Meme Thread

Also, every single joke should make at least one person laugh or smile, and usually people here are higher vibes or higher energy than usual, thus a higher reward, so imagine posting funny stuff very often…
A few more points added, it all adds up lol.

Other people: toiling to get good karma,
Soulstar: here, another like and a new meme lol

Soulstar: work smarter, not harder (also, I hate working in general lol)

Edit: can’t add a new post, due to the 3 posts rule…


One last joke, and I take a LONG break lol:

Other people: I read stuff, and then I like the post, maybe

Soulstar: I give like, then I read the post, maybe


Either bait or she cheated on him


I dunno. Every time something gets a major public resurgence, the true crazies come out to play. Everything from the die-hard, nobody actually asked you to be this devoted, Zealots to the “Oh, I’m going to make this my entire personality”.

Astrology got a big pick-me-up off of Human Design and various off-shoots becoming more mainstream. Where it’s probably a bait is the guy not admitting to himself (of course, providing the story is real) that she aborted the baby because of SOOO many reasons - she justified it with astrology.

Which might’ve been the point you were making… :thinking: screw it, Ima hit reply anyway.

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That was an odd movie I remember

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eh, it fits in rather well with the rest of the series. The issue, if I’m remembering this right, is Hypercube was movie 2 or 3 but got vastly more popularity than the other movies in the ‘cult classic’ scene. So you ended up with people being exposed to, admittedly few, some concepts that were meant to be discovered in sequence.

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Though the sex room was just, no. Stahp.

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You can blast a field at a person even as a weapon


:speaking_head: Defense :shield:


The Statue of Dinerty :laughing:


Whatever the true explanation is, the dude is clearly very bad at women picking. He is also clearly a delusional mega-simp because he is just “upset” and nothing more lol, a total pushover who seems to simply accepting his fate and just venting on reddit. Their relationship is clearly that of two souls who lie to themselves and to each other 24/7. Heavy karmic stuff… :nauseated_face: :confounded: :persevere: :woozy_face: :face_vomiting:


Yeah, tired of seeing guys race to the bottom with requirements for a partner and not wake up until they’re about to have a child. The whole damn West is full of “wait, but big event is about to happen/is happening/has happened, why haven’t you changed into what I had always hoped you would be yet?”

Bro, if she says my body, my choice, with any sort of conviction, she’s gonna mean it to the grave, regardless of you. No, love will not be enough. No, love will not fix it. If you want to have an equal say in whether or not a potential child is born, she needs to have that viewpoint BEFORE she met you.

TL;DR - quit trying to date/marry people you hope will change down the line. If their viewpoints are detrimental to yours now, they will always be so unless their viewpoints change ON THEIR OWN.

P.S. All bro’s, guys, and “you’s” are the general reference rather than a specific one. It’s how I talk, it’s how I type. So imagine me arguing with the air, but “bro” is “Everyman Bro Guy Dude Man”, not “you”. (I always say “not you, you, general you” irl)


Yes, this is one of the biggest lies people tell to themselves.

Especially people who do a lot of self-development, they assume that others are also heavily working on themselves and will sooner or later change for the better, but that is just a projection and wishfull thinking.

Just because we change and make progress on steroids, doesn’t mean that others do.
Most are still NPCs and will remain NPCs regardless of some “humanity is waking up” new age fairy tales.

Also never date crazy astro chicks. They are fully externalizing their responsibility for life to external factors. Never date someone in victim mode.




I was watching a youtube video about video games and I got the phone closer to my body :joy:.

Immediately I asked myself “what am I doing”, and I realized that it’s not a field.


You’ll be like grizzled CS 1.6 (Counterstrike 1.6) veterans walking around going “this would make a good map”.

“Man, I just had a mind-blowing experience… bet it’d make a good field.”

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When I was a teen, I was obsessed with Gta Vice City and I would watch documentaries about Miami or anything related to Mafia, Also I used to Watch 80s movies, just because it would trigger my inner gamer/nerd. :joy: (for the 80s feel/vibes - I LOVED Scarface and I Loved the Scarface Game too)

It was because I was immersed in the game (mentally speaking) almost 24h.

Also, I would ask myself what if my city would be in a video game…

Good times lol.

Also, I loved CS 1.6 as well.

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This. So much this. Really hard with some vegan-friendly diets (I’m looking at you TCM Water Yang/Water Yin), but still.