In Spain, the holidays are on still. They will be over tomorrow. Tonight three wise men leave gifts to all the children in the world (yes). And tomorrow holidays are over (this is done on purpose, I could only play with my toys one day before going back to school, and being bored all christmas xD).
So, 2024 years ago today…a baby boy was born that would become the saviour of the world in a humble stable (or barnyarn).
Three wise men brought gifts to the precious child that would give him the energy necessary to carry out his mission
I encourage everyone to write a letter to them (before it is too late) asking for the gifts and blessings you want this year
It is an ancient powerful egregore and that’s how you leverage it.
And to give some gifts to the children of their family, give some offerings (cookies and milk are the choice…good to have something to throw up when you come back from partying xD) or do something nice for someone
Share in the spirit of joy of magic
Although it is mostly over, here is a video/live (still not over xD) of the main parade we have in our country (every village and city has it’s own).
I’m sure our friends from around the world also have their parades so feel free to share. I’d like to see them
And for my americans I have the best gift. Every year, some highschool or college band plays in the parade right at the end. So stay tuned till the end ;)
Totally not a revenge about something xD
So, may you all receive many gifts if you’ve been good all year or some sweet coal if you were bad
Or have some fun tonight
Felices Reyes Magos