One of the most personal development programs on the market—Holosync—goes right to Delta and Epsilon the first time you use it. The Delta state is a state where a lot of emotional processing takes place, regardless of how deep you subjectively go. You can reach a certain state deeply within your brain (around the brain stem, which is where the effect of binaural beats mainly take place) and remain ‘awake’ in the other parts, and still get similar benefits on your cognitive system.
One option is to exercise all brainwave frequency bands—by using one audio each day. That way, you will notice that you are able to reach flow states and other new states in your everyday life.
Another option is to focus on the depth of the state—thereby mimicking a meditation practice using the audios. For this, I suggest you simply start using the Delta audio every day until you feel that your brain follows the entrainment fairly well. In the beginning, it is normal to reach a state of hypnagogia (where you are half-asleep) or even fall asleep completely. This means it is working. You may also notice effects on your dreams at night. Exactly the same that happens when you start to practice advanced meditation techniques. Once you feel that you can reach the Delta state, add the Epsilon track every day, right after listening to Delta. The Delta audio will act as a catalyst for the Epsilon track.
Experiment! Some people are deficient in certain brainwave frequencies; therefore, using these fields is very personal, so you will have to experiment and see what works for you…
Are you trying to influence major global events or overwrite your dna?
Being aware in a deep epsilon state is ridicilously hard, just playing the audio doesn’t mean you’re in deep epsilon lol, otherwise we would all just play it once and manifest shit left and right.
For most things Theta is more than enough. Delta is the same as epsilon just not as potent.
I’ve been trying to remember which was the audio… There was an audio from dream if I remember correctly which takes u from each brainwave state to another, deeper and deeper. Does anyone know what’s the name of the audio?
Oh, that goes without saying. I Know that just playing those brainwave audios wouldn’t just magically let me have those brainwaves like it’s an “on/off” switch. I must continue to play it over and over, time and again for me to naturally produce those brainwaves, and even then they would probably have to be sustained through listening to the audio. That being said, I get into really deep meditations with just focusing on my breathing alone with no sound, so I want to take my meditation to the next level, and see what positivity can come of it. Until I die, I will never be perfect. I will continue and to learn, grow, and develop any abilities until I die. I will continue to forever, experience things just because I want to experience them, not needing to explain anything to anyone or caring what people think. Just because I feel like doing it.
In my experience, what lowering brain activity really does, in the most simple terms—is increase the amount of fluctuations in the brain. Low brainwave frequencies have lower amplitude and more fluctuations can be observed in the wave. These fluctuations slightly overwhelm the brain which causes it to reorganize at higher levels. This is the basis of all meditation practices. The fluctuations create emotional catharsis, which is masked by very pleasurable neurochemicals. As a result of the emotional catharsis triggered by the overwhelming fluctuations, the brain becomes stronger, more resilient and you become happier and more aware.
Though, of course, if you manage to remain fully aware in a fully developed and wide-spread brainwave state (such as a Theta state spreading throughout the entire brain rather than solely deeply within the brain), you may experience extrasensory phenomena, especially if you combine the listening with visualization and energy work. But I have been in communities online where thousands of people listen to Delta & Epsilon audios every day (many for decades), and almost nobody ever gets an out-of-body experience or any extrasensory perception. Most just get the benefits on their emotional system associated with a partial brainwave state (—e.g… a Delta state produced only around the brain stem which is not wide-spread much further).
Sorry if my clarification is hard to understand but I’m trying my best to put it into words!
Imagine your mind as a bow. The arrow is your psychic ability , and is up to you to create and sharpen.
The brainwave states are how strong you can pull back the arrow and shoot , aka effectiveness. The deeper the brainwave, the more effective.
According to Dale Power, Theta is more than enough for basic/more human psychic things, and epsilon should only be used by advanced psychics who want to do some hollywood movie level things.
In other words forget about epsilon and focus on theta LOL.