Premium (Album)

Premium (Album)

Mitoquinone mesylate

(MitoQ) is a synthetic analogue of coenzyme Q10 which has antioxidant effects. It was first developed in New Zealand in the late 1990s. It has significantly improved bioavailability and improved mitochondrial penetration compared to coenzyme Q10, and has shown potential in a number of medical indications, being widely sold as a dietary supplement.

A 2014 review found insufficient evidence for the use of mitoquinone mesylate in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. (wikipedia)

The Soleus Workout

Rev-ErbA targeted to all those areas along with micro contractions and mechanical stress, dilated blood vessels to soleus.

Based on research from Marc Hamilton, University of Houston.

A soleus workout, new research has shown, can effectively elevate muscle metabolism for hours, even while sitting.

Published in the journal iScience, Hamilton’s research suggests the soleus ability to sustain an elevated oxidative metabolism to improve the regulation of blood glucose is more effective than any popular methods currently touted as a solution including exercise, weight loss and intermittent fasting. Oxidative metabolism is the process by which oxygen is used to burn metabolites like blood glucose or fats, but it depends, in part, on the immediate energy needs of the muscle when it’s working.

“We never dreamed that this muscle has this type of capacity. It’s been inside our bodies all along, but no one ever investigated how to use it to optimize our health, until now,” said Hamilton. “When activated correctly, the soleus muscle can raise local oxidative metabolism to high levels for hours, not just minutes, and does so by using a different fuel mixture.”

The Saviour of the world

(Red Oil of Antimony)

Antimony was called the Saviour of the World by Basil Valentine in the 16th Century, hailed as a curative for many chronic conditions and cancers.

16 century alchemists hailed it as a universal medicine.

This is energetic recreation along with all the effects.


thank you !!!

so long i waited for Q Enzyme…

the whole album is a self cure for all as i read

wonderful new Year gift dear @Captain_Nemo !!! thanksss


Wow, this must be one of my favorite albums of all time !!!:rocket::+1:


:pray: love this
Wow! This melody is really good


@GoddessAndGodOfAll I think it is obvious what we will be testing firstly :muscle:


Thanks @Captain_Nemo

Happy New year :slight_smile:


Music hits nice :D


Some of the potential benefits of MitoQ that have been suggested by manufacturers and marketers include:

  • Antioxidant effects: MitoQ is thought to have antioxidant properties, which may help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Cardiovascular health: MitoQ is claimed to support cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Energy production: MitoQ is said to support energy production in the mitochondria, which may help to improve physical performance and reduce fatigue.
  • Brain health: MitoQ is claimed to support brain health by improving cognitive function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. (ChatGPT)

Music hits strong :clinking_glasses:

Some general info about oxidative metabolism

Local oxidative metabolism refers to the production of energy through oxidative metabolism in a specific location or tissue within the body. Oxidative metabolism is the process by which cells produce energy through the breakdown of molecules, such as sugars and fats, in the presence of oxygen. This process occurs in the mitochondria, which are the energy-producing structures found in cells.

During oxidative metabolism, chemical bonds in molecules are broken down, releasing energy that can be used by the cell. This process involves a series of chemical reactions that are collectively known as cellular respiration.

Local oxidative metabolism refers to the production of energy through oxidative metabolism in a specific tissue or organ, rather than at the whole-body level. For example, the muscles of the body may have a higher rate of local oxidative metabolism during exercise, as they require more energy to contract and perform work. Similarly, the brain may have a higher rate of local oxidative metabolism when it is actively engaged in tasks that require mental effort.

Overall, local oxidative metabolism is an important process that allows specific tissues or organs to meet their energy demands and support their functions. (ChatGPT)

uhh out of this world vibes.


The epic albums are back :star_struck:


only description is …amazing. goes everywhere. allowed myself two listens two loops each audio with a couple of hours distance.

adorable. over and out!


ps. this only pays for the whole subscription tier…of course am hungry for more buuuut…it does…


Thank you Captain!


Thank you for this Captain!!!


I am most excited about this one! I use Super Metabolism Boost often, and am gonna add this along…Seems like it goes well with Glycolysis one too?



Using the Soleus workout. Initial feeling was in my thighs, but started to feel the back of my lower leg in short order. Now, it’s just buzzy through entire leg, though if I pay attention, I can isolate the muscles under stress. Very convincing field.


Hopefully this will make my calves stop cramping all the time lol


So with the soleus field, one shouldnt use before sleep i take it?

1 Like

use the whole album when you wish.


I can only recommend everybody who wants any physical increase/benefit in any area to try to the mitoquinone mesylate.

I’ll come back with a more in depth-review, but so far I’m intrigued :muscle:


adding to the covid stack:microbe:


Helps with asthma

Helps with memory and alzheimers