Bodybuilding competition in 2 months

Idk, experiment.

Maybe after other exercises.

Good Luck.

Jojo, let’s see what you got.


Ngl bro, I don’t even have muscle roar, but my gym gains from manly man were kinda insane lol. I don’t think you should take my advice for it and buy it right away, (I think you should read the threads as much as possible.) but my gym gains were so quick and my abs came back after 1-2 months of not boxing, and they came out thicker than when I was in boxing shape with no dietary changes. I’ve been in the weight room ofc, but I’ve never had such quick results.

I can’t speak for muscle roar but the testosterone in manly man surely did help me a lot with shredding the small layers of fat that I had lol. I’d show my results but idk if people would complain about a shirtless pic so if you dm me I can show you if you’d like.

I don’t really play it much because I never need it but I played it after a workout when I didn’t have access to protein once. Somebody else can probably give better advice for a stack and stuff tho tbh, but I’m not that knowledgeable because I don’t use athletic or physique stacks.


There are no testosterone directly in Manly Man, either upstream manipulation of enzymes, factors, etc. or downstream AR activation. It’s in description. Levels will not bulge on a reading if there are objective factors for them to sit where they are, like low fat diet which is typical for bodybuilding contest prep.
Add Forbidden Body or classic Extreme Muscle Growth or HGH if you want stable effect.


K. You can go look at mine and other people’s results though from manly man. It has estrogen reduction which will help with having less body fat.


Again estradiol controls distribution of fat and water retention, far less how much is stored if at all. And I’m referring specifically to the stated testosterone effects that are literally not present in Manly Man at all in direct form, it’s not original Manliness.


Oh my bad, I guess I read the description wrong. Thank you. I guess I could’ve said “the sertoli and leydig cell therapy in the testicles, working at a cellular level to boost my testosterine and sperm production” helped me shred body fat. Instead of saying “the testosterone boost from manly man helped me lose the body fat.” Lol


Sorry, for confusion. My sole point is that it’s not testosterone, it’s level isn’t going to rise fast with just changes on cellular level and if there’s damage for example to cells on one hand or already perfect level on another - it will not change at all. Or if there’s not enough cholesterol to make hormones. Real bodybuilding cut is exactly situation where even healthiest folks crash all their hormones. And feeling of drive in Manly Man is a change in brain DHT conversion, not systemic, otherwise it would be unsafe for hair for example.

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I think these 2 particular fields could really help you cut fat:



Some other good fields that can try out:

There is also a field called Fat Burning Genetic Advantage that is available on Patreon. I’ve tried them all out, and it seems I get the best results from the first two fields I listed.

There’s also the Belly Burner only available to Premium Subscription Patreon users, which I personally have not tried yet:

As well as the Soleus Workout from the Premium Album (also only available on the $22 Patreon subscription tier, which I have not tried, but looks great):

I forgot to add this, which could really help your recovery and overall wellbeing while cutting, its also very cheap for what it does in my opinion. Highly recommended:


damn bro, I wish you good luck, make sure you’re taking care of your health as well.


go for

  1. indium (try it x 4/5 times)
  2. hgh field on youtube (x1-2 max)
  3. muscles hungry for fat (you can play it 4-5 times before and after)
  4. jing restoration/jing infusion to help with the caloric deficit.
  5. if you have it - pepper audio (paid)

Goodluck and god bless :D


Wow thank you guys for the help, so I will be purchasing manly man, as it’s supposed to help you gain muscle and lose fat also, so the following audios will be using in bodybuilding prep: manly man, muscle roar, Thermogenic weight loss, genetic fat burn, ucp, enhanced fat metabolism, thigh fat burner, premium belly burner, indium, jing, muscles hungry for fat, quick and easy muscle cheat;


No point of using if I have manly man right? , also how much can I use use manly man for, it says 3 times but I want to use more as I’m in prep so I probably need a lot more

Thank you, I will try as best to my ability but being that low of a bodyfat isn’t healthy I feel like but it’s only temporary so that’s good


So someone couldn’t experience the testosterone effects with 2 months of manly man? Lol that doesn’t sound right tbh.

But either way I don’t see how this conversation matters nor why it needed to begin in the first place.

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Nice bro, manly man will help a lot as it did for me. You should see yourself making gains quickly.

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Some people choose to use it more than 3x

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They are going to test me , will I pass the drug test with all these elevated hormones ?

Thank you for your help

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Most of it bypasses the hormones by directly activating the receptors with no hormonal changes just straight results.

The testicle part will boost your T to a healthy level.

The DHT enzymes and aromatise inhibitors are the only possible concerns. The increase in DHT should be permanent. The estrogen part should be undetectable after 1-2 weeks max (broad estimate).

So it might show slightly elevated DHT (which will be a natural production) and everything else within range.

You should be alright

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I think ur good bro :slight_smile:

Also if you get a chance… order:

Pine pollen powder ;) take it before ur workouts 2.5grams - 5

Thank me later :muscle:

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How is everything going bro? Hopefully you’re happy with your results!

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